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*Skip to last day in Hawaii*

It was around 4 pm, we decided to go to the pool as it had a lazy river. I was about to get in when Zach came up behind me.
Z-"um B I think I wanna ask Alex to be my boyfriend, do you think he will say yes?"
Me-"um yeah of course he would he literally keeps worrying because you haven't asked him yet!"
Z-"okay good I'm going to take him on the lazy river and ask him."
Me-"good luck."
I got in the pool and swam over to Bryce. I was too small to touch the floor so he wrapped his arms around me to hold me up.
B-"what was that about?"
Me-"Zach is going to ask Alex out!"
We swam around and talked for a while when I heard a massive splash behind me.
Me-"the fuck?"
I swam over and hugged him. I have him a big kiss on the lips and told him how happy I was for him.
B-"hey Alex your stealing my kisses."
A-"sorry babes you can have her back I'm off to find my boyfriend."
We all laughed and me and Bryce decided to go on the lazy river together. We got in a single ring and I just led onto of Bryce. We was nice and peaceful. He just sat with his arms around my stomach, rubbing his thumb over my arm.
Me-"I love you."
B-"I love you to B."
Once we reached the end of the lazy river we decided to head to our rooms so we could pack. Our flights were early in the morning and non of the girls were coming back to sway, they had to go home so it was just me. Me and Bryce finished packing and we headed to bed.
Once we woke up at 5am we got changed and waited for the others in the lobby. Nessa came down and ran into my arms.
N-"I don't want to leave you."
Me-"I don't want to leave you either but we will see each other as soon as possible."
The others cane down and we got into our jeeps to go to the airport. We checked in and went through security. All the girls had to go to different gates so we all said goodbye. Me and Alex cried A LOT.
We went to our gate and I said to the boys,
Me-"how about we drop your stuff off at sway and then you guys can come round mine and Alex's apartment and we can order pizza.
Q-"ooo yeah pizza."
Jd-"sounds like a plan."
We talked for a bit longer and then we had to board our plane. We got on and I immediately fell asleep on Bryce. He didn't mind. A few hours later Anthony was waking me and Bryce up to tell us we had landed. We got off the plane and grabbed our luggage, me, Anthony, Alex and Bryce got in a car. Me and Alex say in the back. We talked for a while when I got a text from a random number.
I know you live in LA now. Lots of love callum.
I didn't respond but I nudged Alex and showed him. He looked at me with wide eyes I put my finger up to my mouth and he frowned. We arrived at sway and the boys went to get changed. As soon as they left the car Alex said,
A-"Billie wtf."
Me-"it's fine he doesn't know where I live."
A-"okay just make sure me or Bryce is with you at all times."
Me-"I promise. But don't tell him or he will panic."
He nodded and we put some music on. The boys came back out and we decided to walk to our apartment.
Once we arrived we let the boys in and put a movie on. I snuggled up to Bryce and Alex shouted,
A-"I want to order pizza."
Me-"can we give you the order and you just call them in another room?"
A-"yeah sure."
We told him what we wanted and he wondered if ti his room to order. Their was a knock at the door.
I got up to get it. I opened the door and my heart started beating exceptionally fast. I turned to the boys and said I will be back in a sec I just need to talk to someone. The boys got a good look at the person at the door and he looked decent so they said okay. I walked out and closed the door.
Me-"Callum wtf do you want?"
C-"hey baby I miss you."
He tried to grab my had but I moved it away.
Me-"no don't touch me."
C-"look we can forget about the past and move on. I still love you babe and I want you back in my life I'm sorry for how I treated you."
Me-"bullshit, you abused me. Mentally and physically. You fucking raped me callum you should be in prison."
C-"don't raise your voice at me."
Me-"no don't tell me what to do. I have moved on. I have found the love if my life. My soulmate. I want to marry this kid and your not coming here to fuck it up."
C-"I bet he is a pussy. Let me meet him now and I will prove I still want to be with you."
Me-"no fucking way. He ain't a pussy and you know what I actually want to fuck him."
C-"come on you know you wanted it."
Me-"no you raped me."
C-"no I didn't. Let me meet this 'soulmate' of yours."
Me-"I don't know why you say it like that. I love him more than anything."

Bryces pov:

Me and they boys let Billie go out. It's not a big deal I know she loved me anyway. We were watching the film when Alex came back in.
A-"I'm bac- where's B?"
G-"someone came to the door and she went out to talk to him. Why?"
A-"did he have blonde hair?"
A-"was he shorter that Bryce about the same highs as kio?"
A-"did he look like this?"

Q-"yeah that's him, why?"A-"fuck fuck fuck

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Q-"yeah that's him, why?"
A-"fuck fuck fuck."
Me-"Alex your confusing us."
A-"Bryce that's callum. Get out there now."
I jumped up and headed to the door I heard Billie say,
B-"I don't know why you say it like that. I love him more than anything."
I opened the door and went outside.

Back to Billie:
The door opened it was Bryce. Fuck.
B-"hey babe."
He wrapped his had around my waist and kissed my head. Bad idea.
Me-"Bryce I think you should go back inside."
C-"ohhh this is mr soulmate."
Me-"Callum shut the fuck up."
C-"no I told you I would prove how much I want you back. So I will."
Callum raised his hand as if he was about to punch Bryce so I stepped in front of Bryce to protect him from Callum. I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.
Callum ran for it and I looked up at Bryce.
Me-"son of a bitch."
Tears came to my eyes and I fell to the floor, Bryce just about caught me and that's when he spotted a huge blade in my shoulder. Everything went black.

Bryces pov:
Billie stood in-front of me to block Callum's hit.
He ran off I was about to chase him when Billie said,
B-"son of a bitch."
I looked down at her and she had tears in her eyes she just fell to the floor and I caught her. I spotted a huge blade sticking out of her shoulder. She passed out in my arms.
I screamed at the top of my voice.
The boys all came running out the apartment. Anthony saw Billie in Bryce's arms covered in blood and immediately called and ambulance and the police. Griffin came and tried to help as best he could. I was covered in her blood, she was led there in my arms so helpless.
Alex ran over.
A-"fuck no Billie. What the fuck happened Bryce?"
He screamed in my face I could get my words out to tell him I was a mess I couldn't stop crying.
The ambulance arrived and they said only one person could come. I went with her and held her hand the whole time. When we arrived they took her out and I wasn't allowed to follow them. I collapsed on the floor crying. A few moments later the boys came rushing in. They helped me up and sat me in the chair. The police came in and asked to talk to me. I got up and went in a room to talk with them. I told them what happened and that she was stabbed by her ex. They told me they would be back when billie was a able to talk. As I walked out the doctor said no one could come in unless they were family. I was speechless.
A-"she doesn't have any family."
J-"what about her husband."
Q-"dude she- ohhh yeah Bryce."
I looked up.
Doctor-"are you her husband?"
Me-"yes I am, yeah, Billie hall is my wife."
Doctor-"follow me."
I followed him into her room she was attached to lots of machines. The doctor left me to be alone with her. She was asleep and I didn't know if she could hear me or not but I kept telling her how much she meant to me and how much I loved her. I told her that I wanted to marry her and have kids with her.
I cried myself to sleep holding her hand.

I'm ending this story soon but I have another idea for my next one so make sure to keep and eye out for it x

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