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(That's Alex btw in case anyone forgot^^)

I woke up led on Bryce's chest, I looked up and he was already awake.
Me-"hey bub."
He meant down and kissed me on the lips, I looked up at him and smiled.
B-"sorry to dampen the mood but I think we need to talk."
Me-"omg please don't break up with me."
B-"are you crazy, I would never do that. I wanna talk about your dad if that's okay with you."
Me-"you scared me for a second Bryce. What do you want to know."
B-"well he said some stuff about your mom and your scar."
I frowned a bit and looked down. He lifted my chin up so I was looking at him.
B-"you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to baby."
Me-"no, I owe you and explanation. I'm comfortable talking about it with you."
He nodded and i started telling him the story.
Me-"when I was 11 Alex had invited me over to his house so we could watch spongebob. It wasn't a far walk but I didn't want to go on my own so my mum said she would walk me there. We left the house and started to go to Alex's house, we got to this road and as we crossed a man was on the run from the police and my mum noticed his car speeding towards us so she pushed me out the way and took the hit."
Tears formed in my eyes so Bryce lifted me up so my head was on his shoulder and one hand was on my back the other on my cheek.
Me-"I was only 11 I didn't know what was going on, I just saw my mum being put in a ambulance while I waited with some random person while we waited for my dad. When he picked me up he put me in the car and asked what happened and I told him with tears streaming down my face. That when it all started, he screamed at me and blamed me for the accident. We got the the hospital but we were too late she was gone. He screamed at me saying if he hadn't come pick me up he would have been able to say goodbye. We got back in the car and he dropped me off at Alex's house and didn't collect me for days. Then when the funeral came around he picked me up and left me at home so I didn't even get to go to my own mother's funeral."
B-"oh baby, that's not fair. I love you so much and you didn't deserve that. He had no right to do that."
Me-"and my scar, well that happened when I was 15. I got detention because I was late as he didn't give me a ride to school. When I came home after the detention he screamed at me for getting in trouble and when I told him it was his fault he threw me down the stairs and I landed on a mirror, that's why my scar on my stomach is so big, I have little ones aswell from other times he abused me. I had to struggle to get a phone and call the ambulance myself. He told me if I said anything he would kill me so I lied and said I just tripped down the stairs and that my dad was at the shop so he didn't know I had hurt myself, they believed me. I had huge chunks of glass stuck in me and they noticed my self harm marks in my legs and wrist. When I had healed they told me I needed to go to therapy and I was diagnosed with depression. Not too long after that he smashed a bottle over my head and  that's when I knew I couldn't stay in the house anymore and I moved in with Alex."
I had a few tears too down my cheek. Bryce wiped then away with his hand and pulled me into a tight embrace.
B-"I'm so sorry for everything you have been through. I wish I could change the past, you are the most beautiful, amazing, funny girl I have ever met and I would change anything about you. Your scars make you who you are and shows everyone how strong you are. I love you so much and I want you to know your the most important person in my life.
Me-"I love you. I would be here if it weren't for you. Thank you."
We stayed in the same position for a few more minutes when someone opened my bedroom door. It was Alex.
A-"hello love birds, good night?"
He made actions to indicate sex.
Me-"yep, best sex I have ever had."
I quickly covered my mouth with my hands. Bryce and Alex looked shocked. I couldn't believe the words that just came out my mouth.
Me-"I can't believe I just said that."
B-"I mean what can I say."
Me-"don't take all the credit."
A-"wow B who would have thought you would be a freak!"
A-"what, you said anything like that after sex with Callum."
B-"ha, tiny dick."
We all bursted into laughter. Alex could hardly breath.
A-"right, Bryce get up and go get us coffee me and B need a chat while we pack."
We waited for Alex to leave.
A-"hurry up then."
B-"I am naked."
He screamed and ran to his room. Bryce got up and out some sweats and a jumper on. He went to clean his teeth and then walked back into my room.
Me-"no I want to wear that today."
B-"B this is my favourite."
Me-"exactly, it smells like you."
He laughed and took it off. He grabbed a shirt and walked over to me. He quickly kissed me and walked out the apartment. As soon as the door closed Alex came sprinting into my room.
A-"tell me EVERYTHING."
Me-"started in the shower, ended up on the bed."
He gasped.
A-"I saw those scratch marks in his back. You kinky fucker."
Me-" he loved it."
He squealed. I decided to get up and go get some food. I got out of bed and tried to stand up but fell in the floor.
A-"oh my god he fucked you gooddddd."
I got back up on my feet and waddled to the kitchen. I was in a bit of pain from last night but nothing I couldn't handle. Once I got back into my room me and Alex talked some more and packed my stuff for Hawaii. The door opens and Bryce had coffee and donuts.
B-"I got food."
A-"Billie I will bring you yours as you can't walk."
B-"are you okay. Do you need me to take you to the doctor?"
Me-"Bryce I'm fine-"
A-"you fucked her too hard."
He laughed and Bryce smirked at me.
Me-"don't even go there Bryce."
B-"I didn't say anything."
An hour later Alex had packed all his stuff and we headed over to sway so Bryce could get his stuff and we could meet the others. This is what I was wearing for the flight,

And hour after we arrived at sway everyone was ready to leave

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And hour after we arrived at sway everyone was ready to leave. We got into 3 different cars and set off. Me, Alex, Cynthia, Nessa and again went in a car.
N-"so why are you waking funny?"
Me-"last night got a little heated you could say."
C-"omg Billie!"
Me-"this morning he was so cute. He asked me about my mum and dad and was really sweet about it. I really opened up to him."
A-"well done B we're proud of you."
Me-"any way how was everyone else's night?"
C-"me and Q watched films all night."
N-"mads and jaden were in a date so me and josh had the room to our selfs." She winked.
A-" I knew I heard someone moaning."
We laughed and avani said,
Av-"me and ant made out and did some stuff, if you get what I'm on about."
A-"well me and Zach did stuff. We didn't fuck but it's big guys."
We all laughed and Nessa turned on some music. We spent the rest of the car ride singing and dancing. We finally reached the airport.

Let me know what you think of this story so far. <3

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