Chapter 2

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"Look!" Hali bustled around in Petir's bag, trying to get his attention. "I hear crime! It's time to suit up!"

Petir leaned on the wall, trying to shut him up by pressing his back on it. "Don't need to. Pegasus is already on the case."

An explosion boomed from his phone's speakers, the screen shaking in response to the attack. The camera collapsed to the ground, and the screen was black.

Hali poked his head out from the open zipper. "Something bad must have happened! You should totally go and help!"

For seconds, Petir's listless face was reflected on his darkened phone screen. He didn't even appear to be aware that the feed had cut off. Eventually, he sighed, and pocketed his phone as a response.

As he looked up, a blue figure whizzed past him in the sky, and dove into the battle that was happening right in front of him. There was an akumatized victim, presumably having suffered from some explosion-related trauma, with the ability to turn anything to explosives with a mere touch.

A crowd gathered around the scene of battle, where most were filming, or waiting for their favourite heroes to arrive. Some cheered for Pegasus, who appeared to be luring the angered villain away from the crowd, but having difficulty in accomplishing it alone without causing significant damage.

"Pegasus needs your help!" Hali snapped. "You have the power to help him!"

"He doesn't need my help." Petir glared at him, shouldering his bag. "You can find someone else if I'm making you uncomfortable."

Hali snarled like a wounded animal, and dove back into his bag and zipped himself in.

Petir turned his head and walked another direction, away from the battle. Judging from another wave of raucous cheers, another hero must have arrived. It's not surprising: Miraculous holders were condensed in this area, due to the spiked amount of akumatized victims happening frequently.

Not once, had Petir gone to help any of them, despite Halilintar's constant harassment. He believed that it wasn't his problem, and it isn't his fault that Hali got landed with him in the first place. They were here to tolerate each other, and that was all to their relationship.

"So you're just going to leave them there alone?" Hali's voice hissed through the fabric. "Like how you left your mother to die?"

Petir stopped in his footsteps.

Hali fell silent, perhaps sensing that he'd crossed a line that was never meant to be crossed.

"Maybe," Petir said softly, clutching his bag's straps tighter. "Maybe I am."

The two argued no further, as if deciding that silence was the best grace period between them.

That night, Petir laid on his bed, watching the newsfeed on his phone. The battle had long been settled, with a reporter interviewing not one, but three heroes. They were of different colours: blue, green and white. Though, the white one, Athena, was practically begging to leave, but the other two was feeding the interviews, answering questions with nonsensical answers.

Hali didn't come out from the bag. Not even when the crowd congratulated the heroes for their bravery.

"So, what made you get here so quickly?"

"I happened to be taking a quick flight to my favourite town-that's a secret, folks!-and I stumbled upon this villain! I wouldn't have defeated it without Athena and Minte, anyway, so props to them."

For the rest of the interview, it was Athena trying to drag Minte away from the camera, but keeps getting interrupted by reporters.

Petir put on his headphones and blasted music, as if it could drown out his father's angered screams from downstairs.

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