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Bryces pov:
Billie and Alex went to go to bed. I turned back around to face the other and they all looked at me.
C-"we know you like her obviously, so what happened in the pool?"
Me-"what do you mean?"
Ant-"you were talking quietly to her."
Me-"she was embarrassed of her scar and I told her not to be because it was part of her and well you guys have seen her, she is beautiful."
Av-"awh, Bryce that's so cute."
Me-"I just want to make her feel welcome and everything uno. She has obviously had a hard life and I want to make her feel happy again."
N-"omg Bryce I'm going to cry that's so sweet."
G-"yeah, bro it's obvious you care about her so don't fuck it up."
Me-"I won't she is different not like Addison or any of the other girls I have been with."
Av-"I'm glad, she is a lovely girl and I want her to fit in with us so bad, Alex aswell. They were telling us they never had anyone other than themselves so we need to make them feel welcome."
J-"agreed, Alex told us his parents kicked him out. He also said billies mum passed away and he dad basically abandoned her. We need to be be there for them. We treat them like family okay guys."
Everyone agreed. It made me happy to know everyone excepts Billie and want her and Alex to be part of our family.
Everyone went to bed not long after.

Back to Billie:
I woke up before Alex, so surprise, so I put on a oversized Hoodie and headed downstairs. I wondered into the kitchen and got my laptop out. I began to edit my video to post later in the day when I heard someone walk in. I looked up and saw Bryce, he didn't have a top on and had grey joggers on. I sat there staring at him. He said "hey Bill" and I snapped out of it.
B-"sleep well?"
Me-"best sleep in a long time."
B-"good, what you doing up so early?"
Me-"I wanted to edit my video so I could post it later on."
He walked round the table and put his head on my shoulder to see what I was doing.
B-"oh nice, I was think of doing a YouTube video later, any ideas what I could do?"
Me-"well actually, I brought some English candy with me. You and the boys could try it on camera if you want."
Me-"of course you can."
B-"okay but you have to be in it, deal?"
B-"thank you so much, your the best. Let's go dunkin. My treat."
Before I could answer he kissed me on the cheek and ran away. I blushed so hard and giggled to myself. I grabbed my laptop and took it back upstairs. I placed it on the side and put some comfy clothes on.

I put this top and joggers on and waited for Bryce to come back down

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I put this top and joggers on and waited for Bryce to come back down. He ran down the hall and grabbed his keys from the counter.
B-"come on then, let's go."
I laughed and followed him outside and into the car.
Me-"so you and the boys, how did that happen?"
B-"well josh contacted us and asked if we wanted to live together. We knew each other already so of course we said yes, and here we are. Living the dream."
Me-"that sounds amazing. You all seem so close."
B-"we are. We're a family. I'm closest to josh, we piss one another off a lot but he is like a brother to me."
I looked at Bryce, thinking about how much of a genuine person he is.
Me-"you know your not like any person I have ever met."
Me-"no, your crazy and fun to be around but your also sweet and caring off camera. It's nice, I like it."
We turned on some music and danced around until we came up to dunkin. We ordered on the drive through and went and sat in the car park. We made some tiktoks on my account. I captioned one of them, look who I found. The comments went mental because we were together. Alone. We got out and headed to target.
Me-"why do you call it a supermarket?"
B-"I have no idea, what do you call it?"
Me-"a shop."
B-"that makes so much more sense because your shopping. But you do have some weird sayings."
Me-"yeah yeah."
We went into target and bought some snacks. Bryce kept asking me if I had tried certain items and when I said no he would put them in the basket for me to try.
Me-"why are you getting all this?"
B-"well if we're trying British candy on my channel then we could do trying American snacks on yours."
Me-"omg that's such a good idea." I jumped up and hugged him. He nearly dropped me but he held me up by grabbing my ass.
B-"omg I'm sorry" he went bright red and I just bursted out laughing.
Me-"it's fine. I don't mind." I said while laughing.
We went to checkout and Bryce paid even after I offered to. He signalled for me to get on his back so I did. I got out my phone and posted it on snapchat. We got in the car and headed back to sway.
Once we arrived we put the items away and I went upstairs to find all the girls and Alex sat on our bed.
Av-"we have been waiting for you."
N-"explain this." She said holding her phone showing my snapchat I had posted while on Bryce's back.
A-"I woke up and you were gone!"
Me-"well I woke up and went downstairs. Bryce came in and I gave him a YouTube video ideas and he said let's go for dunkin then have me a kiss on the cheek."
They all squealed.
C-"OMG cute. Then what."
Me-" we got in the car and he opened up to me about the boys. It was sweet. We got dunkin the went to target to get some stuff for a YouTube video. I jumped up because he gave me a good idea for a vid and I was going to call but he grabbed my ass to keep me up. He was so embarrassed. It was hilarious."
A-" awhhhh yayyyyyy I'm so happy for you."
Me-"then he told me to get on his back and we came home."
N-"he must really like you uno."
Me-" he is sweet I just don't think I can go through the pain again."
A-"give it time B, you might be surprised."
The others didn't really know what I meant but they assumed I wasn't ready to open up just yet so they kept quite.

