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This one's for the gamblers out there

Fyodor Dostoevsky, we remember you

This a plot summary more entertaining than a plot summary


There was once a gambler who was really broke

He was tutor who couldn't teach, that isn't a joke

And he'd fallen in crazy love, blinded by its smoke

Class and status divided them, and he thought gambling was dope

Because it would break him out of the prison of poverty and it gave him hope

The same thing with the general, his debt-ridden employer

Fallen in love with a high-class girl, who could sing like any choir

They lived out of their means, they didn't know what work means

I guess its a Russian thing, to live for one's dreams

For an hour at the roulette could give them the hand of their queens

Then in came the grandma with an estate, the general's mother

But the first thing she said was that she won't leave him a penny so don't bother

The general was shattered, but he hadn't lost hope

Until the grandma hit the roulette tables and was gone broke

They all tried to stop her, words sweet and sour they spoke

But the addiction was fatal, and it was far too late when she woke

But the story isn't over, the tutor's luck had just began

His lover had a debt, so into the casino he ran

In a crazed brilliance he raked up millions, oh man

He ran back to her, to tell her the good news

Only to find her half-crazed, hurling coins and abuse

For the money offer was an attempt on her honor, so it was of no use

What to do, our desperate hero wondered, found the general disordered

Pity from his woman got his life settled till his heart went out of order

And our gambler, founding himself poor once again

Wandered from casino to casino with all loss no gain

A good friend offered him work, if he would give up the gambling

But what was the use of life's ambling if he couldn't reach the high again

For its true that he had 2 cents, could buy him dinner but no rent

But he made a dollar out of it, and then there was no end

For with his true love lost, now only the roulette was his true friend.

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