Chapter 6

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Tonight we three of us were going to see football match Isabella and Amelia were very excited about it
I didn't knew anything about the American football but the only thing I knew was Bryan that he'll be there on the field looking all hot and tempting.
"You are not yet ready" Isabella said
I look at Isabella and Amelia all dressed up
Isabella is wearing a cute frock and Amelia is wearing shorts which are very short and a cute tank top they both look amazing
"I'll be ready in 5 minutes it's just I don't know what should I wear, what do people where here if they want to go watch a football match" I asked them
"Don't forget after the game we are going to Steve's house for the after party, so where something according to it"
"Why don't you wear this" Amelia said picking up a magenta colour silk top which was almost back less and only had two strips on the shoulders just for support that it won't fall I don't know why I even buy it
"Really that's too much revealing" I said
"I don't know you are going to wear this, now get ready in 5 minutes otherwise we'll be late" Isabella said
"Okay" I said in a low voice.
I didn't wanted to go at all I'm not really a football person nor a party person
I choose to wear a denim black skirt with the top tucked in
I looked at myself in the mirror I looked hot but looking at my bare back I could hear moms word "don't do anything stupid" so I decided to put on a leather jacket and I straightened my hair
It took almost half n hour I could hear Isabella and Amelia shouting from downstairs
I ran down immediately
"Damn girl you look hot please don't tell me you are wearing that jacket" Isabella said
"As you can see I am, now let's go we are getting late and I'm driving"
I drove us to the ground the stadium was filled with lots of people I guess everyone here loves football leaving me I mean I am a cricket fan and can only scream Mahi! Mahi! in stadium. Football is not really my thing.
I spotted Steve at the ground I waved at him and gave him a thumbs up
He waved back. I was looking for Bryan, he was standing in between the whole team, I guess he was giving instructions to them and the whole team was dispersed after some minutes of discussion. He saw me and I gave him a thumbs up too. Than I saw that million dollar smile of his and after a minute the game begun
St. John was quite a tough team the game lasted for almost an hour I really didn't knew anything about the game but I could tell our team and St. John's team were at the same points thanks to the scoreboard. Both of the teams were at the same point and there was the last fifteen minutes of the match. Bryan took the ball and ran across the field he was chased by the whole team of St. John's but apparently he scored it and we won whole crowd cheered up it was a great win but all I did in the match was staring at Bryan imagining things and most of them staring at that fine ass.
Both the teams shook hands and made their way out of the field every girl was screaming Bryan's name i saw Steve making way out of the crowd towards me
I went and hug him he did a pretty good job in the game "you were amazing" another lie
"You are coming for the after party right?
"Yeah we are" I said
"Great, I'll be right back" Steve said smiling at me
He went to change. We three came out of the stadium I was hungry so we thought we should have something so I took fries and Amelia and Isabella took burgers we were sitting in the car and having our food
"Tonight I'm gonna go talk to John"
We both looked at Amelia shockingly
"Is there anything in her burger like a confident pill that just raised her confidence bar" I said
Isabella started laughing hard
Amelia slapped me on my shoulder and said "I am confident okay, I'll show you tonight"
Isabella and I looked at each other I heard my phone ring
"Oh no problem we'll be there"
"yeah we have a car okay text me the address"

"Steve and everyone are going to the party and he asked if we wanted a lift but I told him we have a car we'll be there"
"So give me the keys I'll drive" I said
"No I'm driving" Amelia said
"I'm never going to let her eat burgers from here again" I said

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