Chapter 21

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Sunday is the best day of week this week was so astonishing but I need to go for a check up today I've got an appointment of 7'o clock
I call Bryan to ask him to come with me after third ring he picks up his call
"Hey Where are you?"
"I'm with mom is everything okay"
"Yes I just called to ask you if you are free in the evening"
"Today I'm going to visit my sister with mom and dad"
"Oh that's great"
"Why did you ask?"
"Oh nothing I just thought if we could spend some time together but we can do it later right now you should spend some time with your family and especially with your dad"
"Are you sure if there is something important, I can say no to them if you need me"
"Nothing important, just enjoy your evening with family"
"Okay Bye I love you call me whenever you want I'm just one call away"
"I know, I love you too"
I miss my family too it's been months I haven't seen them but just few weeks are left for vacations then I'll finally meet them
But right now I need to go to the hospital and it's little scary for me, I think I'll go visit tomorrow but I'm already late I was told to visit exactly after 3 days now it's been 4 days I should ask Amelia or Isabella they might agree to come with me
"Amelia!" I say as I move into her bedroom she is standing in front of her dresser
"Hey ssup?"
"Are you going somewhere?"
"Yes I need to go to see John I'm staying at his house tonight"
"Oh sleepover at John's huh?" I say in a teasing voice
"You needed something?"
"No where's Isabella she's my last hope"
"Your hope has gone to see her parents her dad isn't well she got a call last night so she took my car and left last night to see him"
"Oh my god is he fine now, did she reached safely"
"Yes, you were asleep so she didn't woke you up"
"I just hope he gets better"
"She was your last hope for what? Amelia asks me
"I needed to go the hospital for check up and I have kind of phobia from hospitals"
"Ohh Yes I know,I can come with you" she says closing the cupboard door
"No, no you should go see John I'll go by myself"
"Wait I have a solution for this don't worry, you won't have to go alone"
"And what is the solution?"
"At what time you need to go see doctor?"
"Your companion will be here before seven Don't worry" she says patting me on my face
"At what time you are leaving?"
"Just in few minutes!"
"Okay have a great night" I say as I chuckle
"I can sense great night for you too!" She says laughing at me
"I don't know what's in your mind but I'm gonna go back to my room bye!" I say as I move back to my room after an hour I hear here shout from downstairs
"I'm leaving take care"
"Go safely and text me as soon as you reach" I say loudly so that she can hear me downstairs
"Okay momma" she says as I hear door shut
For few hours I take a nap until six I wake up and get ready after an hour I hear the door bell ring I assume that's Steve I thought Amelia would've asked him for me because if I did Olivia wouldn't like that much
I move down to open the door
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm your companion for evening!" Rehaan says I stand there staring at him and cursing Amelia after few seconds when I didn't replied
"Can I come in?" He ask
"Oh yes please!" I step back and close the door behind him
"I assume you are astonished!" He says sitting on the sofa
"Yes I am I wasn't expecting you"
"Amelia called me that you need to go to hospital and you are kind of phobic so I'm here"
"Yes I am, but"
"What are you going to rebuff me now"
"So would you enlighten me about the whole hospital thing coz I'm sort of thinking that you are.." he takes a pause
"Pregnant! Is that the word you are looking for"
"Are you?"
"For god's sake no!" I say laughing at him
"I fainted few days back so Bryan took me to the hospital nothing serious just a fever so doctor told me to come for a check up after three days"
"Oh are you feeling better now?"
"Yeah I am"
"So shall we?"

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