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Me and Bryce headed over to the hot tub where everyone else was. They all had a shot in their hand.
Me-"excuse me where is mine?"
Griffin handed me a shot glass and filled it up with vodka. "3...2...1" everyone downed their shot and started coughing and complaining. Me and Bryce took it like it was water. Everyone started at us.
Ant-"how did you do that?"
Me & Bryce-"what?"
C-"you just drank that like it was water."
Me-"what he said."
Me and Bryce looked at each other and laughed.
K-"you guys were made for one another I swear."
Everyone laughed and we did a few more shots. Everyone was a bit drunk so we decided to play truth or dare.
J-"Billie truth or dare?"
J-"body count!"
Me-"one. He had a tiny dick and it was shit."
B-"pahaha, what a pussy."
Me-"Alex truth or dare?"
A-"dare. Give me a good one."
Me-"make out with Zach."
He went over to Zach and straddled him infront of everyone and kissed him. He finally pulled away and I clapped.
We carried on the game for a while when josh said,
"Bryce truth or dare?"
J-"jump off the balcony."
Bryce, josh and Nessa went up to the balcony. We were waiting for Bryce to jump then Nessa shouted "he is being a pussy." I said to the others, "make sure you get this on video" I got out the hot tub and went to the balcony.
N-"B what are you doing."
Me-"showing Bryce how it's done."
I turned to Bryce and gave him a kiss then walked up to the side. I climbed over the railing and launched myself into the pool. Everyone cheered for me.
Me-"now you have to do it pussy. Come on we're waiting."
B-"thanks a lot Bill."
Straight after that there was a huge splash next to me. Bryce did it. He came up from under the water and kissed me in front of everyone. They all cheered and I threw my head back while laughing. We got back out the pool and went into the hot tub. As we were walking over Bryce slapped my ass and winked at me. I wanted him so bad.
An hour had passed and we had done more shots. We decided to call it a night as everyone was really drunk. I started stumbling to my room when some picked me up and threw me over their shoulder. We went into a room and I was thrown on the bed.
B-"your staying with me tonight."
I put my arms out and motioned for him to come to me. Bryce jumped on the bed and came to cuddle me he looked up and smirked. He lightly kissed me and then got up.
Me-"hey come back."
B-"no you need to get changed."
He threw me some sweats and a jumper but I was too hot to put it on.
Me-"hold on I will be back."
I jumped up and stumbled to my room. I walked in and Alex was there making out with Zach.
Me-"sorry I am just getting something. I'm staying with Bryce so carry on."
A-"don't do anything I wouldn't."
I put my thumb up and left the room. I managed to find my way back to Bryce. I walked back in and he was led in the bed in some sweats. I started to take my bikini top off and I noticed he had closed his eyes.
Me-"what a gentlemen."
I put my Calvin Klein bra on and hopped into bed. Bryce looked over at me and smiled.
B-"your so pretty."
I blushed so hard I covered my face with my hands. He pulled them away and got on top of me. He hovered so he wasn't crushing me. He started to kiss me gently I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we made out. He then started trailing kissed down my neck leaving hickeys all over. He stopped and looked at me he grabbed my hand and looked at my wrist. He ran his finger over my scars and carefully kissed my wrist. He looked at me in the eyes and said "never again. I can't see you in that pain. I care about you too much." Tears started forming in my eyes and I just smiled "I promise" I said. He got off of me and led back down resting his head on my chest. He got his hand and placed it over my scar on my stomach. I ran my hand through his hair and led there waiting for him to say something. A few minutes later he said, "when your ready to tell me about it I will be here to listen okay, I won't ever judge you." He looked up at me and I nodded. He continued to run his thumb over my stomach until we both drifted off to sleep.
The next morning I woke up, still in the same position as I was when I fell asleep with Bryce on my chest. He really does care for me and I'm so grateful for it. I grabbed my phone and decided to go on tiktok. I went in Bryce's profile and looked at the tiktok we made last night. All the comments were really positive and everyone was being really nice about it. I decided I would go live later to clear a few things up.
An hour had passed and Bryce was still asleep, I decided to take a picture of him and post it on my private story with my close friends on. I started playing with Bryce's hair gently so I wouldn't wake him up. All of a sudden he looked up at me.
Me-"sorry did I wake you?"
B-"no I have been awake for like 10 minutes, i was just comfy."
Me-"Bryce! I looked at your tiktok we made last night and everyone is being nice about it."
B-"that's good then."
He got up and kissed me on the lips.
B-"I'm hungover as fuck so I'm going to take a shower."
Me-"ugh, same. Hurry up because I want one after."
He put his thumbs up and I threw myself back into the pillow. I then dragged myself out of bed and made a tiktok. My scars were showing. I did a dance and captioned it saying, I will be going live later to clear some things up so make sure to keep an eye out. Love you all. Bryce then walked out in just a towel and I opened my mouth wide.
B-"like what you see bubs?"
I flipped him off and went into the bathroom. He shouted "I'm going down stairs call me if you need anything." I shouted "okay". I got in the shower and started singing really loud. Alex was the only person that knew I could sing, I never really told anyone. I didn't realise the whole house could hear me.

