King size bed.

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I woke up around mid day, Bryce wasn't next to me. I got up and decided to have a shower. I turned my music on and got in. After last nights events, I decided to make me feel good about myself so I put on some makeup and wore this,

 After last nights events, I decided to make me feel good about myself so I put on some makeup and wore this,

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I curled my hair, grabbed my phone and headed downstairs. I walked into the living room to see everyone waiting with gifts in their hands.
Me-"um hey guys, who's birthday is it?"
Ant-"no ones."
A-"look B after last night we all sat down together and realised how important you are to us and we though we would show you how much we appreciate you so we got up early and went shopping!"
Me-"guys you didn't have to."
C-"yes we did. You have been through more than we could imagine. We never realised how bad things were for you."
J-"we feel so guilty because our lives have always been so easy. We want to change your life and show you how amazing you are."
Tears started forming in my eyes. I love them all so much and they have changed me for the better. Bryce came up next to me and held my hand.
Me-"I love you guys so much. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you."
As I said that I glanced at everyone but turned my head to look at Bryce.
N-"now sit down so you can open your gifts."
I sat down in the floor and jaden and mads were first to give me a gift. I opened up the box to see a pair of Chanel sunglasses. I gasped and gave them both a tight hug. Next Anthony and Avani gave me a joint present. I opened it up and it was a new laptop.
Me-"omg guys you didn't have to."
Av-"are you kidding your laptop is shit. You needed a new one."
I gave them both a hug and opened kio and olivias next. It was a brand new handbag from Louis vitton. I said thank you and gave them hugs. Next was Nessa and josh, they handed me a card. I opened it up to find $500.
Me-"holy shit."
I looked at them and started running and jumping on them. I gave them both a kiss on the cheek and went back to my spot. Griffin and dixi handed me a box and I opened it up to find a new pair of AirPods. I gave them both a hug. Quinton and Cynthia handed me a Gucci box. I opened it and saw a new pair of Gucci slides. I ran to them and squeezed them in a tight hug. I whispered thank you. Alex and Zach gave me my next gift. It was a big box. I opened it up and found a carry on suitcase from Louis vitton.
Me-"Alex, Zach, what the hell. This must of cost so much!"
They laughed together while looking at me. Bryce came and sat down next to me.
B-"you like all your presents?"
Me-"I love them so much."
B-"ready for you last one?"
He handed me an envelope with Bill written in the front. I opened it and pulled out a plane ticket. I looked at Bryce with a smile on my face and then back at the ticket.
Everyone screamed "WERE GOING TO HAWAII."
B-"we leave tomorrow night."
Me-"everyone pool now."
We all ran to the pool and jumped in fully clothed. Everyone laughed and Bryce came over and held me by my waist.
B-"hey babe."
Me-"I love you so much."
B-"I love you too."
Nessa saw us together and took a photo of us. She sent it to us both and we looked at our phones. Bryce decided to post one of them on Instagram.



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