Chapter 17

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You seriously think I'm interested in going to a club right now" I say lifting my books I have lots of assignments to complete I have been spending my whole time with Bryan I didn't notice I haven't completed some of my assignments luckily he is supportive towards my grades he knows what my family is expecting and he does help me in studies actually he is a kind of nerd he is really good at studies because of him my grades aren't low and my parents are really happy about it
"Please come on a girls night" Isabella says
"It's been a long time we haven't spent time together I mean we are always surrounded by our boyfriends" she says making a puppy face
"Okay, but you guys have to help me complete this assignments"
I shouldn't have come here the whole club is filled with people and the dance floor is filled too
"Let's go dance" Isabella says looking towards the crowd who are dancing like there's no tomorrow
"Yes let's go"
Before I could say anything I was already swaying in between people well I have no idea which song is playing but who cares, dancing is actually what I don't hate at all my sisters and I use to dance everyday in the evening this kinda reminds me of them I miss them so much as we three dance like others as I said like there's no tomorrow it was actually fun
"I'm feeling thirsty I'm gonna go get myself some water do you girls need anything" I ask in a shaking voice
"No you go on" Isabella said as she continues to dance along the song
I move towards the bar counter
"Hey can I get a glass of water?" I ask
"Anaya?" I heard someone say
I look at my side I see a guy oh no not just a guy he is my fucking crush I mean was(past tense)
"Rehaan!" I say almost choking on my water
"Hey are you okay?" He says moving towards me
"I'm....good" I say carefully as I don't know what to do or say
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"You don't know?" " How am I suppose to know I haven't met you since you left college"
"And I came here to complete my mass media, remember"
Oh yes how can I forget I cried because he left India atleast when he was in college there was a hope to see him everyday but the day he left I cried because I won't be able to see him for the rest of my life because damn he was so hot I use to think he would marry any foreign girl where I don't even stand a chance. But he looks more hot now I didn't knew hot people can get hotter well obviously Ian Somerhalder still looks hot and not to forget Ryan Gosling
He is 6ft taller his skin colour has changed a bit he looks more fair now but damn those curls are still there and his physique is better than before I can see how The T-shirt fits so fine on his biceps and body he is wearing a maroon colour T-shirt with black pair of jeans and biker boots
Stop staring you dork I say to myself
"You've changed a lot" he says
What is he a mind reader now
"Pardon me?"
"Sorry I meant you look beautiful now"
How am I suppose to take this as a compliment or he just said I wasn't beautiful back then
"You were beautiful back then but now you look hot I didn't even recognised you but then I saw your grey eyes" he says looking at me
"You recognised me by my eye colour, thank you my eyes" I say
He laughs "Well I was wrong you haven't changed a lot"
I remember the first time I saw him I was his junior he was on a football field
"What are you doing here?" His question brings me back from my memory land
"Same! Studies I'm here to complete my MBA"
"That's great"
I see Isabella and Amelia coming towards me
"Hey Ana..." she stops before completing my name and staring at Rehaan
"Amelia his my friend from India Rehaan"
"And Rehaan this is Isabella and Amelia" I say nudging here
"Hey nice to meet you" He says shaking hands with both of them
"I'm so thankful that I planned this night and chose this club" Amelia says still staring at him
"Amelia you have a boyfriend" Isabella says that brought Amelia's lips together which were parted or you can say opened for a quite time
"That worked" I said moving closer to Isabella
"Do you wanna meet someday?" Rehaan asks me
"Huh me?" I remember how I use to die to ask him to go out with me but that day never came but now my first ever crush is asking to meet me
"Do you wanna go out with me someday?"
"Yes we should definitely catch up someday"
"Great give me your phone"
"Here" I say handing over my phone to him
"You are still a Peter Kavinsky team" he says looking at Noah's picture on my wallpaper
"Always" I say smiling at him he does remember me
"Here I have saved my number in your phone and yours in mine" he said giving my phone back to me
He moves closer and hugs me "it's good to see you Kaur" he said calling me by my surname like he used to do back in college
"You too Rehaan" I say as if my throat is strangled
"Bye girls" he says to Isabella and Amelia as he picks his jacket from the counter and smiles at me and moves out of the door
"Well who was he" Isabella ask looking at me with one eyebrow lifted
"He was a charming man" Amelia said still staring at the door he went out from
"I told you his my friend from India" I know I was lying but now he is no more my crush well I never meant anything to him he was just my hopeless crush and after what happened between us I don't think we are anything more than friends and I don't want to because I'm completely in love with Bryan

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