I do.

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Billies pov:
I couldn't open my eyes but I could hear Bryce. I wanted to kiss him and tell him how much I love him but I can't. Please just let me wake up.

Bryce's pov:
I woke up still holding her hand. I gently kissed her forehead. I texted the others telling them to come and visit so I could explain what happened. Once they arrived the all came charging into the room and gave Billie a hug.
A-"omg Billie. What happened."
Jd-"yeah Bryce non of us know yet."
Me-"Callum was outside and I went and kissed her head while hugging her. She told me to go back inside and then he said something like, I'm going to prove how much I still love you, something like that and then he raised his hand and Billie stepped in front of me to block it. I was about to run after him when she said "son of a bitch" and I looked down and she had tears in my eyes and she fell to the floor. I only just caught her and then I spotted a huge blade in her shoulder. He fucking stabbed her."
Q-"what the fuck. Is he crazy."
A-"wait Bryce has she not told you about him?"
Me-"no... it never came up."
A-"fuck that's why I didn't want her on her own."
G-"what do you mean?"
A-"not long after B left to move in with me, she met Callum and he was nice and sweet. She was in a lot of pain, physically and mentally. He took advantage of that and used to hurt her when she did something he didn't like. He also, um, well he, rapped her multiple times."
My heart stopped. My eyes filled with tears and I fell into the chair. All the boys stood their in shock. Alex was in tears but continued to talk.
A-"2 years had passed and she couldn't take it anymore so she tried to kill herself again. I was there to stop her. A few days later he moved away, obviously to LA. She hasn't spoken to him since so her dad obviously told him where she was and he texted her on the way home from the airport."
A-"I'm sorry she told me not to. I don't know what I was thinking."
Me-"it's my fault."
J-"Bryce no it's not."
Me-"it was. He was going to stab me in the heart and she took the hit. If I had realised what he was doing she wouldn't be in hospital. It's my fault."
Z-"Bryce she was protecting you. She loves you and you would have done the same."
We all had our backs to Billie so we weren't paying attention.

Billies pov:
My eyes started to open after and hour of trying. I opened them to see I was in a hospital room. All the boys were in there with their backs to me. So I decided to speak.
Me-"well I guess I have another scar to add to the collection."
They all turned around as fast as they could. Bryce ran to my side. He had tears all over his face. He grabbed my hand and I pulled him into a tight embrace.
B-"I'm so sorry it's all my fault."
He had his head buried in my hair. I put my hand in the back of his head.
Me-"no it's not."
B-"yes it was if I had just realised the-"
Me-"no Bryce. It's not your fault I did what was right. I wasn't going to let him hurt you."
B-"I love you so much but never do that again."
Me-"I love you more."
He let go of me and Alex came over to me.
A-"B I'm sorry I told them about Callum."
I frowned and put my hand on Alex's cheek.
Me-"it's okay. You did the right thing."
K-"we are never leaving you alone now. We can't let you go through anything like that again."
G-"were so sorry B we didn't know what he did."
Me-"it's okay guys. I should have told you. I'm sorry."
The all came and have me hugs. We spoke for a while and the door bursted open.
She came running over and hugged me.
N-"shit I'm sorry."
Me-"what are you doing here!"
N-"josh rang me when it happend and I got on the next plane to LA. I had to be with my bestfriend."
Me-"awh Nes. Thank you i love you so much."
She said it back and went to hug josh. They started with me until the doctor came in to tell them visiting hours were over.
Me-"bye guys I'll see you soon."
Doctor-"how are you feeling mrs hall?"
Me-"um good."
Doctor-"okay good, your husband can stay with you over night."
Bryce scratched the back of his head and glanced over at me. The doctor left.
B-"sorry. They wouldn't let anyone in unless we were family so I pretended to be your husband."
Me-"ohhh i was confused then. It's fine. Actually Billie hall has a ring to it doesn't it."
We laughed and then I remembered what Bryce said while I couldn't wake up.
me-"Bryce, I want to marry you and have kids with you too. Your the love of my life and I'm so grateful to have you in my life."
B-"wait you heard me?"
I nodded. He smiled and leaned over to kiss me.
B-"I haven't been active on social media for the past 2 days so can I make a tiktok to let the fans know were both alive?"
Me-"yeah but let me be in it. I'll sit in the back."
He set up his phone and we made a tiktok. He posted it and fans immediately asked why I was in hospital.
Me-"well now I have to make one to explain why."
I put it on 60 seconds and briefly explained that I was stabbed by my psycho ex to protect Bryce. I posted it and it instantly went viral. I was getting comments saying get well soon and that I was such a good girlfriend for protecting him. I turned my phone off as I was in a lot of pain. I patted the bed and Bryce got in.
B-"I wanna marry you so bad."
Me-"ask me then."
Me-"if you wanna marry me so bad ask me."
B-"i know we have only been together for like a year but I love you so much and i can't live without you. We don't have to tell the fans or anything yet but Billie will you marry me?"
Me-"of course I will dummy."
He smiled and kissed me.
B-"wait actually."
Me-"you might be stupid and annoying sometimes but I love you so much. So yes I am serious."
B-"we are not telling fans yet. I want to do this right."
Me-"agreed. This is our business and I want to wait for a few months."
We talked for a while longer and I fell asleep in his arms.

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