Chapter 14

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"What am I suppose to buy for him I have no idea what he likes?" Isabella says
As we are searching for a perfect gift for Jake it's been 2 hours and we have visited almost 8 gift shops but still she is not sure what to give him
"I bet whatever you'll get he will love it" I say still looking for something
And suddenly someone hugs me from back and I was about to push him away
He says "hey it's me Bryan"
"You scared me" I say
"I'm sorry, love " he says hugging me again and puts his face on my shoulder and gently kissing it
"What are you doing here" I ask
"I am here with my mom she wanted some things from the grocery store and I saw you getting in this shop"
"You are with your mom?" I say as I turn back to see him
"Yes! Do you wanna meet her" he ask
"What no I'm really bad at this and what if she doesn't like me" I say getting all nervous
"It's hard not to like you" he says kissing me softly
Fuck I missed him so much this morning on my bed I can still smell his perfume in my bed sheet but I just wanted to wake up next to him as he sleeps wrapping his arms around me
"You can't leave your girlfriend even for a second huh!"
I hear Amelia speak
We quickly get away but his hands are still wrapped around me
"Yes I can't I need her all the time" he says winking at her
"By the way can I take her from you guys for a minute"
"No I'm not going" I say throwing my hands in the air
"You are let's go" he says slightly pushing me outside the door "she'll be right back girls, and btw jake loves shoes" he says them as we move out of the shop
As I step out I see Bryan's car parked outside a supermarket and women with brown hair in red dress standing next to her
We move towards the car
"Bryan where were you?" She says looking at him and than me carefully
"Mom I would like you to someone" he says looking at me
And now standing closer to her I could see she have exactly same eyes like Bryan and her hair is short she looks beautiful
"Hello it's nice to finally meet you Mrs miller I am Anaya Kaur" I say lifting my hand for a shake
"Hello So you are the girl he talks about" she says shaking my head
"Yes she is the one" Bryan says
"I should say you are more prettier than I imagined"
"Not more than you I mean you are very beautiful"
"No I'm turning old now" she says motioning her hand in the hair with a small laugh
"Would you like to come over for dinner?"
"That would be amazing thank you"
"So day after tomorrow is it okay" she ask
"Day after Tomorrow is Bryan's football match"I say
"After the match we can straightaway go to home" Bryan says
"Okay great, thank you for inviting me" I say
"Don't thank me it's just first time he has introduced me to a girl, I used to think he is gay" she laughs
"Mom would you stop" Bryan says embarrassingly
"So shall we leave Bryan?"
"Yes mom you go sit in the car I'll be right back" he says
"It's nice to meet you"
"You too Mrs miller" I say smiling at her she gets back into the car
"You have your mothers eyes" I say looking at Bryan
"Is it?" I nod in response he kisses the top of my nose
"I'll see you at the party then" he says
"Yes" I say
He keeps looking at me for sometime
"Now will you go she's waiting for you in the car" I say laughing at him
"I love you" He says kissing me
"I love you too" I whisper on his soft lips
"Bye don't miss me too much" he says as he opens the door
"I'll try" I say laughing at him
I see Amelia and Isabella coming towards me
"I'm sorry let's go find your gift" I say
"Okay let's go" Isabella says
After finding the perfect pair of shoes we finally get back to home

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