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Me, Nessa, josh, Bryce and griffin got into the car. Me Nessa and Bryce were sat in the back. It was a short drive to the hype house but me and Bryce still fell asleep In the car. Nessa got her phone out and took a picture. Once we arrived josh woke us up.
J-"oi love birds where here."
We woke up and got out of the car. I was nervous to meet everyone.
Me-"what if they don't like me?"
B-"they will, trust me."
I gripped onto Bryce's arm and headed in to the house.
J-"hey guys. We brought Billie and Alex with us. Hope you don't mind."
Before anyone could answer a tall girl with black hair   Went running up to griffin and jumped in his arms. I smiled, it was nice to see him with someone other than the boys. We started walking into the house. Bryce introduced me to everyone. They were all super nice and made me feel welcome. Lastly we walked up to Addison.
B-"addy, this is Billie my girlfriend."
Addy-"omg hey, it's so nice to meet you. Bryce she is gorgeous, how did you get her!"
I laughed. I was shocked she was so nice to me. Normally exes don't get along.
Me-"it's so nice to meet you and speak for yourself, your stunning."
Addy-"do you want a house tour. I would be happy to give you one."
Me-"I would love to. Bryce is that okay with you?"
B-"of course it is babe, you don't have to ask."
Me and Addison headed off around the house. We stopped off in hers and Dixies room to talk.
Addy-"look I know your with Bryce and I'm super happy for you. But please don't leave him. I felt super bad for what I did but we just weren't working out and I didn't want to face social media."
Me-"don't worry, he has made me feel like myself again, I'm not going anywhere."
Addy-"he has?"
Me-"yeah. What I was 11 my mum died and I had a rough up bringing. I only had Alex my bestfriend and we moved into a apartment when we were 16. I had a bad relationship and sworn of love. Until I found Bryce. He has made me feel so good about myself and I'm not embarrassed of my scars anymore. He cares for me so much and I don't know what I would do without him in my life."
Addy-"awh Billie I'm so happy for you both."
Me-"thank you Addison it means a lot hearing it from you."
Addy-"wanna head back down stairs and make tiktoks?"
I nodded and we started to walk down stairs to meet the others. Alex and avani approached me.
Av-"hey B, how did that go?"
Me-"really good actually she is so sweet."
A-"that's good I thought you guys wound get along."
Me-"nope all good. In fact I think we're going to be good friends."
We joined the others and started to make some tiktoks. Jack and James approached me and asked if I could make a dancing tiktok with them. I looked at Bryce and said,
Me-"is that okay with you?"
B-"yeah, of course it is. You can make them with anyone."
I jumped up and kissed Bryce on the cheek. I waked over to the boys and we practiced a dance they had made. It was very fast but i caught on quick. About 20 minutes had passed and we had finished. They posted one of both their accounts and one on mine.

A few hours and a lot of tiktoks later I was extremely tired. I sat down next to Bryce and rested my head on his shoulder.
B-"tired bub?"
"Yeah" I said while slowly closing my eyes.
B-"boys, and girls, billies falling asleep, we should probably head home."
J-"come on then let's go to the cars."
Everyone said goodbye to each other while I was asleep on Bryce. Dixie decided come and stay at sway for a while so she could be with griffin. As we were leaving Bryce swept me up while I was sleeping and put me in the car. Dixie was in the car with is so I had to go on Bryce's lap as there was no more room. I curled up into a ball in Bryce's lap with my head resting on his chest.

Bryce's pov:
D-"so Bryce, how come she always ask for you permission to do things?"
Me-"I'm guessing her last relationship was worse than we thought."
I looked at Nessa and she frowned.
D-"I'm a little confused. Can you tell me a bit so I don't say the wrong thing, I want to make a good impression."
J-"Billie has had a hard life. She had depression not long ago but her bestfriend brought her out if it. She doesn't have a mum and she doesn't talk to her dad."
I was running my thumb over her wrists looking at her scars. I sighed And said,
Me-"she hurt herself, on her wrists and legs. She promised me she wouldn't again. But her stomach wasn't her."
Josh, Nessa and griffin looked at me.
N-"wait what?"
Me-"someone did it to her. I don't know who and she said that they don't speak anymore but it still kills me to think someone did this to her."
G-"shit man, we didn't know."
I looked down at her. She was sleeping so peaceful, she looked so small in my lap. She was safe.
The rest of the journey was silent, until we reached sway.
I lifted her up from my lap and carried her to my bed. I led her down and kissed her forehead.

Back to Billie:
Someone had kissed my forehead, I assumed it was Bryce. I opened my eyes and I was right.
B-"shit sorry I didn't mean to wake you."
Me-"it's okay, I don't mind."
B-"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back."
I nodded and he left the room. I smiled to myself and started to take my clothes off. I didn't have any clothes on so I started walking towards the bathroom. I opened the door and walked in.
B-"Billie is that you, do you need anythi- oh wow."
He opened the shower door and looked at me. His mouth was wide open.
Me-"what, I need a shower too."
Bryce was still stood there looking me up and down while smirking. I walked closer and hopped into the shower, our bodies inches apart.
B-"you are fucking gorgeous"
Before I could say anything he smashed his lips onto mine. His hands exploring every inch of my body. He leant down and kissed my neck, hitting my sweet spot causing me to let out a moan. He look back up to me a chuckled. He moved his hands up from my lower back to my tits. He moved his hands slowly, caressing them gently. I had my hands around his neck and in his hair. I slipped my tongue into his mouth, not gasping for air.
I looked down to see he had a boner and I looked back up and smirked.
B-"not today. I want to wait."
Me-"thank you. That doesn't mean I can't do this."
I traced kissed down his neck, to his chest then to his abs, leaving hickeys as I went down. I started stroking his member causing him to let out a moan. I look up at him and smirked. I started sucking, faster and faster until he released in my mouth.
I swallowed and got back up to look at him.
B-"holy shit. That was amazing."
Me-"your welcome."
We carried on showering. We washed ourselves of with soap and got out the shower. I took this picture to set as my lock screen

 I took this picture to set as my lock screen

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(Obviously imagine its Billie and Bryce)

We walked out of the bathroom and changed into some new clothes. I didn't have any in Bryce's room so I went to my normal room to get some. I knocked on the door and Alex shouted,
A-"come in"
I walked in with a towel on.
A-"you were asleep 30 mins ago!"
Me-"me and Bryce just got out the shower and I forgot that I didn't—shit I didn't mean to say that out loud."
A-"you and Bryce had a shower together!!!! Tell me everything. Did you fuck?"
Me-"no he wants to wait. I'm glad because it shows he doesn't want to rush things. But I did give him a blow job. Fuck knows how that's going to fit in me."
Alex bursted out laughing and I joined it.
A-"omg B, I'm so happy for you. No grab you stuff and get back to your man."
I picked up a bad with some items I would need in and have Alex a kiss on the cheek goodbye. I ran back to Bryce's room so no one would see me and question me. I got back and changed them hopped into bed with Bryce. We snuggled until we fell off to sleep.


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