Chapter 1

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I wake up in the morning and Lisa is next to me. We both in yesterday's clothes. I look to my side and I just feel me eyes burning like hell.

I get up and rub my eyes. I lean against the headboard of my bed and I just think about what Lisa told me.

I'm honestly drained. Tired of crying. It isn't even something I do often. Even if I do cry, I never cry in front of people.

Thinking about what Lisa told me. I'm still in denial a bit. I mean, would Trey do this to me after all this time.

Or was Lisa just lying. But even if she was, for what reason exactly. I mean we've been friends since we were six, so why would she lie.

Maybe cause, I haven't been spending time with her. Maybe cause I was with Trey the whole time. God, I'm losing my mind right now.

I feel Lisa turning and I start brushing my thoughts off. She sees me awake and I just stare in front of me blankly.

"Uh, I fell asleep here?" She asks. I then look down at her. I see her bringing herself up and lean against the headboard with me.

"Yep." I say staring at the wall in front of me. I dont want to think my friend is lying to me. But at this point. I don't even know what to think.

Maybe I can ask her, or ask the accused, Trey. But if I go to him without the facts it could turn into a big thing.

I mean, the guy is good at twisting the truth and lying to get his way. Natural born fuck boy. I roll my eyes at the thought. And find myself smirking.

"You okay?" Lisa asks me. I just look at her and I don't say anything for a while. I just blacked out from that question for a few seconds.... I think.

"Uhm, yeah I'm fine." I say, I then get up and go to my bathroom and brush my teeth. I go back out and I'm honestly just questioning what she told me.

I can't get it out of my mind. Could she be playing me. No man. I'm just paranoid. Just hope I'm not in denial about this. I gotta ask her.

I mean. How does she know. The fuck told her. Nah, none of Treys friends could've told her. They loyal to their "brotherhood" whatever that is.

"Lisa. How do you know?" I question. I just stare at her and she looks at me confused. Fuck that. She knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"Know what? That Trey is playing you?" she asks. And I get annoyed at the last question. How does she know. She doesn't even know him. He changed.

"Don't say that." I say. I see her rolling her eyes. Is she really gonna have this attitude with me right now, I'm really not in the mood for all of this.

"Don't say what?" she practically raises her voice while asking that. Then she continues. "You think I'm lying, don't you?" she asks.

I just look at her and she shakes her heard and let's out a chuckle. Right now I'm leaning against the door separating my room and my bathroom waiting for her to say something.

"Kelly. I don't know what to say to you. I'm not saying believe me, but I was kinda expecting you to. I mean, I've known you longer than that asshole-" I then cut her off.

"He's not an asshole." I say. Then she just dismisses me and carries on talking.

"I've known you longer. And fuck am I loyal to you. Just tell me a time I've ever lied to you?" she asks and I just stare at her.

I mean she's never lied to me. More than anything she's the only person who hasn't lied to me. "Sorry." I say shaking my head.

"Yeah. Trey never changed for shit. He just played you to get under your fucken skirt. And you fell for it." She says then I hold a confused expression on my face.

"Don't act surprised. Kelly you, yourself with your own mouth, told me you wouldn't do sexual things with someone unless you trust and love them." She says.

I can't help but think she's right. But I'm not really tryna believe her right now. Especially after that low blow.

"I'm sorry to break this to you. But you let yourself down. And you put yourself through this. Maybe next time, you won't act so carelessly." She says and I actually get offended there. Is she really judging me right now.

"Well I'm sorry. But like you said, I said I was gonna do it with someone I trust and love. It is what it is. So please carry on and tell me about how careless I am." I say putting my hands up.

"Nah man. Stop being so dramatic. Don't take out your anger on me cause when you see dick, you can't think fucken straight." She says. Wow, low.

"You know what. It's fine. I'm done with this just leave. I don't need this kinda shit in my life." I say walking to my bedroom door and opening it signaling her to get the fuck out.

"Oh please. I'll leave. But you'll remember me." She says grabbing her things and I just roll my eyes. I really don't wanna fight with her.

"Just go. And don't come back. I don't need your bloody judgment right now." I say and when she gets to the door she stops and looks at me.

"You know, I came up here to warn you. And comfort you. But clearly Trey is that good. Got you to turn on your friend." She says. She leaves the room and goes down stairs.

I clench my jaw to prevent myself from crying.

But am I being a bitch for retaliating. I mean Trey isn't here to defend himself so I don't really think I can actually believe her.

But I should. She's my friend. My ride or die even. It's whatever though.

I think I should talk to Trey. So we can all get over all this drama. And Lisa can fucken swallow her toxic words. If they aren't true. But what if she wasn't lying.

Well I guess I would've screwed a perfect friendship for a guy who is very capable of what she told me. But he's been different these past two months. I haven't even seen him with his ex girl.

I go back to bed and get my phone out to message Trey.


-Trey. We gotta talk.

I hit send and I lie down on my bed but a few minute later I get a message. I get up and see Trey answered.

-Damn. She hit me with the we gotta talk😂😂😭

I look at the message and smile at his clowning. I roll my eyes and answer back.

-I'm srs.

-Oh okay. I'll pull up in a few💔

When I see the message I get up from my bed and go take a shower.

When I finish I put on plain blue jeans and a black t. And my slides.

I few minutes later I get a message and see it's Trey.


-I'm here.

-I'm coming.

After I respond I go to the kitchen to get the gates remote. I grab it, but as I'm about to leave I see a note on the kitchen counter from my parents.

'Hey babe. We left in the morning but we'll be back tomorrow morning. Love you'.

Great I'm alone. Thank God though.

I go and open the door and see Trey at the gate. I open the gate and get out. We hug, but it's short, cause I pulled away first.

"Okay?" he questions but I just ignore him and walk to my outside lawn and sit down. He joins me on the grass.

"Whatsup?" he asks me. I look at him and I see him looking me straight in the eyes. I'm not even gonna beat around the bush. I'll just get straight to the point.

"Trey. Was I a bet to you?" I ask and I see his entire demeanor change. I just stare at him surprised.

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