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I woke up with a arm hooked around my wait. I rested my hand on Bryce's arm.
B-"hey bub."
I groaned and turned to face him. He smiled. I covered his eyes with my hands and he laughed. He reached up and removed them.
Me-"don't look at me. I look disgusting in the morning."
B-"no you don't. Your gorgeous."
I kissed him for a while, until griffin walked in.
G-"hey guys. Sorry to interrupt but me, josh and Quinton are playing never have I even in the hot tub for a YouTube video and we want you guys to be in in so get ready and come down in 5 mins."
Griffin left the room and I covered myself with a pillow. Bryce laughed and dragged me up and out of bed.
B-"come on Bill, get ready."
I went in my bag a pulled out this,

I put it on and went in the bathroom to sort my hair out and brush my teeth

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I put it on and went in the bathroom to sort my hair out and brush my teeth. Once I had finished I walked out to see Bryce sat waiting for me on the bed.
B-"you look-"
Me-"I'm sorry I can change. It's too revealing."
I went to walk back around when I felt a pair of hands on my wait. Bryce turned me around and said,
"Babe, your stunning and you should show your body off. It's your body not mine and you can wear whatever you want. Plus I want people to know how hot my girlfriend is."
I blushed and said,
Me-"are you sure, Callum didn't like it when I wore stuff like this because other boys looked at me."
B-"who care if they look at you. Your mine and no one else can have you."
I smiled and sat on Bryce's lap. We made out for a few minutes when Quinton shouted, "stop having sex and come down." We bursted into laughter and started going outside. I jumped on Bryce's back and we went over to the boys.
G-"hey guys welcome back to my Chanel, today we're doing a never have I ever in the hot tub. The person with the most fingers down in the end has to jump of the balcony."
B-"hold on I didn't know about that."
Me-"stop being a pussy."
J-"okay, never have I ever, had sex."
G-"easy question."
We all put a finger down.
Q-"wait B you have!"
Me-"yeah remember tiny dick?"
J-"oh yeahhhh."
We carried on playing for a bit longer. I ended up sitting on Bryce's lap. He looked at me and kissed my cheek while Griff was talking.
Me-"my turn, never have I ever blacked out because of drinking too much."
Me and Bryce put a finger down, the others didn't. We all looked at each other and laughed.
Q-"you guys were made for each other."
We smiled at one another.
G-"well guys we have finished the game and, what a surprise Bryce lost. Again."
B-"not fair all the questions were aimed at me."
J-"buddy's scared to Jump."
We got out the hot tub and griffin grabbed his camera. We went into Anthony's room to get to the balcony. Bryce shotgunned a whiteclaw then got scared to jump.
Me-"babe you did this drunk, surly you can do it sober."
B-"it's not that easy Bill."
After he said that I hopped over the railing ready to jump.
B-"fuck sake, your not actually doing that. What if you hurt yourself."
I turned to him and said, "fuck it" and jumped into the pool. Everyone cheered for me.
Me-"come on Bryce your turn."
He hopped over the railing and said, "I'm only doing this for you" and he launched himself into the pool landing right next to me. He came up to the surface and picked me up.
Me-"told you it wasn't bad."
B-"yeah yeah."
Me-"can you take some pictures of me for Instagram?"
He nodded and we got out the pool. I quickly changed into a new bikini and joined Bryce back outside. We took some pictures and posted them on Instagram.

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