Chapter 12

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As I walk in I go to look for Isabella and Amelia on the way to tell them I see girls eyeing on me and boys staring at me like I said before like a hawk I shouldn't have wore this skirt this is going to be hard on Bryan.
I see Isabella and Amelia chatting near the classroom
I move quickly towards them
"Girl Who are you, Blair Waldorf" Isabella says
"I need to tell you something"
"Before that I need to tell you something" Amelia cuts off the conversation
"Last night I was with John at his house and btw we are dating" she says
"Omg that's amazing finally you got your man"
"So did you" Isabella says
"What Steve and Anaya are dating?" Amelia questions
"No we are not" I say
"I meant Anaya and Bryan were together last night"
"Whatttt you slept with Bryan miller" she says opening her eyes wide like her eye balls will just pop out
"Can you please Lower your voice" I say looking around to see if anyone heard her or not
"I'm here to tell you something will you guys please listen to me"
I told them everything what happened last night with Bryan and how I want them to keep it a secret for few days until I tell steve about it they agreed to me
"But damn you are with Bryan miller I'm so happy" Isabella says jumping on her foot
"We all are with someone and those boys are friends of each other isn't that cool"
"Listen btw please don't tell jake and John about this"
"We will not tell them we promise" Amelia says
"Thank you" I say
As I came in the class I see Bryan already sitting in the class, he nods his head towards the seat next to him
As I make my way towards him Olivia comes from no where and sit next to Bryan I see Bryan making face. I shut him down with my eyes
"Olivia Steve is coming would you mind sitting somewhere else" he says
"Ohh Steve is coming I didn't knew"
"No problem I'll sit somewhere else love"
Love seriously did she just called him love this girl is fixate to Bryan.
She sits ahead of Bryan
"This is my seat" I say
"No more Ms India"
"We'll enjoy your seat Ms nothing"
There was no place to sit leaving seat next to Bryan
"You can sit here" Bryan says
That grabs Olivia's attention
"But isn't Steve coming?" She says making her eyelashes blink more than once ughh this girl is way too much
"That's none of your concern and Steve is not here so I think I'll sit here" I say placing my bag on the table
As I sit, Bryan's fingers touches mine slowly and he holds my hand after assuring that I didn't resisted it he holds my hand for the whole lecture until the bell rang
"Where are you going Ms India" Olivia ask in her bitchy voice
"Getting myself another title" I say
And suddenly I'm crushed into someone I look up to see Steve.
"Hey" I say
"Hey, I texted you this morning you didn't replied me"
"Ohh I'm sorry my phone was in my bag I didn't see it"
"That's alright"
He pulls me into a hug
"I missed you" I stand there statue my whole body running cold because I know Bryan is still in the class watching us and I could feel his eyes on me
I pull out quickly "we are standing in middle of a class"
I say trying to change the topic
"Hey buddy" I hear Bryan's voice and I swear under my breath I just hope he didn't lose his temper seeing that Steve's hand is still on my waist
"Hey" Steve says and we turn to look at Bryan who is glaring at Steve's hand and trying to control his anger to not punch his best friend I know he won't
"Where have you been?" He asks
"I went out with my family to visit my grandparents some family tradition" Steve says
"You should've come with me"
"Who me?"I ask
"Yes they would've loved you, I mean who would not"
I see Bryan shifting in his place
"Thank you for thinking about that"
"I'm hungry I'll go eat my lunch with my friends" I say trying to excuse me from the situation
"Do you mind if I sit with you during lunch"
I look at Bryan who is still looking at me all pissed
"Why don't we all sit together" I say
"Great" Bryan and Steve say at the same time
I see Isabella and Amelia already sitting with John and Jake how am I suppose to sit with Bryan and Steve I don't wanna hurt him
Steve sits at the edge on the table I sit beside him and Bryan sits next to me and right now I'm stuck between two hottest and nicest guys one who likes me and one whom I like. Great amazing situation the worst about this is trying to say right word so that it won't hurt Steve and Bryan at the same time
During the lunch boys talk about their match which is day after tomorrow and they are very excited about it but I'm excited about my date with Bryan he is so adorable it's hard for me to not look at him and keep staring until my eyes hurt.
"So you'll be there right?" Someone's voice brings me back to reality
"Pardon me?"
"You'll be at the party right?" Steve ask
Another party No! Party's are really not my thing
"What party?"
"It's jake's birthday tomorrow you'll be there right?"
"Yes it's jake's birthday why not?" I say as the scene of Olivia kissing Bryan gets back into my mind and I sit there looking at my food not even blinking an eye
"Hey you okay?" Bryan's warm breath hits my cheeks and just by that breath my heart melts I mean everything about this guy is so sexy and pleasing
"Yeah I'm fine"
"I know you are thinking about what happened at Steve's party"
"How do you know?"
"I know! I'm sorry about that day"
"Hey nothing matters now!" I smile at him to assure
I don't know how to tell Steve he will feel like I cheated him behind his back with his bestfriends even tho I didn't gave him any commitment nor I said I like him or something
"At what time should I come to pick you up?" Steve ask
I could feel Bryan shift in his seat again
"Me and Amelia and Anaya we'll come together" i heard Isabella speak I look at her and smile she just saved me from this weird situation
"Okay no problem" Steve says
"So you are doing anything tonight we can go out or something" he says placing his hand on top of mine
Tonight I'm going on a date with Bryan but how am I suppose to tell him that
"Ugh actually tonight I need to complete one of my projects and need to video call my family, so I can't I'm sorry "
"You don't have to be sorry" he places a quick kiss on my cheek before I could move my head he already did that
"I just missed you"he says again
This makes Bryan stand up and he just bolts out of the cafeteria not even looking at me
"Do you mind I need to go to washroom" I say to go look for Bryan
Before i could cross the locker room someone holds my hand and pushes me to the wall I look up to see Bryan's face just few inches apart and his hand holding mine on my head
"What happened inside I'm really so.." before I could complete my apology his sweet lips are pressed against mine his hands still firmly holding mine i kiss him back
"I don't know I've have never been like this before so insecure jealous has never been my type" he says by running his fingers in hair
"I'm sorry I got you into all this"
"No it's just I can't see anyone touching you, not even my bestfriend"
"I swear I'm gonna tell him everything tomorrow at the party"
He nods his head I could feel sadness in those beautiful eyes
As I sit with him in car I think about our date
He buckles my seatbelt "How Do you always forget to buckle your seatbelt" it sounded more like a statement than a question
"Because I know you will do that for me and i love to feel you near me" I say winking at him
"Ohh is that so huh" he smiles at me

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