Chapter 13

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Where the hell is my dress" I whisper under my breath as I search for my dress which I always wanted to wear in case if I go out with him and now that my dream came true I can't find my dress
After digging my closet I finally found it
It's a one piece actually of black colour with a thin sleeves on both the side and a knot that is tied below my chest and a triangular shape that shows my stomach below it the material fits my curves perfectly the dress cuts on my mid thigh but big enough to not make me embarrass. I straightened my long brown hair and put on my make up and gloss I choose a natural look and I'm wearing white high snickers the whole outfit looks cute and hot at the same moment. Heels are really not my type too.
"Anaya Bryan is here!" I here Amelia shouting from downstairs
I look at myself in the mirror again just to make sure I look fine I mean what have this guy done to me I'm nervous to go in front of him like I've only been on one date but I didn't feel like this it was normal and now my whole body is cold and I could feel butterflies in my stomach I quickly move down and see Bryan standing there looking so handsome in white shirt sleeves rolled up and the shirt fits perfectly in his strong arms and chest with blue jeans. Okay we both are staring at eachother it doesn't makes me the only one who is lusting over on her date
He is looking at my bare thighs and now his eyes look at mine
"Hey, you look beautiful"
"You look hot" I say after a pause
"Shall we" He raises his hand and I quickly place my hand in his. My hand is smaller than his but it still fits perfectly like it was always made for him.
"Bye girls" I say to Isabella and Amelia who are looking at us more like adoring us
As I sit in his car I could still feel butterflies in my stomach even when I look at him I could feel them but I just can't stop looking at him. I sometimes want to stare at him until my eyes hurt.
He moves to buckle my seatbelt feeling him so near makes my heartbeat so loud I bet he can hear me I mean I've been closer to him a lot from two days but this guy still manages to make my heart pound just by his closeness.
"Here you go" he says after buckling up my seat
"So you are going to eat Indian food aren't you?" I ask him as he drive
"Yes I am"
"How are you suddenly an Indian food lover"
"I am kinda attracted to everything that comes with you, and not to forget it tastes really good"
"Great" I say in excitement not for the restaurant but about what he said
We pull out in front of a beautiful restaurant "Taste of India"
"Thank you for bringing me here" I say Bryan as we sit on our reserved table
"Thank you for coming out with me" he says winking at me
"Good evening sir and Ma'am, can I take your order" a waiter comes to take our order
I already knew what I wanted to eat
"What do you want to eat?" Bryan asks me
"I would like to have chole bhature and lassi"
"And you?"
"What is cho..." he tries to pronounce it but I laugh
"It's chole bhature It's Punjabis speciality "
"What about you sir"
"Daal rice " He says in his accent I look at him shockingly did he just say that
"With a papad and one more lassi" I say adding to it
"Okayy it will be served to you in few minutes" the waiter leaves
"What did you just say?"
"Don't look at me so surprisingly I've been trying to learn how to speak that"
"Yes because I love that dish"
"I bet you do, that dish does have an influence on you" I say
"Not just your dish even you have an influence on me" he says holding my hand and kissing the top of it
"I don't know what to say" I say blushing at him
"So the girl who keep saying savage things to Olivia, is now speechless"
"Yes because you make me speechless,you do so many things to me I can't even explain" I say as I look into his brown golden eyes
As our food arrived I can't tell you how much those chole bhature means to me and how good the first bite tasted.
"Whatever this is it really does taste good" Bryan says as he sips his lassi
"That is lassi and this is papad,now take a bite of rice and dal and eat this along with it" as I make him eat it as I tell him his smile gets bigger as he chew his food
"I love it, we should come here often"
"If you want to come here and pay to eat that no need I can make that for you at home"
"You can?"
"Yes!" I say confidently
"Do you wanna taste this" I dip bhatura into the gravy and put it into his mouth it's not that spicy
"'s little spicy" he says as he drinks whole glass of water
"I'm sorry you enjoy yours I'll enjoy mine"
Rest of the dinner we talked about his dad and I can tell he was sad so I told him about my childhood and how mom use to beat me when I use to argue with her I haven't laughed and enjoyed this much with anyone
After we left the restaurant he bought me an ice cream and right now I'm enjoying my ice cream in the car with a beautiful view on both my sides
As we pull out in front of my house I realise that my date has ended I didn't wanted it to end
Bryan opens the door and I step out of the car
"Thanks for the dinner and ice cream" I say taking the last bite of my ice cream
"Your welcome"
Before I could say something his lips are pressed against mine hands are wrapped on my waist
I put my hands in his soft hair and take it every bit of the second to enjoy how good it feels
"Get a fucking room" I hear someone shout
I turn to see Isabella and Amelia on the windows
We both laugh in embarrassment
He pulls me into a hug and looks at my face for a second " I really had a great time" he says brushing my hair back from my face and tucking them behind my ear he does that often
"Me too"
"I love you Anaya" he says suddenly
And I just wonder how good my name sounds when he says it
"I love you too" I say obviously I know I'm in love with him I have been since the moment I saw him
"Why wouldn't I? You make me go crazy, breathless, and most of it you make my heart beat so loud that now it's been a normal thing to me" I say
"I'm in love with you in every specific way" he says
As I reach my doorstep I look at Bryan
"So I'll see you tomorrow than" I say putting my hands over his shoulder
"Why can't I sleep with you" he wraps his arms around me
"Because I think you should go home today"
"Okay I love you"
"I love you too lover boy" he kisses me again and make his way to the car I wave at him
How strangely this words hit you in a totally different way when it is spoke by someone special who means everything to you.

"Tell us everything now" Isabella said as soon as I opened the door
"Well he just proposed me" I said blushing so hard that my cheeks might explode
"Oh my god and tell me you said yes" Amelia said
"Yes I did" they both jump on to me and hug me so tight that I couldn't breathe for a second
"Oh my god we all have boyfriends" I say looking at them
"Yes we do" they both say at the same time

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