Chapter 2

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Anaya's pov
I tried my best to concentrate while the hottest guy was sitting behind me. As soon as the lecture ended Isabella & Amelia came to me and we made our way to cafeteria where we were sully to eat our lunch. I saw Bryan and a bunch of guys sitting in the front table they all looked like athletes " I heard Olivia and Bryan are dating" that caught my attention
" I really don't know they hangout together but they don't really look like a couple" Isabella said
I asked Amelia "who is Olivia?" And she pointed me towards the girl sitting right next to Bryan who had this golden straightened hair and very pretty face with blue eyes and a good body structure hanging on six inches heels they really didn't seem like a couple to me too but Olivia was definitely trying to convince by the way she was touching him that they are a couple. A guy from their table moved towards us and just in that moment every one was looking at us including Bryan and Olivia " Hey" i checked is he talking to me and after confirming I said "hey" he was handsome too brown hair with brown eyes perfect jawline and amazing body he seated right across me "Are you new here" replying to him I said "yeah i am ,I came here from India for my studies" he didn't say a word for ten seconds and those ten seconds were enough for me to imagine that I am about to be ragged finally he broke his silence "You are Indian?" I nodded in confirmation is that so unbelievable or just bad than I'm Indian "Yeah I am!"
"I'm Steve I just wanted to come and talk to you" After smiling at him I told him my name "Im Anaya and this is Isabella and Amelia" pointing towards my two friends who were again sitting there with a open mouth "You wanted to come and talk to me?" I asked him, why would he want to come and talk to me I don't even know him "yeah I was telling my friends that I found you attractive and they told me that I should go and talk to you"I was just trying to process that statement I mean deep down I knew that I didn't looked that bad but I've never been caught up in such situations I've always been single and even when boys tried to approach me in India I just use to mess the whole thing or just run away but right now I can't run away but surely I can mess this whole thing with my stupid little mouth and here I go
"ohhh" I mean who the hell says ohh with a stupid face, confusion written all over it. He looked at me shockingly because after he realised he has been gifted with such a lovely face why would he expect any girl to say ohhh on his face even tho he was the one to approach that girl. And I just made fool out of myself, But thanks to my friends "hey, Steve I'm sorry this is all new to her here so she's kind of nervous"
"I mean yeah, I'm sorry I was just trying to process this whole thing" I laughed nervously
he smiled at me and I felt relaxed and took a deep breath I guess I made sense to him.
"I understand, so do you wanna hangout someday?" he said smiling at me.
Obviously I would hangout with him so I said
"Yes, it would be great" he got up from his chair and removed his phone from pocket and gave it to me "Can I get your number?" I took the phone and looked at Isabella and Amelia they did something with their eyes and I knew that they said I should type my number in his phone so I did but trust me I was scared.
While giving his phone back I saw Bryan looking at me and I can tell he was clenching his jaw and he looked away from me Steve's voice got my attention back "thanks I'll text you" I just smiled at him any girl would want to give him her number and most importantly when he asked it but I didn't wanted to give him my number because in my heart all I wanted was Bryan miller who don't even want to look at me. You know what sometimes our heart, our mind, our soul every bone in our body aches for one person even when it knows that person doesn't feel about you the same but still it doesn't stops aching it just goes on and on. Love at first sight always sounded stupid to me. A person like me who has never ever been in relationship couldn't believe that people do fall in love at first sight. But it happened to me I fell in love at first sight of Bryan or you can say I was just moving towards the direction of breaking my heart.
"What did you expected me to say while he was sitting in front of me looking into my eyes I got all nervous thank god i didn't ran away" they both stare at me like I have done some kind of crime
"I know it happens but guess what Steve Wilson came and talk to you" Isabella started jumping
"Girl you do have something in you two most hottest guys of our campus came and talked to you"
"Talk to me Bryan didn't even say a word I mean he just helped me because he might've thought that, I'm some poor girl who don't even know how to open a fucking locker"
Isabella and Amelia look at me apologetically "Okay but you are going on a date with Steve Wilson" and again they started jumping I was just preparing my reasons to say him no.
I started the car and turned on the music and dua lipa's "Break my heart" played I swear that song really describes my situation and most importantly the line "Am I falling in love with the one that could break my heart" I pushed the gear and got my car out of the parking area.

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