Chapter 7

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As soon as we reached, Isabella did a little touch up on her face and Amelia combed her hair and made sure she's looking good.
"Can we move out of the car now"
"You are not wearing that jacket, remove it now"
Before I could say anything Isabella started removing my jacket and tossed it in the behind seats
"Now you look super hot"
"No it's too much revealing and It's cold outside"
"I'm sure Steve can be your heater for tonight" Isabella said all smiling at me
"Please don't wear the jacket"
They both look at me with that puppy face
"Okay fine" i said
The house was already filled with lots of people like the whole college was here and half of the people were already drunk and half naked
"I don't feel good I think I should go back home, why don't you two go and enjoy the party"
They both didn't even bothered to look at me and pushed me into the crowd and we were in kitchen right now
Someone hugged me from behind I could feel a hard chest against my back i turned back to see it was Steve.
"You are so beautiful" he said
"And you are so drunk" I said
"We are celebrating our victory, I missed you the whole day, do you want a drink" he asked
"Umm yes" he went to get us a drink
"I think we should look for John you have to talk to him today" I suggested
"Yeah let's go find him, he must be somewhere outside or near the pool"
The house was pretty awesome it was huge had lots of rooms with a bar, pool and it was located right in front of a beach
"I think i need to get my confidence back" Amelia went to have some shots of vodka after looking at John and finally she was back
"Let's get my man" she shouted at the top of her voice
John was standing with his teammates and there was Bryan in a black shirt with a leather jacket and denim jeans he looked way too sexy
John smiled at us and we finally moved towards them
"Hey girls" jake said one of the teammate
"Hey" I said
Amelia moved towards John
"Hey" she said
"Heyy Amelia, right ?" John asked
"Yes" she replied
"Do you want a drink?" He asked her
"Yeah why not"she said smiling at us and they went.
Isabella and I looked at each other and just enjoyed the view
"Who wants to play beer pong" jake announced
"We all know, you are good at it so we don't wanna lose" Bryan said
"I would like to play" I heard Isabella saying it
I looked at her surprisingly
"I mean I'm good at it too, do you wanna know how defeat tastes like" Isabella said challengingly to jake
"You go girl" I said Isabella
She was pretty awesome and she did won
Jake said something in her ears and she giggled. She move towards me,
"I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" she winked at me
And I understood she won't be in the kitchen. She looked happy so I didn't want to ruin it I said "I'll won't disturb" by winking her back
They both were enjoying the night at least someone is
The place was filled with too much smoke of cigarettes so I thought I should go out for some fresh air before I get my lungs filled with this smoke.
The sky was filled with stars and moon, the sound of waves rocking back and forth. So I thought I should sit on a beach and take in the view which was so mesmerising
So I sat on a beach and wrote a poem in my phone after a long time
I heard a voice from behind
"What are you doing?"
I looked up to see and I saw Bryan I recognised his voice it was heavy, deep, and a voice that could turn you on in a second

"You scared me" I said, this time it wasn't a lie
He stared at my phone
"You are writing something aren't you?"
"No I'm not" i said I didn't wanted to tell him that I was writing a poem on him
"Show me your phone then" he said
"Okay I was writing a poem" I said
"You are a writer?" He asked
"Yeah I use to I don't write anymore, so I just thought of writing something tonight"
"In a crowded place while the music is blasting"
"It's easy to find your thoughts in a crowd of people where you don't belong" I said
"You are good with your words, come on read your poem to me" he said
Reading my poem to the person for whom I've written it doesn't happen usually doesn't it
"Okay" I said

"I was only a admire
Of stars and moon
How they shine in the dark
As the light goes away soon

Since the day
I saw you
I admire them less
Then I use to

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