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It was the night before you and Alex left for LA. I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I decided to wonder into Alex's room to see if he was awake, he was.
Me-"Alexxxxx I cant sleep, what can I do?"
A-" neither, we could pack I guess. Save us a job for tomorrow"
Me-"that's such a good idea and I can vlog it and edit it on the plane!"
A-"ooo yay, let's pack in your room mine is a mess."

We headed to my room and set up my camera. I grabbed my new suitcase and started to record.

Me- hey guys, me and Alex can't sleep because we're too excited. We're going to LA tomorrow to meet some new friends of ours. You will find out who very soon. Anyway, I thought I could show you how I pack for a trip and Alex is bored so is helping me.
A- hey bitchessss. Wait can I swear. Shit. Omg I did it again.
We bursted into laugher and I managed to get some words out "yes, it's fine Alex."
After our laughing fit I grabbed my camera and we went to make some ice coffee.
Me-we decided to make some coffee even tho we won't be able to sleep now.
Alex- oh well, fuck it. It's not like we're already addicted.
We walked back to my room and started to pack. I showed the camera a few of my clothes I was taking and some english candy to give to the boys for a YouTube video I would make later on in the trip. Once we had finished my packing we went to go and pack Alex's bag.
Me-Alex how is it possible for you to have more luggage than me.
A-don't judge me okay, I have my needs.
We started laughing again and talked to the camera while packing. We talked about finding boyfriends in LA and other random things.
Me-okay well guys, we have finished packing. The next time I post will a vlog of us arriving in LA!!
Alex covered the camera and stopped recording.

I decided I was going to pull an all-nighter and edit my video then instead of on the plane so I could sleep.

Skip to morning.

Me-"come on Alex our Uber will be here any minute we need to go."
A-"why did you have to book our flight for 6 in the morning you bitch. You know I don't function until 12 o'clock." He groaned and rolled out of bed and onto the floor.
I had posted my video on YouTube last night once I had edited it so I grabbed my camera and started to vlog Alex getting out of bed.
Me-hey guys, we're off to LA, yayyyyy. Alex won't get out of bed tho.
I flipped the camera onto him and nudged him with my foot and he groaned.
A-leave me alone.
Me-shit, our Uber is here Alex COME ON.
A- I'm coming let's go.
He shot up and headed for the door. I chuckled to myself, turned my camera off, grabbed my luggage and got in the car. It was a short ride to the airport so I vlogged a short clip. We arrived at the airport and checked in. We went through security and I vlogged some more. We stopped for food and I decided to call Bryce.

Hey, we're at the airport we should arrive in LA at like 2pm. You going to pick us up?
Of course I am. Well all of us are. I can't wait to hug you.
I blushed and Bryce smiled at me.
Awhh same here, did you watch my YouTube video?
Not yet, we all wanted to wait till you arrived so we could watch it with you!
Yay, I can't wait.

Me and Bryce talked for a while until my flight was boarding.

I have to get in my flight now. Wish me luck.
I know you hate flying but it will be fine I promise. I'll see you soon.

I ended the call and me and Alex went to board the plane. I say by the window and Alex was beside me. He held my hand because he knows I hate flying so much. I grabbed my camera from my bag and filmed me and Alex on the plane. He told the camera how I was squeezing his had so hard and help it up to the camera. I put my camera away and shut my eyes, placing my head on Alex's shoulder until we were in the air.
A few hours had passed and we were just listening to music and watching tiktoks so we then decided to watch gossip girl to pass time. We watched about 6 episodes until Alex fell asleep on my shoulder. Luckily we had paid to have wifi on the plane so posted a snap of Alex asleep. I then decided to post on Instagram.

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