Chapter 20

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What the hell what is this a hallucination or what? Why am I seeing Rehaan walking in hallway of my college
Now I'm too late to run away he has already seen me and wow now he is coming towards me and I can see girls eyeing him as he walks in with a beige colour loose T-shirt and black pants with same biker boots
"Why am I seeing that hottie am I so obsessed with him?" I hear Amelia as she stands looking at Rehaan with eyes wide open
"Everyone is seeing him"
"What are you doing here?"he says
"What are you now mind reader? I was about to ask the same question" he laughs at my reply
"We are here for a project what about you"
"I'm here for my Degree"
He thinks for a second I guess he didn't understand what I said but after a second he did
"Oh you study here"
Before I could say something someone hugs me from behind and I know it's Bryan
"Yes she does" Bryan says
Rehaan looks at him and then me for few seconds
"Bryan meet my friend Rehaan and Rehaan this is my boyfriend Bryan"
Bryan brings his hand out and so does Rehaan
"Nice to meet you" Bryan says
"Nice to meet you too"
Why do I sense trouble here?
"I'll see you later then" Rehaan says looking at me
"You are leaving?"
"I'm hungry I'll go eat something"
"Why don't you join us?" Amelia says jumping between us
"No that's okay you guys carry on"
"Oh Come on we aren't that bad company" she says slapping on my shoulder
"Oh yes why don't you join us?"
"Is that okay?" He says looking over at Bryan who hasn't moved a bit now I slap him on his hand but making sure Rehaan doesn't see it
"Yes definitely" Bryan says immediately
We all move to cafeteria as we sit at the table I see Olivia staring at Rehaan as he sits beside me I'm again caught between two guys I so hate this situation but what else I can do Bryan is my boyfriend and Rehaan is my friend and no one knows him so atleast I can sit with him
"I didn't quite catch your name" Olivia says looking at Rehaan with her cute mode on
"It's because he didn't said his name yet" I say to her Amelia laughs silently
"Anyways this is Rehaan and Rehaan this is everyone"
Everyone introduced themselves to him even Olivia who is kind of trying to have a conversation while Steve is sitting right next to her
"So you are here for a project?"
"Oh yes I'm a media student we have got a project and I got this college"
"That's really nice" Olivia says in a sweet voice
"How do you know Anaya?" Steve asked
"They are from same college" Amelia replied as we continue to eat our food
"I see you have made lots of friends" "Yes I have"
"Well you weren't really into making friends if I'm not wrong"
"I didn't knew you remembered me after all this time"
"Trust me it's not easy to forget you Kaur" he says looking into my eyes
I don't know what to say or what did he meant was he trying to forget me? Or it was just a stupid line
"What do you mean"
"You are still the same you don't get things still" he says smiling at me I look at him confusingly
He is just messing with me he continues to eat his fries
"Don't steal my fries" I say slapping at Bryan's hand as he tries to steal my fries while I was talking to Rehaan
"Ouch..what about you?"
"What about me?"
"Well you stole my heart and I didn't said anything"
"You did and it was I love you" I say kissing on his face damn he is really very sweet it's hard to not adore him and mostly fall in love deeper every second
"That was the best thing I ever did"
"Opening my locker was the best thing you ever did that was the moment I saw you and fell in love"
"Okay couple but please not here" jake says clapping in front of our faces we continue to eat our meals as the boys talk about the game Rehaan was always in football team so it's easy for him get involved and they actually seem to enjoy his company but Bryan is quite reserved
"Well I'm done and I'm running late so I think I should leave" Rehaan says as he gets up from his seat
"Come on stay for a while" Isabella says
"I'm really getting late or else I would've stayed it's fun to meet you guys"
"See you again Rehaan" Amelia says
"It was nice meeting you" Olivia says shaking her hand with him
"I'll be right back" I say to Bryan
"Where are you going?"
"I'll walk Rehaan to his car" he nods his head
"That's alright you stay here"
"It's okay, not everyday you get a walk with Rehaan" I say joking to him
We move out of the cafeteria as we walk into the hallways " So you feel same no matter anywhere you go"
He looks at me with a confused expression " I feel like what?" He ask
"I meant back then girls stopped and stared at you and even now, Look" I say waving my hand towards the girls who are staring at him
"Even you stopped and stared at me back then" he by curling his lips into small smirk
"Wow didn't knew you looked at me too"
"Well I guess you never noticed" he says as we stand in the middle of a campus facing each other
"It was quite hard to look at you in the crowd of girls"
"It was easy for me to spot you" he says
"It's because I was never surrounded by boys" I say folding my hands on my chest
"Because you always pushed them away"
"I guess you never knew the reason why I did that"
"Tell me, why you never got into a relationship with anyone?"
"Doesn't matter now, anyways I am in a relationship now"
"I can see that, I just wonder what stopped you before from coming in one" he says facing me looking deep into my eyes trying to find truth
"Maybe no one liked me"
"A lot of guys did you never gave them chance, why?"
"Coming in a relationship wasn't their first intention" I remember guys asking me for hookups well it was common but not for me it was predicament for me
"You mean hookups"
"Yes that's what they call" I say moving forward he holds my hand which makes me look behind I see him with a poignant expression on his face
"I didn't knew"
"That was a past, where's your car?"
"It's parked outside the college"
"Okay let's go then"
"It's okay you can get back"
"Are you sure?"
"Okay then text me when you reach, Bye"
"Listen" he says stopping me as I was getting back to cafeteria
"Yeah?" He looks at me for few seconds it's like the scene of Aashiqui 2 where the actor stops the actress by saying listen and when she turns back to look at him he just looks at her for few seconds just the way Rehaan is looking at me and then the actress says yeah! Like I did well I know how to go on with Bollywood lines but Rehaan doesn't say nothing Nothing just like this!
He says "I'm happy for you, just remember I'm here for you?" I never thought I would hear these words from him
"Why would you say that?"
"You are here away from family, so if you need or wanna talk about anything just remember I'm here"
"I'm here for you too" I say smiling at him

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