Chapter 8

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The morning was quite normal but my head was afflicted but heart was more in pain seeing someone kissing your crush is hard to digest or that scene kept playing in my head on repeat without a stop button. But I need to get it out of mind and Bryan out of my heart
"Hey good morning" I said to Amelia
"Was I a trouble to you all?"
"Yeah a little bit" I laughed
"I'm sorry" Isabella says hugging both of us
The college was the only place where I could see him and that's what made me excited everyday about college but now I just don't feel like going and more upon that I didn't wanted to see him.
We walked towards the lockers and took our books and stuff for the lecture. I just kept hoping this day ends soon and he don't show up in any lectures.
My heart started pounding
"Hey" I heard Amelia say and I shut the locker door to see who is it and I saw John standing there looking at Amelia I sighed in relief. They both looked at me at the same time. I smiled at Amelia I was glad she got her man.
"Hey" John said
"Hey John"
"Amelia I guess we'll see you in class" I said smiling at her "or maybe not" I whispered in her ear
Today I choose to wear suit salwar coz after all its Janmashtami and I do fasting every year on this day because I love lord Krishna and im devoted towards him I praise him in the morning and wish him happy birthday and wish that I don't see Bryan today. Amelia and Isabella look at me with pleasing eyes and smile at me as I make my way towards them
"Is something special today?" They ask
"Yeah today is Krishna Janmashtami and I do fasting every year and need to wear dress" I replied
"Oh today is Indian festival" Amelia speaks
"Yeah it is"
"You look alluring" she says
"Thank you, shall we go now" I tell them coz I didn't really feel good today like I did every year this is my favourite day of year. But today I don't feel like that
Everyone was just looking at me like I don't belong with them but in a nice way. I feel like a Indian girl looks beautiful in her traditional clothes like suit salwar saree
I felt that too when everyone kept looking at me with a wow expression. This dress was gifted by my mom and she made this by herself. I'm wearing a plain black dress with golden lace on it which is sleeveless and with a red heavy dupatta and red patiala salwar. Indian culture has a different effect on other people, and I could see that.
As i sat in the class, this time I just wanted to be focused on my studies. If my grades are below than my mom is going to kill me or worse would call me back to India. I just wanted to enjoy a little freedom and live my dream
I saw Bryan entering the class he moved towards me and stood right in front of my bench. I didn't have to show that what happened last night has afflicted me so all I need to do is pretence.
"Hey" I smiled at Bryan
"You look beautiful" he said
"Thanks " I said not looking into his eyes because if I looked into those beautiful eyes I might melt right there.
"How are you?" He asked
"Mr miller would you please continue your conversation later" professor said in a calm voice
He sat behind me, why do he have to sit behind me I mean why don't he sit somewhere away so that I can concentrate and his perfume won't distract me.
He moves ahead from his seat and comes closer to me and whispers in my ear, I can smell his cologne and that makes me placate. I just close my eyes and breathe him in
"Do you wanna go out somewhere after college?"
How can he ask me this like what happened last night he kisses Olivia and now he is asking me to hangout with him is this guy out of his mind i turn to say him no we can't but as I look at him and our faces were few inches apart just by this my heart melts my tongue gets weak to say no all I say is "This is not really the right time to ask this" I tell him pointing my eyes towards the professor who was watching us. During the whole lecture he just kept moving in his seat.
As soon as the lecture ended I quickly got up from my seat and moved out of the class but I wasn't quicker than him. He hold my hand from behind I turned back to look at him and glared towards my hand he quickly left it
"So you will?"
"I will what?" Acting like I didn't knew what he is talking about
"Do you wanna go out with me?" He asked again with soft expressions on his face blinking his eyelids
I really didn't knew what to say my lips were dying to say yes. I waited for this moment but now I don't know what to say
"What the hell are you wearing" someone said in a laughing way
"This is called suit salwar if you don't know" I said
"Well I don't wanna know because there's no way I'm going to wear a dress like this"
"I can't even imagine you wearing this in my brain, you know my brain isn't strong enough to picture ugly things"
I said in a harsh voice
"I didn't knew you had brains"
"You just made me sure that you don't have one, you know brain not brains" I said
"You are going to pay for this" she said pointing her finger on my face
"I'm a helpful person I like to help people with mental issues, I don't mind doing that charity for you" I moved her finger away
"You are such a scum" she said
"I'm sure you repeat this everyday standing in front of a mirror don't you?" I said narrowing my eyes
She banged her heels on the floor and went I didn't wanted more drama in my life this was enough.
"So are we going"
"Sorry today is Janmashtami and I do fasting the whole day, so I can't eat anything" I said
"Okay no problem that is the reason you are all Indian today"
"Yes" I said
We stood there saying nothing " by the way don't mind Olivia she's kinda crazy" he says
"I know that" that scene plays again in my mind
"So I'll leave" I say
"Okayy bye"
Walking away from him felt like a little piece of me was there stuck with him that didn't wanted to go away even tho it knew this will again break my heart

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