Chapter 10

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In the morning when I woke up I find myself wrapped in the arms of Bryan I look at him shockingly, I trace his hard chest with my little hands down to the abs his body really is sexy I feel his hot skin on my fingers So I'm definitely not dreaming whatever happened last night was real I sit there all blushing he moves a little bit and search for me on the bed when he doesn't feel me beside him he opens his honey filled eyes and see's me sitting on the other side of the bed
"Hey morning" I say softly he reaches out to take my hand and pulls me back into his arms like I was before all pressed up against his chest
"Stay here, don't move" he says closing his eyes
"Get up we need to go college it's already 8" I say trying to get myself out his strong arms but he just holds me more tighter I slap his hand to loosen his hold
"Why i love your house and I like your bed why can't we just stay here"
"Great then have a good time with my bed and house" I say getting out of the bed
"By the way, last night I texted your mom with your phone that you are at your friends house, because she was calling you and she was worried so that's why I did it's alright "
"Thanks I totally forgot about that she must be worried"
He gets up from the bed and damn my eyes are again glued to his body last night I didn't see exactly the colour of his body and how perfectly sculpted it is his body is of golden brown colour it's actually tanned and the view in front of my eyes is breathtaking hot I mean damn I was pressed to this body.
"What? I know you find my body sexy" he says when he catches me gazing all over his body
"Well I didn't say that!"
"Yes you did last night you can't deny that love" he gives a quick peck on my lips
"Can I use the bathroom?"
"Yeah you can, I'll go make some breakfast" I say him and opens the door he stop be my wrist and turn me to him
"Last night I had the best sleep of my life" he said smiling at me
"Me too" I say I mean I can't deny that I have always slept with my sisters and they talk at night and Tara kicks me all the time I have never slept with someone who hold me all the night and I feel like those arms would never let go me even if I try to run from it I'll go right back into those warm arms that makes me feel alive and safe I was always unaware of it my whole life
What should I make I don't even know if he likes eggs or not I mean he is build up he might eat Eggs but here people don't eat eggs like we do in India with all oil masala and bread I guess I'll just stick to omelette bread and some Orange juice for him I'm okay with my butter bread and tea.
"Good morning"
"Hey good morning how was your date?" I ask Isabella
"It was amazing I'm telling you we both had fun"
"It's good to hear that, where is Amelia?" Wondering she is always awake till now but not today
"She is not at home" Isabella says
"Where is she then is everything okay?" I ask
"Yes mother everything is fine she is with John"
"Who is with John?" I heard Bryan's voice from the corner of our kitchen as he walk into the kitchen
"Oh my god!!!" I hear Isabella repeating those words with eyes glued on Bryan who is shirtless and mouth open because he is shirtless I mean this guy need to stop making girls stare
"Would you please put on your T-shirt" that is in his hand I say glaring at him
He quickly puts on his t shirt and sits on the chair near the counter of the kitchen right next to Isabella now they both are looking at me I mean Bryan is looking at me Isabella is still in shock.
"Who is with John?" He Ask again
"Amelia" I say moving towards Isabella and Slapping her arm
"Welcome back to reality" I say
"Oh my god my eggs!" I totally forgot about my eggs I quickly turn off the gas I'm glad they aren't burned
I quickly serve it on the plates and place it in front of both
"You guys were on a date right"
"Yes" she says in a low voice
"You were with Jake right?"
"Yes" she says again in a low voice
"What are you doing in our house in the morning"
"He is eating eggs" I say just to ignore her question and wish Bryan don't reply to her question
"Because I slept with Anaya" he says smirking at me
"Oh my god for the love of god, You slept with Bryan miller" she looks at me all shockingly
"We didn't do what you are thinking, we just slept and nothing else" I say in a shaking voice
"Like I believe you" she says in return
"Yeah we didn't had sex we just slept" Bryan says and I almost choke on my food as I hear the word sex
"I believe you" she says eyeing on him he does influence girls
"You okay?" Bryan ask me and hands me over a glass of water
"Yeah I'm fine thank you" I say gulping the water
After having rest of the breakfast silently Isabella gets up from her chair "I'm gonna go get dress and thanks for the breakfast" she says kissing me on cheeks
"Be fast" I say as we are already running late
"Thanks for the breakfast" Bryan says kissing me on the cheeks nose chin forehead almost every inch of my face
"Stop" I say as I giggle with every touch of his lips on my face
He holds my waist with both of his hands and pushes me up on the kitchen table now I'm looking right into his eyes and our height are now similar.
"You are a great cook"
"Thank you"
"So I ask you again, miss Anaya Kaur would you like to go out on a date with me tonight?"
"Why would I go out with you?"
"Because I know an Indian restaurant and a place which serves best ice cream in New York"
Oh my god this guy really knows how to impress a girl it's been months since I had Indian cooked by someone else I'm tired of eating food made by me
"You know me I see" I put both my hands on his shoulder and wrap it around his neck from behind
"Yes I would like to go out with you Mr Bryan miller" I say running my fingers in his black wet hair
He kisses me softly on my lips and I'm again in my dreamland I don't care if he just had eggs he still taste amazing
"So I'll go get ready, I'll see you in college"
"I can't drive you?"
"You want to wait for me?" I question him
"I've waited for you this long to be with you, why not?"he says wrapping his hands around my waist and pulling into him I place my palms on his chest I look up into his eyes he taller than me so I got up on my toes
"You waited for me huh?"
"Yes, from the moment I saw you in the parking lot I wasn't able to forget your beautiful face"
"I'll be quick I promise" I kiss him and run upstairs to take a bath

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