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A few days had past, we were still in London. Me and Alex took the other site seeing over the past few days.
I woke up cuddling Bryce, he was awake.
Me-"hey babe."
B-"morning sleepyhead."
We got up and wondered into the living room. We sat down on josh and Nessas bed, as they were already up. Nessa put her arms out to me so I snuggled into her on the sofa bed. The boys looked at us like we were crazy.
J-"you guys are weird."
N-"what! She is my baby."
B-"no mine."
She stuck her tongue out him and he did it back.
J-"so we have 2 days left. What we doing today?"
Me-"when Alex gets up we could go shopping if you want."
Me-"okay then, I'll go wake Alex up."
I got up and headed to Alex's room. He was asleep on FaceTime to Zach. I waved to Zach and he mouthed, "hey Billie." I then jumped on Alex causing him to scream. Me and Zach laughed at him.
A-"yay let's go."
We all got ready and left the apartment, we went into urban outfitters, forever 21, Burberry, mulberry and other shops. We spent so much money. We had so many bags and we finally ended up in Gucci. I was looking around the jewellery until I came across this,

 I was looking around the jewellery until I came across this,

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I looked at the price and my eyes went wide. It was so expensive, I decided to just walk away before I made a bad decision. I walked over to Bryce.
Me-"what you looking at?"

It was the same one I was looking at but in white

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It was the same one I was looking at but in white.
Me-"I was just looking at the same one in black. It's beautiful. You getting it?"
B-"yep their just grabbing me one now."
Me-"yayyy, I'm just heading to the toilet, I'll meet you outside."
I kissed him on the cheek and walked out.

Bryce's pov:
Billie just walked away so I called over Alex.
Me-"Alex, do you know B's ring size?"
A-"yeah why?"
The others cane over.
Me-"I'm getting this ring for myself and Billie said she saw a black one she liked just like it. Well you know she never treats her self so I want to get it for her."
N-"awhhh Bryce that's so cute."
J-"bro, you are so In love."
Me-"shush I haven't said it yet. I'm waiting till we're back in LA. I really do love her."
A-"I'm going to cry. She has never been in love you know, so no pressure."
Me-"what about Callum?"
A-"she thought she loved him but it was all a lie."
I got her the ring and hid it in my bag so she wouldn't see. We walked out the shop and waited for her to come back.

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