Chapter 5

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Anaya's pov
God I mean why do you give everything to a particular person Steve has good looks good fame and also he was very rich he had Audi A6 I mean god why???
Trust me I was from a middle class family which stayed in India I've never sat in an Audi before he came out of his driver seat and opened the door for me I got inside and sat in that mostly worth 59 lakh car wish I could tell this to my dad but he is probably going to kill me or he would make me marry some stranger right there
"So how was your day" I asked him
"It was good and is getting great now" he gave me that cute smile " how was your day"
"Great" I said
I looked out of the window inhaling the beautiful view with busy streets filled with lights brightness I could see my Mumbai right in front of my eyes.
And finally we came in front of a beautiful restaurant and trust me I regretted wearing jeans and top because that restaurant was so Porsche and beautiful
Steve opened door for me he was being such a gentleman this evening he asked for my hand
"Shall we"
I gave him my hand and we entered the restaurant.
We seated at a corner of the restaurant which was quite pretty it had those beautiful roses on the table and water dripping on the wall like it was a little water fall which was quite exquisite
Steve ordered steak and some lasagna
"Do you want to order something else"
"I'm actually a vegan so I'll just have classic veg pizza"
The waitress took our order and left
"So you've never been in relationship before"
This is the second most common question asked to me it's kind of irritating now but I needed to reply kindly
"Yeah I've always been single"
"Why did you never came in relationship"
Third most common question
" I never thought about it I mean it's hard for me to love someone and to be honest I always ran away from guys or turned them down"
"You won't run away from me or will you?"
"Right now I'm wearing heels and till now I haven't I can't promise you about the future"
He started laughing and placed his hand on me
And I went cold but thanks to that waitress who brought our food I immediately took my hand away
Rest of the evening went talking he kept talking about his family and his football game while I just kept on nodding and sometimes said words like "ohh really"
"I see"
"Is that so"
After we were done having our food he paid the bill and we made our way towards the car
Ride back home was quiet music was playing and I was just enjoying the view
We pulled outside my house I was about to move out of the car but Steve suddenly stopped me by holding my hand and he came closer , I felt trepidation
Oh my god is he going to kiss
I hesitated a little bit before he could do anything I kissed him on his cheeks
"Thanks for the dinner I really enjoyed the evening"
What a liar I am
He kissed me back on my cheeks
"Thanks for going out with me and I wanna do it again"
"Me too" I responded
Another lie
"So I'll see you tomorrow, good night"
I sighed in relief as soon as his car left I literally screamed so loud that made Amelia woke
"Anaya is that you" Amelia said looking out of the window
"Yeah it's me"


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