Chapter 19

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"What should I do I'm so confused" I repeat to myself as I keep rolling at my bed with phone in my hand
"You should reply to him I mean just a normal hey"
"Okay just a Hey won't hurt" I say as i type hey to Rehaan and keep my phone back on the table and just hope when we'll meet I'll tell him about Bryan so that things stay clear between us but he is not into you so? But it's better to tell him and now I should complete my assignments after all Isabella didn't help me after taking me to the party (phone beeps) I pick it up to see two notifications one from Bryan and another from Rehaan
I read text from Bryan first "I talked to him"
"Is everything okay, do you wanna talk about it" I type him back
"Yes everything's fine, we'll talk about it tomorrow is it okay if I'll come to pick you up in the morning?"
"I'm glad, and Yes it would be amazing"
"I'll see you tomorrow then love you xoxo" even if he's not here I could hear those words in his voice and it makes my heart flatter
"I love you too" I type him back
What am I suppose to do with the text of Rehaan obviously he knows I'm online that would be rude if I didn't replied him back I open his text
"That was a quick reply"
"Sorry had a long day"
"That's fine, are you free tomorrow?"
"I have my college"
"Okay, no problem"
"Good night Kaur"
Well I didn't thought it would be such a short conversation

"I'm coming, just a minute" I scream on my phone as I gather my assignments and books
I see Bryan's car outside the house I quickly get in
"Do you want my neighbours to hate me" I say because he kept blowing horn for at least 10 minutes
"It's hard to hate you"
"Oh I guess you are trying" I say as he buckles up my seatbelt I could smell his cologne as his cheeks are inch away from my face
"Well I would rather try to love you more" he says smiling with that cute dimple on his cheek
"I'm glad things went well with your dad"
"Me too because trust me I have tried hating him"
"I know trying to hate someone you once loved is the hardest thing to do"
"Yes my writer so I guess when someday you'll break my heart I won't be able to hate you"
"I see you are looking forward to hate me and I will never break the heart which makes mine feel alive" I say looking into those dazzling eyes and this is truth he makes me feel alive in ways I didn't knew
My phone beeps again I forgot to put it on silent now the professor is glaring at me i quickly put it on silent mode but I see two texts from Rehaan as his name is popped on my lock screen I'll reply him after lectures
Luckily Bryan and I don't have similar this class together or else he would be getting mad about the text messages
As soon as the lecture ends I and Amelia move out of our seats
"Why is Bryan texting you in middle of lectures aren't they in lectures too?" She asks
"It wasn't Bryan it's Rehaan"
"That hottie we met in club"
"Will you stop saying him hot"
"Indeed he is" she says putting both of her hands on heart
"He is but bryan doesn't like that, so please"
"Okay but what is he texting"
"Just normal things"
"How do you guys know each other?"
"We went to same college he was my senior"
"Oh I see was he hot in his college days too" i look at her as she mentions the word hot
"Come on don't look at me like that Bryan isn't here"
"He was" I say as I reminisce the days back then how I use to watch him well he was my first ever crush he was very popular among girls and it was easy for him to make any girl fall for him
"Ugh...wish I would've met him few months before when I was single"
"He is not into relationships so feel lucky you didn't met him before or it would've been hard for you to forget him"
"I love John" she says putting her hands

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