Chapter 9

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The next day I didn't really feel like going to college so I decided I'll stay at home I told Isabella and Amelia that I don't feel well I'll just take some rest. They were the best thing happened to me here. I was really happy about Amelia and John they both were kind of seeing each other well she didn't exactly told me but they went on a date and in college most of the time John and Amelia spent time together it's just been two days since that night but they both seem like they knew each other from a long time. I slept for whole day in the evening I went down to eat something I see Isabella all dressed up she looked gorgeous in a purple one piece
"Where is this beauty going, to snatch someone's heart"
"Well we are going on double date" I heard Amelia said coming out from her room
"Woah that's really nice you are going with john, so who is Isabella going with?"
"It's Jake" Isabella said
"John and jake are friends and we both are friends so they thought we should go out someday"
"That's amazing, Finally " I say hugging both of them
"And you both look amazing"
"You are not upset we didn't told you this or you'll be alone at home"
"No why would I be upset I'm happy for you two, don't worry about me I'll manage tonight but you guys have to enjoy your date" I say them
"Okay then we'll leave" they say and move towards the door
"Okay bye I love you" I say standing at the door
It was 10'o clock I was just sitting on sofa and watching tv I thought of having something but I wasn't really hungry so I went back to my room to sleep
I was just lying there staring at the ceilings I heard someone shout my name from outside the house people barely know me in my neighbourhood and definitely Isabella voice is not masculine is that a thief but why would he scream my name if he wants to rob me
I look out from my window and I see Bryan standing in between my garden at 11 in the night why on earth is he shouting my name and what is he doing outside my house.
I went down to open the door he is now right in front of me standing there looking at me like he hasn't seen me for ages
"What are you doing here Olivia doesn't stay here?"
"I came to see you you didn't came to college so I just came to check on you"
"Get in" I say and start walking towards the living room
"Let me ask you this time are you okay?"
I sat at the sofa facing at him because he really didn't looked fine I mean those shiny eyes weren't shining right now something was bothering him the way he kept tapping his fingers
"Are we cool?" He asked
"We are same like before, nothing changed"
"Okay" he stood
"You are leaving" I ask
"Yeah" he says in a low voice
"You can stay for dinner" I say I don't know why, I was the one who was running away from him and now I'm finding reasons to spend time with him
"I can?" He ask
"Yeah I can cook something for you if you want me to"
"What did you make for dinner".
"I made rice and dal" I say
He looks at me confusingly "it's an Indian dish white rice and a yellow curry"
"Can I try it?"
"Yeah sure"
We sit on a table across each other I serve him dal rice with some raita he starts eating it with first spoon I thought he'll ask me to make some sandwiches but I guess he liked dal rice he kept on eating it.
"This is really yummy I haven't tasted something this good in my whole life"
"I'm glad you liked it" I say frowning at him
I picked the dishes and put them in the dishwasher
"Isabella and Amelia are on a date with jake and John right?"
"Yeah they are" after a minute of silence
"I just saw my dad with another woman" he said suddenly
I look at him he was just staring the floor I went closer to him
"Do you wanna talk about it" I say
We sat on the Sofa facing each other
"As I went home my parents were fighting over something and my dad left the house I went behind his car to make sure he is okay and then he called someone and I saw woman coming towards him and then they kissed each other"
"I'm sorry about that" I took his face in my hand
"Hey it's going to be alright people do get distracted sometimes it happens but that distraction doesn't last long" I said moving closer to him
I touched his hand and he looked at me with those sad eyes and just in that moment he leans towards me and I didn't resisted him I wanted him more than anything just his closeness was enough to make me feel breathless I leaned in too I could feel his hot breath and his smell and now his lips touched mine he kissed me slowly taking in every bit of skin his tongue slipped into my mouth massaging mine I moved over him he hold my face in the way that he would never let it go I sat on his lap with my legs open he kissed me recklessly like he wanted this just like I did my body yielding at him soaking up his hear. He strokes my hair away from face and tuck it behind my ear I never knew how good it felt to be with someone you love even tho you are angry at them and that anger just melts away with just a touch.
I was gasping for air because We were kissing each other like there's no tomorrow. I parted my lips away from his this time I stroke his face and take in his every feature how handsome he looks when his black hair falls on his beautiful face and eyes every inch of his face structure is perfect as it can be. I don't love him because his just too handsome and how devastatingly killing his looks are it's just the way he looks at me talks to me just even small movement, effort, touch, swoops me off my feet makes my heart turn into a metronome just by his little touch my whole body sets on fire my skin aches for it more my lips turn sensitive.
"Why were you ignoring me?" He asked looking at me closely
"What was I suppose to do?" I say getting up from his lap I start moving towards my bedroom I just didn't wanted to talk about my feelings to him at least not now he follows me to my room
I turn back to see him standing on the door
"You don't have to act like you don't care about what happened that night"
"Which night are you talking about the night we sat on the beach had a walk under those stars and when you clicked my pictures or that night when you kissed Olivia when she said you are her man" I ranted out on him
"Why are you even here?" I say moving towards him
"Because I can't stop thinking about you" he says stepping forward and when his hands cup my face I swear I could feel my heart beat so loud my ears could hear my heartbeat.
I can't even imagine my crush saying that he can't stop thinking about me.
"Since the day I saw you you've always been on my mind it's hard to notice you when you are around and you know what's more harder to resist myself to be with you"
"I really don't think we should talk about this you kissed Olivia you are with her"
"No I'm not who the hell said that and she was the one to kiss me I wasn't and you don't even know what happened when you left"
"I told her I don't even like her"
"All I want is you" he says looking deep into my eyes trying to see my love for him
"The moment I saw you, I wanted you too" I said kissing him again. This time he kisses me more passionately picked me up quickly i wrap my legs around his waist he pushes me to that wall stroking my thigh with one hand and holding my hand onto the wall with other. I just walked myself into the trouble but love comes with pleasure and troubles to everyone.
As we lay in my bed my back on his hard chest his hand wrapped around my belly my head on his shoulder
"What are you going to tell your mom?" I ask him
"I really don't know" he holds me tighter this time
"That day when you asked what were you saying about Indians that on ground and I said I don't remember"
I turn to face him I placed my head on his strong arms and look at him staring at me "beautiful" he says brushing his fingers on my cheeks and they turned red with a touch of his fingers
"I didn't knew Indians were so beautiful" he said completing the sentence and placing a small kiss on my forehead.
"And yes I think your body is sexy, actually you are the most sexiest guy I've ever seen after Hrithik Roshan and Chris Evans, nick Bateman.." before I could say some more names to just annoy him he kisses me and my mouth is exploded by his taste again.

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