Just a friend.

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(Back to Billie)

I woke up oblivious as to what happened overnight. I opened my phone to see I had 1M on tiktok. I ran as fast as I could to Alex's room and launched myself into his bed. He jumped up and screamed,
A-"OMG DONT KILL ME YOU CAN TAK- oh Billie you scared me."
I was breathing fast like a dog, i was so happy i was grinning from ear to ear.
A-"okay you happy, that's good. Now tell me why. Omg is it Bryce? What happened after I went to bed? Tell meeeeee."
I cut him off by shoving my phone in his face. His eyes lit up and he stared at me with a grin as big as mine on his face.
We both jumped up and screamed with excitement, we turned on some music and sang until we lost our voices!
Me-"I need to make a thank you video right, I want to thank them all."
A-"yeah but change first!"
Me-"what, why? There is nothing wrong with sweats."
A-"hunny, your a star now you can't wear sweats! Too the closet."

We ran around for about 10 minutes trying to find the perfect outfit for my tiktok. After a long process we found the perfect one:

I curled my hair and put on some light makeup, ready for my tiktok

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I curled my hair and put on some light makeup, ready for my tiktok. I stood my phone up on an old shoe box and thanked my followers for 1M. I posted the video and decided to do some more tiktoks.

A few house later
I was in such a good mood, nothing could make me feel better. Me and Alex spent the day singing and filming a YouTube video for my channel @billieslife
Because of my recent rise to fame I decided my subscribers needed a new video. We made a little vlog of our day and it was soon 8pm so I began the editing process.
My phone started to ring, I didn't know who it would be because I have no friends apart from Alex and no family that care about me, i was very confused.
Incoming FaceTime call from (number)
Accept                                               Decline

I accepted the call as I was curious as to who had my number. It was Bryce. I had completely forgot I had given him my number! Omg no no not now I look like shit. Quick cover the camera.
Um, Billie your covering the camera!
Yes, I know.
Let me see your face.
Absolutely not, I look shit.
I don't care.

I uncovered the camera, I went bright red. I have never been so embarrassed!

Um, wow. I mean you look absolutely fine.
Yeah, yeah, shut up. What do you want?
Oh yeah, congrats on 1M!!!
Thanks, is that is?
I just wanted to talk to you, you know get to know you.
Why?(surprised tone)
Because your different.

I was so confused i couldn't get my head around what was happening. We spoke for hours on end while I was editing my video. I didn't open up too much because the last time I did I got hurt but I did find some stuff out about Bryce. He was nice to talk to but I had done my research and she is known to be a fuck boy so I know not to go there.

Bryce's pov
I opened up tiktok to see Billie had 1M, i was so proud of her. I decided to face time her and congratulate her on her achievement. She picked up and we spoke for many hours. She had the cutest accent. She was editing a YouTube vid, could she be more perfect! She didn't open up much but I'm not surprised I had just met her.

We were talking about YouTube when someone shouted To her:
?-"he babe, want some ice cream?
B-"yes please Alex, I come to your room in a sec let me just finish editing."

Babe, fuck she has a boyfriend. Ugh why does this happen to me she is literally perfect. No, I will get her but I need to tell the boys.

Me-"hey Billie I need to go now but I'll text you later, bye. "
I ended the call before she could say anything. I ran down to the boys and screamed:
They all came running from different places in the house.
Q-Quinton, j-josh, k-kio, g-griffin, a-Anthony, jd-jaden.

Jd-"what now!"
Me-"okay so I think Billie has a boyfriend."
A-"well your fucked then."
Q-"ant let him finish."
Me-"but I still think i have a chance, however I need your help."
G-"yh bro, what do you need us to do?"
Me-"follower he socials and become friends with her so then you can convince her I'm a good person not just some fuckboy."
J-"but you are!"
J-"I'm joking, I'm joking buddy."
K-"okay we will do it, what's her insta?"

Back to Billie's pov
Bryce quickly ended the call, how random. Maybe I did something? Oh well. I finished editing, jumped out of bed and went into Alex's room.
A-"so B, who were you talking to?"
Oh god, if I told him he would give me a pep talk. But he is my bestie, I can't keep it from him.
"Bryce" I said in a quite tone.
A-"speak up I can't hear you B."
A-"as in Bryce hall, tiktok star that commented on your post?"
I nodded slightly
A-"OMG B YES, okay look he is gorgeous and all and believe me I would love for you to get in his pants, but, he is known to be a fuck boy and after callum I can't let you get hurt again."

Flash back
"Callum please i don't want to be here I just wanna go home" I said quietly and quickly so he wound loose his temper. Too late. "You bitch, so you don't want to be with me. Are you cheating on me. You slut." He screamed in my face. I couldn't get a word in before he picked me up and threw me across the room. "Callum I didn't cheat on you I swear, I can't do this stop hurting me."
I couldn't take it anymore. I met him a few months after I moved in with Alex. He was a sweet boy, so I thought, I was in a bad place after everything that had happened with my dad and he decided to take advantage of that. He would treat me like my dad but I thought it was normal as it was all I ever knew. He made me feel so worthless and unwanted but I couldn't get out.
Luckily for me, after 2 and a half years he moved to LA and forgot all about me. That was whej I decided to turn my life around with Alex's help.

Back to reality
"Alex you know i wouldn't go there. I have sworn of all types of love for the rest of my life. I can't go through that pain again" I said with a tear in my eye. "Bryce is just a friend, that's all it ever will be."

Hope you like it<3

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