Sway pov:
Everyone was downstairs when we heard someone singing. Everyone was confused so se all gathered in the kitchen.
G-"is that Billie?"
B-"she is in my shower so it must be."
Av-"wait you two spent the night together?"
B-"yeah and no we didn't fuck."
A-"yeah Billie can sing but only I know. She doesn't sing often for some reason. Her voice is angelic."
Ant-"um yeah it is."
B-"let's all go up so we can hear it better."
Everyone gathered in Bryce's room and listened to Billie singing. The water stopped and the door opened.

Back to Billie:
I walked out of the bath room and everyone was staring at me.
Me-"excuse me I'm in a towel, close your eyes NOW."
Everyone closed their eyes. Even Bryce.
Me-"not you stupid."
He opens his eyes and smirked.
Me-"give me your jumper."
He took of his jumper and handed it to me I quickly changed into it and I put the sweats on from last night. His hoodie was massive on me. It was basically a dress.
Me-"okay I am dressed now."
Everyone opened their eyes and I sat on Bryce's lap because there was no where else for me to sit. He didn't mind.
C-"Billie you can fucking sing."
Me-"a little."
Z-"Billie you sounded amazing."
J-"why haven't you told us before?"
Me-"never came up in conversation."
The all stared at me and laughed.
Jd-"can you sing some more for us?"
I started to sing selfish by Madison beer. Everyone mouths were wide open then I hit the high note. I was still sat on Bryce and he had his hands wrapped around my waist. He stared at me and smiled.
Josh was recording me without me knowing on tiktok. He captioned it, we just found out Billie could sing and posted it without my permission.
Everyone cheered me on and Bryce kissed me on the cheek. Alex yelled," girl talk now" we all jumped up and went into mine and Alex's room.
A-"So everyone spill what happened last night."
C-"well me and Quinton did stuff but we still haven't fucked yet, he wants to take it slow. I'm completely fine with that because it's shows he is respectful."
N-"well, me and josh shagged."
We all laughed together because they way Nessa said it was so funny.
Av-"me and Anthony just cuddled all night, I mean we have had sex before but we didn't feel like doing it last night."
A-"OMG I spent the night with Zach. We didn't do bits, but we made out a load and I felt it. It's huge."
C-"thanks for the details Alex we really needed that."
We all laughed. They all looked at me and I explained what happened.
N-"I have known Bryce for so long and I have never seen that side of him. Im so happy you have eachother. That is adorable."
Me-"I like him so much. I just want him to ask me to be his girlfriend alreadyyyyy."
We talked for a bit long then I opened up tiktok to see how my post was doing. I noticed josh had tagged me in a video. I had a look and I realised you could see me sat on Bryce's lap with his arms around my waist.
Me-"oh for fuck sake."
I showed them to he phone and me and Nessa ran out the room and over to the boys in Bryce's room.
N-"josh fucking Richards you have some explaining to do."
J-"what did I do?"
I showed him the phone and he instantly realised what he had done. He grabbed his phone and deleted the video immediately.
J-"shit, I'm so sorry Billie and you Bryce. I fucked up I'm so sorry."
B-"what's he on about?"
Me-"he posted a video of me and you this morning. While I was sitting in your lap singing. All the fans have gone crazy."
B-"fuck sake josh"
Me-"josh he hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend yet!"
J-"I know I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to. I just wanted to show everyone how talented you are."
Me-"it's fine I know you didn't mean it."
I looked at Bryce and said "now what?"
He grabbed my hand and took me to his car. I got in the passenger seat and we started driving.


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