Happy place.

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We drove for about 30 mins. Listening to music, we didn't talk just took in the atmosphere. I stared out the window most of the car ride but I knew Bryce kept checking on me.
B-"we're here bubs."
He walked round to my door and I hopped out. He held out his hand and I placed my hand in his and we interlocked fingers.
Me-"where are we going Bryce?"
B-"to my happy place."
He guided me through a forest for about 10 minutes. He didn't let go of my hand.
B-"here we are."
I moved beside Bryce to see a huge grass patch surrounded with trees and flowers. It was completely sealed no one could see or hear us. Bryce let go of my hand and sat in the middle of the grass. He patted the floor motioning for me join him. I sat beside him and placed my head on his shoulder.
Me-"why did you bring me here Bryce?"
B-"I really like you Billie, like a lot and I don't want to lose you."
Me-"you won't."
B-"that's what Addison said."
Me-"I'm not Addison am I. Tell me about her."
B-"she was nice and sweet but when the fans found out about our relationship she didn't like it so she left me. I'm not mad about it because I found you. Me and Addison were never right together we weren't similar and she was always busy. She didn't make time for me. I was sad when she ended it but I wasn't as sad as I should have been. We're friends but I'm glad we're not together."
Me-"did you ever bring her here?"
B-"no, I haven't ever brought anyone here."
I looked at him but he kept staring out into the distance. He eventually turned to face me. He held my hands in his and said, "please don't leave me. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me and i don't want you to leave because of what the fans say. I didn't want it to come out this way I wanted us to be able to keep it between close friends for a while before social media gets involved. I'm sorry."
Me-"Bryce, I'm not going anywhere. You have made me feel so special and wanted. I know I'm not one to express my emotions but I care for you more than you can imagine. I don't want to lose you either. Who cares what the fans say it's non of their business. I know this isn't how we wanted anyone to find out but what's done is done. We can't go back on it so we have to embrace it."
He had his head down so I couldn't see his face. I cupped his cheek with my hand and moved his face so I could see him. He had tears streaming down his face. I had never seen him cry. I had never known what it's like to have someone this important to me in my life. He place his hand over mine and said "thank you Billie." I pulled him closer and kissed him softly. I pulled back and wiped his tears with my thumb.
Moments later he picked me up and placed me in-between his legs. I rested my head on his chest and we sat like that for a while. It was silent until Bryce said, "hey Billie, I know it's early on and you don't have to say yes but, do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?"
I shot up and turned to face him. I launched myself into him and kissed him hard.
Me-"obviously, I have been waiting for you to ask me !"
Me-"yeah, you took your bloody time."
We both laughed and decided to head back to the car. I remembered earlier I had promised my fans I would go live.
Me-"Bryce is is okay if I go live while we drive home?"
B-"yeah go for it, we can tell the fans were together then."
I set up my phone and started my live. I wanted 5 minutes so people could join.
Me-"hey guys, ask me and Bryce questions and we will answer them while we drive home."
Fan-whats all those scars?
Bryce reaches over and out his hand on the thigh while I talked as he knew it was a touchy subject.
Me-"well my arms and legs are self inflicted marks from a rough time in my life. I did have depression but I'm not comfortable going into that on social media. I'm all good now."
I glanced over at Bryce and smiled.
Me-"the big scar on my stomach wasn't self inflicted. I was hurt by someone from my past. I haven't seen them in years now so they are out of my life. I'm fine now, I'm surrounded by good people."
Bryce's smile faded. It hurt him to know someone had done that to me, but he didn't ask questions he waited for me to open up.
I read some more questions and me and Bryce answered them. We stopped at dunkin to get some food. We ordered and sat in the car park for a while.
Fan-can you explain josh's video that he deleted?
B-"well, me and Billie have been good friends for a while, but we realise it was more than that. Obviously she is gorgeous and all but she is also an amazing person and she makes me a better man. I'm very lucky to have her in my life."
Me-"so today the video was posted without us knowing for you guys to see. We forgive josh as it was an accident however we didn't want you guys to find out from another person so we are going to tell you now on live."
B-"me and Bill went on a drive and we stoped at a special place. We talked things through."
Me-"and he finallyyyyyy asked me to be his girlfriend. I obviously said yes!"
The fans started going crazy on the live they were saying mostly nice things however there were some hate comments but nothing we couldn't handle. We laughed it off and spoke to the fans some more. While Bryce was talking I took a bite of my donut. He turned to look at me and noticed I had icing in my face again.
B-"babe, you have done it again!"
He got his thumb and wiped it off. I laughed and he gave me a kiss.
We noticed it was getting late so we said goodbye to the live and hit the road.
Once we arrived home we got out the car and Bryce grabbed my hand and we locked fingers. We walked through the front door and josh immediately apologised.
J-"guys I'm so sorry, Bryce I know you wanted to wait and Billie-"
B-"josh it's fine. She still wants to be with me, I fact i asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes."
All the girls and Alex just heard what Bryce said and ran over to me, grabbed my hand and pulled me away from Bryce. I mouthed "sorry" and he laughed.
I sat down and I explained everything to them. I didn't miss out anything. Every few seconds one of them would go "awh" or "omg" I had everything I could ask for in one house and it had only been like a week since I got here.
Me-"Alex were definitely moving here."
Av-"wait what."
Me-"me and Alex are moving but don't tell the boys yet."
C-"holy shit, could this day get any better?!"
N-"how about we have a girls night just us 5?"
We ran and got dressed and took our makeup off. I ran over to Bryce and said "I'm not sleeping with you tonight were having a girls night" he stuck his bottom lip out so I gave him a quick kiss then ran back to the others.
We did face masks and ate snacks and watched films and drank alcohol all night. We finally piled into one bed and fell asleep. We woke up in the morning to find all the boys in the living room.
G-"hey guys, rough night?"
C-"you can say that again."
Me-"where's josh, Bryce, Quinton, Ant and Zach?"
G-"Gone to get you guys coffee."
Just as we said that the boys walked through the door holding coffee and chocolate.
B-"guess where were off to today. Hype houseeeeee."
G-"yay Billie and Alex can meet Dixie."
I walked upstairs to get change when Bryce followed me up and into my room. I turned around and jumped. I fell on the floor.
B-"shit sorry babe, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay."
Me-"yeah I'm fine."
I jumped up into his arms and showered him with kissed.
B-"I missed you last night."
Me-"I missed you too. Now what shall I wear."
He looked around and found this outfit,

"He looked around and found this outfit,

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I put it on and grabbed my coffee. Me and Bryce went back down stairs to meet the others. We waited for Alex because he was taking forever. While we waited we made some tiktoks. Me and Bryce did the savage dance and I threw it back on him. After I posted it he said "babe careful your going to give me a boner." We bursted our into laugher and Alex came down. We got into 3 cars and started driving to the hype house.

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