Bryce's pov:
I walked into my room to find all the boys waiting for me.
Me-"boys I have news, first of all I kissed her on he cheek. Then she jumped on me and she was going to fall so I grabbed her ass to hold her up. And then I gave her a piggy back and she buried her face into my neck."
J-"yes buddy."
Q-"making moves I see."
G-"well done bro."

Back to Billie:
We left mine and Alex's room and split off. I walked into the living room. Bryce, josh, Quinton and jaden were in there setting up a YouTube video.
Me-"hey guys."
J-"oh hey Billie, we're filming Bryce's video in a minute so if you need to do anything go do it now before we start.
Me-"shit you could have told me like 30 mins ago!"
I ran back to my room to change and put some makeup on.
I put this on as it covered all my scars,

 I put this on as it covered all my scars,

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And I did some light makeup. I ran back down stairs in 5 mins.
J-"holy fuck, how did you do that so fast?"
Me-"I only changed and put some mascara on!"
B-"yeah but that takes most girls so long normally"
Me-"well I'm not most girls am i."
Q-"come on let's film a video, is jaden high again?"
Jd-"yes sirrrrrr."
We all bursted into laughter.
We started to record and josh and Bryce started screaming at the camera. I was sat in the middle with Bryce and josh either side of me.
Bryce-hey guys, as you most likely know this is Billieeeee. Her and her friend Alex are staying with us for a while.
Me- hey I'm Billie and not going to lie I don't know what I'm doing here.
Josh- what's that supposed to mean?!
We all laughed. We carried on talking for a bit and then we got into trying some candy. We had some basic ones that the boys like and then I made them try my favourite,

 We had some basic ones that the boys like and then I made them try my favourite,

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Jd-what is that?
Me-these are my favourite candy ever.
Q-they look nasty
Me-excuse me, they are amazing.
I gave the boys one each and they unwrapped them and ate them. Josh and Quinton spat them out.
J-that is vile how can you eat that.
Jd-it's okay, I wouldn't buy it tho.
Me-fuck you guys then.
B-how can you not like these they are amazing.
A smile grew on my face when Bryce said that.
Me-yayyyyy, give me one.
Bryce pulled one out the packet, unwrapped it and put it in my mouth.
Me-thank you very much.
The others all looked at each other and smirked.
We tried a few more items and then ended the video.

Me-"okay now give me my eclairs back Bryce."
B-"I want them."
Alex walked in with the girls.
A-" oh Bryce you might want to give them back if I were you. She doesn't like to share."
B-"nah is she wants them she has to get them."
He ran outside with them so I ran after him. I chased him around the pool and launched myself onto his back causing him to fall over. We rolled about on the floor until I was straddling him with our faces inches apart. I looked into his beautiful eyes. I wanted to kiss him so bad. But I can't.
Me-"I want my eclairs."
B-"fine fine, here you go."
He gave them to me and I sat up. Still straddling him. Cynthia took a picture of it and sent it to me.
Bryce laughed.
B-"your straddling my dick Bill."
I looked down and he was right.
"shit sorry, payback for when you grabbed my ass"  I said as I walked away. He threw his head back while laughing. I smirked and walked up to my room where Nessa, josh and Alex were.

There will be drama soon but not yet, don't worry.

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