Chapter 18

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"Will you please stop and let me eat" I say to Bryan as he is trying to braid my hair or you can say pulling my hair and making knots in them
"I won't I like your hair"
"Whatever you are making in my hair I presume it won't be untied" I say as I stuff fries in his mouth
"Look it's done" he says finally leaving my hair
"Bryan you should've seen a YouTube video before making that" I hear Steve says
"I did this is what she made"
"Are you sure you didn't watch it in low quality"
"What do you mean"
"It doesn't look like any kind of hairstyle" Olivia says
She doesn't talk to me much but she is still better than before we don't fight anymore and Steve does like her very much so i decided to get along with here without any arguments I don't wanna lose Steve he is a great friend of mine
"But it doesn't look bad on Anaya" Amelia said
"It's okay even if I look bad I won't untie it" I say placing a kiss on Bryan's nose after 1 hour and lots of my broken hair and he saw a girl with like this hairstyle he thought it would look good on me so he decided to learn it from YouTube
How can I untie it he looked so cute while he was tying my hair with all concentration
"Let me see" I open my phone camera I actually don't look bad he has parted my hair from between and tied one of the side in a long braid starting from the top and clipped it on the side it's actually cute rather than it isn't as neat as the video but I love it
"I love it" I say
"You do"
"Yes" I say smiling at him
"Let's take a picture then" he says taking my phone
"Okay" we pose for the picture he kisses me on cheeks, flaunts my hairstyle which he made after clicking 100 of selfies boomerangs he finally bring my phone down
"There's a message from Re..Haan" as he tries to pronounce his name and stares at my phone
"Ohh he is my friend from India I met him last night in a club" I tell him
"You didn't tell me"
"Well it's just been an hour after lectures and you were busy making my hair and I was eating, and we just exchanged numbers and said hi nothing else Amelia and Isabella was there too"
"Oh okay I get it"
"I was going to tell you, I swear"
"It's alright I trust you" he says
"But that guy was fucking hot" I heard Amelia said
This is not the right time to say how hot he was
"What?" John said looking at Amelia
"I'm just saying, I love you" she says assuring him
I look at Bryan who is looking at his phone and trying to ignore what Amelia said
I don't know how am I going to handle this.
"Are you still upset about it" I ask Bryan as I open the car door
"No I'm not" he says as he moves inside the car
I can tell something is wrong with him either he is mad at me or there is something else that is bothering him
"I know you are upset about something please tell me" I say as I wrap my arms around me, he slowly wraps his hands around me and quietly puts his head on my shoulder
"Something is bothering my dad I don't know he doesn't seem good"
"Why don't you ask him"
"I don't care about him all he has been doing is cheating on us"
"You do care about him, and it's okay after all he is your dad"
"He don't act like one he has never been to my matches or went out with us for family dinner he don't care about me so why should I?"
"Well you know the answer you can't just pretend or stop caring about someone who means a lot to you"
"He is no more visiting that woman, he stays at home now but he did cheated on my mom"
"Maybe that is the thing that is bothering him and now he is feeling guilty about it" I say as I lean out to face him
"But he did cheated on my mom"
"Albeit he has done mistakes, I know you would let go them after all you can't change your feelings towards someone even if they hurt you, because even you know you need them and you can't deny"
"So i should talk to him?" He says looking at me
"You should" I say smiling at him

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