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Me-"how may I assist you?"
N-"don't act all innocent, we saw you and Bryce?"
Me-"I just wanted my eclairs."
A-"sure you did babe."
Me-"you guys are going to leave until I give you answers, so what do you wanna know?"
J-"look, Bryce is my best buddy and he cares for you I can tell. He has never been like this before. I just wanna know where your heads at."
Me-"it's hard because my last relationship was horrible. I hated every minute of it. I'm scared that if I end up falling for Bryce I will get hurt again and I can't deal with that again. I'm so scared."
A-"look B, I know you are scared and you have sworn of love, but I know you like him. You haven't been like this with a boy in fuck knows how long. I just want you to be happy and I know he can give you that."
N-"if you tried to get past being scared and started to trust him, what would you want to happen regarding Bryce?"
Me-"If I hadn't been hurt before and I wasn't scared. I would probably already be in a relationship with Bryce if I'm being honest."
J-"wait really! Thank you for telling me, you will get there I know you will, just take as long as you need. He might seem like a fuckboy on social media but he is nothing like that in real life. He will treat you well."
Josh and Nessa get up to leave and Nessa gives me a hug and whispers "you and Bryce would be the cutest couple ever" I chuckle. They are about to leave when I shout "josh this stays between us okay" he shouts back "okay buddy."
A-"I'm proud of you you know."
Me-"thank you Alex. I love you"
I pull him into a hug and we flop onto the bed.

An hour or so later we headed down to make some tiktoks. Me and Alex do the savage dance and I threw it back on Alex (my fans know he is gay) and as I throw it back Bryce walked in the back and looks at my ass then sees the phone and runs away. Me and Alex laugh and I posted the tiktok. I look in the direction  Bryce's room and I say to Alex "I'll be back" he says "no you won't" and I walk over to Bryce's room. I walk in and he is sat on the end of his bed looking at Instagram.
Me-"I saw you staring at my ass Bryce."
He jumped and said,
B-"Jesus fucking Christ Bill you scared me."
I laugh.
B-"I couldn't help myself"
He gets up and starts walking towards me.
Me-"oh really"
He gets closer and closer until our faces are inches apart.
B-"look Billie I know you don't want a relationship but I can't help myself. You are amazing and I like you so much. You are the most beautiful person I have ever seen and you make me feel some sort of way. I want you so bad."
B-"it's fine I know you don't feel the same wa-"
I cut him if by smashing my lips onto his. His lips were soft and he kissed me so gently, so full of passion. I didn't want to stop. I put my hands around his neck and he reached down to pick me up. He grabbed my thighs and lifted me up so I was level with him, we didn't brake the kiss once. He had his hands on my ass, I had one on his jawline and the other running through his hair. He finally broke the kiss and we both caught our breath.
B-"that was unexpected!"
He sat down on the bed with me still in his arms. I straddled him and put my arms around his neck.
Me-"Bryce I really like you, like a lot but you have to promise me if this is going to work that you will not fuck me about. It's me and only me. I will open up to you but you have to promise you will be patient with me okay."
B-"of course, I would never force you to do or say anything, ever. You mean so much to me and I care about you so much. I'm never letting anything happen to you."
I smiled and buried my head into his neck. He put one of his hands on my lower back and one in the back of my head. We stayed like that for a while. I felt so safe and comfortable around him. I couldn't be happier. I looked up at him and said "thank you"
B-"what for?"
Me-"making me truly happy again. No one other than Alex has done that."
B-"I'm glad I make you happy."
He leaned in and kissed me again, I kissed back and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues collided and I started breathing heavier. Our kisses became rougher and more intense. I pushed Bryce back into the bed and hovered over him, not braking the kiss. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.
Jd-"Bryce, zach is here come on."
B-"yeah, coning."
Me-"fuck sake I was enjoying that."
B-"we will continue this later."
We got up and sorted ourself out. Bryce pecked me on the lips and we left the room. I went over to Alex and the girls and said,
Me-"guys we need to have a serious conversation ASAP."
C-"okay, let's say hello to Zach and then we will go upstairs."
I held Alex's hand and we went over to the others.
Me-"hey I'm Billie, you must be Zach."
Z-"yep, it's nice to meet you Billie. You must be Alex."
Alex was not saying anything just staring at Zach so I squeezed his hand and he said,
A-"Alex, yes I'm Alex. Pleasure to meet you."
Z-"I could say the same"
G-"pool anyone?"
We all said yes and went to change. The girls and Alex came upstairs first so I could tell them the news.
Av-"well what did you want to tell us?"
N-"yeah spill."
Me-" well I went into Bryce's room and he came close to me, like rlly close and he told me he has feeling for me."
C-"no fucking way!"
Me-"yeah, I panicked and didn't say anything so he thought I didn't like him so I just kissed him."
A-"omg B I'm so proud of you, was he good?"
Me-"fuck yeah. I told him I liked him aswell and I told him to just be patient with me and he promised he would. So basically I LIKE BRYCE HALL AND HE LIKES ME TOO."
All the girls + alex screamed at the top of their voices.
N-"I wonder when he will ask you out?"
Av-"he better do it soon."
Me-"tell me about it."
We all laughed and got changed into our swimming costumes. I wore this,

