Vanilla sprinkle.

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Quinton, josh and Bryce ordered their food and looked at us for our order.
Me-"I think your forgetting we're British and have no idea what they sell."
B-"oh shit yeah. I'll order for you."
Bryce ordered us a drink and food we got iced lattes and Alex got a triple chocolate donut and I got a vanilla sprinkle. Me and Alex looks at each other and tried our food and drinks. We fell in love. Bryce knee exactly what I liked.
We stopped in the car park for a bit and made some tiktoks. Quinton wanted to drive so he swapped with Bryce. I just finished my donut and josh and Quinton we're making a donut. Me, Alex and Bryce were in the back. I was in the middle and Bryce said "look at me a sec." I did and he got his thumb and willed my cheek. "You had icing on your cheek!" We started to laugh and I said "thanks."
I went to look at Quintons tiktok and I noticed me and Bryce in the back. I looked at the comments and they said:
"Who's that girl?"
"I don't recognise her"
"I kinda ship them ngl"
I laughed and told Quinton to look in the back of his tiktok. He did and he laughed "oops" he said. I showed Bryce and he got embarrassed.
J-"look he is blushing. Simp."
B-"shut up you have Nessa."
Me-"oh yeah you guys need to tell me about your girlfriends and shit."
J-"I'm with Nessa, ants with Avani, Jaden is with mads, kio is with Olivia, griff is with Dixie and Quins with-"
Q-"Cynthia. She is amazing and you will love her. Oh and Bryce is, well lonely as fuck."
Me and Alex started laughing.
B-"alright, way to rub it in."
J-"what about you two."
Me and Alex looked at each other and laughed. The boys were confused and Alex said,
A-"there are no men in England they are all road men and they fuck around with people."
Me-"yeah we dint do relationships over there."
A-"I have been single for 3 years, so if you know any gays looking for a man please let me know."
Q-"actually our friend Zach just came out as bi."
A-"oooo, show me a picture."

A-"holy shit, give me his @

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A-"holy shit, give me his @."
J-"we can invite him to stay if you want."
Me-"yes he wants that, please he is driving me insane. He needs a man."
J-"Billie what about you? Like anyone?"
Me-"I don't do relationships anymore."
Bryce looked concerned. His smile faded.
B-"how come?"
A-"let's just say her last relationship was not good."
Me-"I met this boy, callum, when I was 16 and we were together for 2 years. After that I swore off falling In love. That's why I find it hard to open up."
Q-"oh, so you never want to find anyone?"
Me-"I don't mean it like that, but if the right person comes around I wouldn't say no. It would just take a lot to make me fall for someone."
A-"and I have to approve. And that doesn't happen, ever."
I put my head down and played with my hands in my lap. Bryce put his hand on mine and rubbed it lightly to comfort me. He knew I was sad. I looked up and smiled at him.
Q-"you guys wanna head over to sway now and meet some of the girls. They can't wait to meet you."
Me-"I don't get on with girls, what if they don't like me. I have only ever been friends with Alex."
A-"babes, they will love you."
B-"yeah don't worry they are all super nice."
Me-"okay lets go."
I forgot about my vlog I was doing so I got out my camera and put it on Bryce. We were all laughing when Bryce took my camera and out it on me. I covered it and told him no. We carried on laughing and dancing to music.
Abut 20 mins later we arrived at sway. I was so nervous to meet the girls. What if they don't like me.
Bryce opens the door and shouted "hunny I'm home"
At the top of his voice. A stampede of girls came rushing towards me and Alex. I was swept up into a hug by one of the girls.
Av-avani. C-Cynthia. N-Nessa.

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