Chapter 3

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As soon as we reached home Isabella kept asking me after every five minutes that Did steve texted you? and I just kept on saying No! No! No! I was just about to sleep and I heard my phone vibrate and I just wished i hope it's not Steve and god did hear me
"Hello! Yes Maa how are you?
" Im all good"
"Yeah, I had my dinner yes I cooked myself dal rice (yellow curry with rice)
"How is everyone there?"
"Yeah my first day in college was great yes mom I'm focused on my studies how is my sisters yeah it's night here okay take care I love you too" and then I saw a notification on my screen from a unknown number and I knew who it was.
"So he texted you?"
Yes he did!
"What did he say?"
Just normal talks from where I am my relationship status blah blah blah
"So you will go out with him. Right?"
May be if he asked me again
Suddenly Amelia stopped moving and I turned back to see her she was standing four feet away from us like a statue
"What happened why did you stopped walking?" I asked her
And she was staring at a guy
"Who is he?"I asked her
Isabella moves towards me and said "that is Amelia's childhood crush John William"
"Then why don't you go and talk to him, I'm sure he will like you"
Amelia looked at me all surprisingly
"Do you really think so?"
I assure her with a smile "yes I do, you are beautiful and funny he will definitely like to talk to you"
"I think Anaya is right he is looking at you right now OMG did he just smiled at you"
Amelia smiles nervously that just made him smile harder
"Wow now I really don't think I've any chance"
"But we do" we both said at the same time
I put my hands on both their shoulders and we made our way to the locker
"So you are the Indian girl who is everyone talking about"
I look out from my locker door and see Olivia standing with hands crossed over her chest with one eyebrow raised
"I'm sorry?"
"You don't have to be sorry, I really don't see anything in you worth talking about"
That was really offensive "I really don't know who you are and I too don't see anything worth in you that would make me talk to you, so will you excuse me" I retorted
She stepped in front of me "How dare you talk to me like that"
This time I crossed my hands "You know what I'm really daring and you will see me doing this dare to you again if you talked to me like this"
Me and my friends moved away from her.
Her girls was just standing there looking at me.
This is going to end very bad trust me I told to myself
You know what is the best part about my day I get to see Bryan in my classes and that was enough for my delusional heart.
But this time he didn't sat behind me he sat with Olivia I turned back to look at him and I saw Olivia giving me that wicked smile that brought the urge in me to punch her face but I couldn't. Bryan didn't even look at me and in my mind I got confirmed he only came to me that day because he really felt pity about me that I wasn't able to open that damn locker.
As I was making my way out of the class a guy blocked my way and It was Steve standing there with a smile on his face.
"Oh hey!" I said
"Hey, how was your lectures?"
He was trying to have a conversation but I was not in a mood because right behind him there was Bryan standing with a bunch of guys all looking at us that made me feel nervous
"Good, how was yours"
We started walking out of the class and towards his friends circle
"Fine, but my day is now getting better" he said
I look at him all confused and then I realised that he is flirting with me
"Do you wanna meet my friends?" He asked
"Yeah!" I said
I look at Isabella and Amelia who were walking aside me
"This is Anaya and this is jake, John, Adam, nick, and Bryan"
I shook hands with every one they all were good looking and when I heard his name my heart started beating fast why would he wanna shook hands with me but he did
"Hey, nice to meet you" Bryan said
"Nice to meet you too" I said in a shaking voice
"These are my friends Isabella and Amelia"
They all greeted them nicely but I noticed after a second that John is the one who is Amelia crazy about
"Hi Amelia it's really nice to meet you" John said
I nudged Amelia from my elbow and she finally said in a low voice
"Nice to meet you too"
"Do you guys wanna come to our football match tomorrow" nick said
I look at Isabella and Amelia they both nod their heads I assume that's a yes
"Definitely we'll be there"
Steve continues to say "Are you free in the evening maybe we could go out after my football practice"
I smile at him and just say "maybe"
He smiles at me too "no problem, i can wait"
"You again" Olivia speaks from behind me "what are you doing here"
"Definitely not trying to talk to you"
"You" she says in a harsh voice
And suddenly Bryan gets in the way "Olivia what are you doing here"
"I came to remind you that after practice we have to go out for a dinner, remember?"
"Oh I'm sorry I totally forgot that, why don't you and Anaya join us" Bryan suggested
"That's not a bad idea" Steve says
Before I was going to say Olivia comes up with another offensive statement " I don't wanna go out with her"
"Trust me I don't wanna spoil my evening by looking at your face" i said
"Hey hey what is up with you two?" Steve speaks
Olivia and I look at each other and suddenly my phone starts ringing "excuse me"
"Hello Dad!"
"How are you"my dad speaks
I'm good, how are you?"
"Good, I've transferred some money in your account in case you need anything"
"Thank you so much"
"Just stay safe okay bye"
"Bye dad"
"That was your dad?"
I heard from my back I thought that was Steve but I was wrong it was Bryan.
"Yes that was my dad on the phone"
"So are you going to come for the match?"
"Yeah I am"
"Okay" he said
He wanted to say something but Olivia suddenly appears and link her hand in his and saunters him away from me and gave me that wicked smile again and in the another second he was already feet away from me
But he talked to me and I was already happy about that but he is with Olivia so I thought I should go out with Steve
"At what time should I meet you?"
Steve looks at me all confused
"You asked if you wanna hangout after your practice?" I asked
He finally smiled and said "yes, 7 o'clock would be okay? I'll meet you outside the ground is it fine?"
"Yeah I'll be there at seven"
"Where are we going by the way so that I know what should I wear"
"We are going at a restaurant and anything you'll wear I'm sure you will look amazing"
He was kind of sweet and nice to me

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