I wasn't embarrassed by my scars around the guys anymore, they accepted me for who I am

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I wasn't embarrassed by my scars around the guys anymore, they accepted me for who I am.

Bryces pov:
Me and the boys went out to the pool and waited for the girls.
Jd-"so you and Billie came out of your room. Care to explain?"
J-"wait what??!"
Me-"she cane into my room and started flirting with me. I then told her I liked her and she went silent so I thought I'm fucked. Then I went o walk off and she kissed me, like full on make out."
The boys-"ayyyyyyy, yes Bryce."
Me-"then she told me she liked me but I have to be patient. And I said of course as long as I get to be with her I don't care."
Q-"well done bro, you got the girl."
Me-"I got the girl."
G-"this calls for celebration."

Zach asked to speak to me privately. We went into the hot tub to talk.
Z-"so obviously I'm bi."
Z-"I wanna know about Alex."
Me-"well he is gay. He is bestfriends, well more like family, with Billie. He is single and has been for a while. He was kicked out the house at 16 but his parents give him money so he is loaded and he finds you veryyyyy attractive. So you should get to know him.
Z-"thanks bro, I appreciate it."

Back to Billie:
We walked out to the pool and Bryce approached me and hugged me from behind. He whispered in my ear, "you look stunning." I turned around and smirked at him. He was facing with his back towards the pool so I pushed him in.
Me-"payback bitch."
Everyone laughed and I jumped in the pool. We laughed and joked around for a bit. Bryce came up behind me and placed his hands on my waist.
Me-"can I help you?"
B-"wanna make a tiktok?"
Me-"yeah come on."
We got out of the pool and grabbed our phones. Bryce chose a dance for us to do. We were practicing the dance when Alex came over to us.
A-"what you doing?"
Me-"making a tiktok."
A-"dont forget your scar babes."
Me-"oh shit yeah I forgot."
B-"it's okay we can make it later when your changed."
I thought to myself, i can't keep hiding. People will find out eventually and I can handle the hate I have all these amazing people in my life now. It's time to stop hiding.
Me-"actually lets do it."
B-"you sure Bill?"
Me-"yes, people need to see the real me. I can't hide forever. It's time."
Alex came over and hugged me tight. "I'm so proud of how far you have come. I love you so much" he whispered in my ear. I said, "I love you to Alex, thank you for everything you have done."
Me-"let's do this."
Me and Bryce made our tiktok and posted it on his account. He came over to me and hugged me. I rested my head on his chest and he just rubbed my back. I really am falling for Bryce hall.

So you guys like them longer or shorter? I don't mind which <3

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