Come to LA.

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I woke up after falling asleep with Alex last night, to see I had a bunch of boys messaging me on Instagram. 6 boys had messaged me, I decided to look at their profiles and ngl, they were hot. I noticed they all had pictures with Bryce on their page so that's probably how they found my account. I noticed they also had girlfriends which was good, can't be catching feelings.
I opened a dm from a boy called josh:

Hey I'm josh, my man Bryce doesn't stop telling us about you so I decided, as one of his homies, to get to know you.
Um hello, that's slightly strange but sure. Like 5 other boys have messaged me I'm guessing for the same reason.
Yep, we all live in a house together in LA, we're the sway boys!
Oh cool I have always wanted to move to LA, I have been their like once for a modelling job one time.
Ohhhh so your a model, anything else I should know?
I don't know you well enough yet, I don't let people in.
We will see about that.

I carried on opening my dms and they were basically the same. I gave them all my number and other socials. I mean I could do with some more friends anyway.
The boys all seemed very nice and I enjoyed talking to them a lot.
A few hours had passed and I decided to get dressed up and post some tiktoks and post on insta to promote my new YouTube video I had just posted.


Liked by aalex, Brycehall and 458,076 others

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Liked by aalex, Brycehall and 458,076 others.
Hey baby's, go watch my new YouTube video liked in my bio <3

@aalex no photo creds:(
|sorry bub
@joshrichards Come to LA
@brycehall wow.
|stop drooling 🤤

Load more

I suddenly got a FaceTime call from Bryce. I answered straight away.
I was not drooling actually.
Yeah yeah.
We're you serious about coming to LA?
Maybe I want to visit it again and now I have a reason to go.
What reason?
To meet you and the boys!
NO WAY, please come. I'll even pay for your ticket.
Bryce don't be silly! I would pay and I will think about it. I have to go live on tiktok now so tell the boys to join. Byeeeeee.

I ended the call and went live on tiktok.

Bryces pov
After I called Billie she had to go live so I shouted to the boys and told them to join it. Moments later she was live, she was so shy but confident at the same time. I'm guessing she had never done this before.

She was answering a few questions when she got one asking where she lived. She answers saying "I live in central London with Alex." I was slightly taken back as I wasn't expecting her to say she lived with him aswell. I was a bit disappointed and the boys knew it. They all shouted, "don't worry Bryce at least your friends with her." I guess they were right.
About 20 minutes passed and a boy, assuming it's Alex, stood in the back yelling "babe let's go get Nando's, comeeee onnnnnnn." She laughed and ended the live and the boys all came running down.
Jd-"ah shit sorry man."
Me-"1, wtf is Nando's and 2, he called her babe so they must be a thing. The one time I find someone thing go bad."
Q-"at least we're friends with her tho, maybe if she comes to LA she will realise your better than that Alex kid."
J-"yeah, she did say she wanted to move to LA when I messaged her earlier."
Me-" wait really, maybe I can turn this around."

Back to billie
I ended my live and got my things to leave for a Nando's with Alex. We got in a Uber, it was a short drive to the restaurant so we didn't talk much. After we were seated Alex's said:
A-"your being weird, what's on your mind?"
Me-"you know me so well. I have been talking to these boys from LA and they are really nice. And before you panic I don't like them and they all have girlfriends apart from Bryce."
A-"okay, continue."
Me-"and they want me to fly out to LA to visit them and I really want to go but only if you come with me. So what I'm saying is please can you co-"
A-"of course I will come, I'm offended that you only just asked me."
We bursted our laughing
A-"besides you never know I might find myself a man over there."
A-"we could also look for an apartment while we're there if you want, I know you will get better modelling gigs over there."
Me-"Alex your going to make me cry, your the most amazing person ever. I love you so much."
A-"I know you do and I love you too."

We finished up our food and decided to talk a stroll home to let our food go down. It was a beautiful night and as much as I would miss living here, I couldn't wait to move to America. We arrived at the apartment and I collapsed onto my bed, i was so tired to decided to tell the boys tomorrow when we were all awake. (because of the time difference)

If anyone is actually reading this, please could you let me know if your enjoying the book. I would really appreciate it. Also if you dint know why Nando's is, it's a british restaurant that sells the best food everrrrr I highly recommend looking it up and if your ever in the uk you have to get it.

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