Chapter 32

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With Minte knocked over by Pegasus, Cahaya freed himself from his restraints. "We need to get Petir out of this paradox. He needs medical attention now."

Pegasus nodded, his civilian form very much familiar with him. Cahaya was the one that appointed him, after all, but he didn't know that he was Athena.

When Pegasus turned to him, he paled. "What happened? He's lost a lot of blood." He carried Petir on his back, careful not to irritate his wounds. "Do you know where the exit is?"

Cahaya grunted. "The last class on the third floor," he said, running up the stairs. Minte was already recovering, still confused by the surprise attack. "If we go in and walk out, then we should go back to reality."

Pegasus nodded. He turned his skateboard upwards, and defied gravity by riding up the stairs as if he were skating up smooth ground. Cahaya kept his focus on Petir, who was barely breathing on Pegasus's back.

Pyra was nowhere to be seen. He vaguely remembered a detail about the user itself wasn't capable of stopping multiple people at once, so they were in the clear for now, maybe.

They charged into the classroom, which looked as destroyed as ever. However, as they approached the door, ready to exit, their kwamis materialized by them, causing Pegasus to panic.

"Yo!" Taufan grinned. He was a Pegasus kwami, a horse with wings. "What's uu- gah! Hey Solar."

Solar shook his head, annoyed by his fellow kwami despite their few minutes of meeting.

"A kwami?" Angin demanded, turning to Cahaya in utter shock. "Are you-"

"We'll transform first," Cahaya snapped. "So we'll raise less suspicion."


As much as Cahaya was worried, he couldn't risk more people finding out about his identity.

"Okay." Angin nodded, adjusting Petir behind his back so he won't fall off. "Taufan, High Sky!"

"Solar, Sunrise!"


Cahaya glared at him, urging him to hurry.

Angin nodded, the severity of the situation never leaving his mind. Though, as they burst out from the classroom, they were met with a mob of students, who screamed in shock with their arrival.

Angin turned to Cahaya, expression dismayed. "I can't carry him while flying."

Cahaya gritted his teeth. "Someone call the ambulance!"

He must have sounded desperate or furious because the crowd in front of him instantly fumbled for their phones, despite the ban of electronics in their school. But he couldn't care less at the moment, focusing only on Petir, whose skin was paling, his blood trickling down Angin's clothes and floor.

How can he be so foolish?

He should have never left his side.

The ambulance took too long, only arriving thirty minutes later. Angin and Cahaya followed it on the roof, looking around for any sign of the Cat and Monkey Miraculous users.

The rush of the air felt familiar, but it was numb and cold. Cahaya could barely hear the ambulance sirens over the thumping of his heart. He overused his ability; searching through the endless cars and pavements to look for Minte and Pyra, but he didn't relax when he saw none of the sort.

Despite the headache creeping in, he held on.

The journey to the ER was a long one. The doctors on the ambulance have tried to stop the bleeding with gauzes and cotton, but it proved to be futile. The wounds were far too deep, and his arm was like chopped meat still attached to the phone.

As the doors to the surgery room closed, Cahaya collapsed but Angin caught him. Angin had a taller frame than him, which proved to be useful when he held him up by the arm.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Angin promised, worry dotting his expression as he realized how exhausted he was. "Do you need to find a private space to transform back first?"

Cahaya shook his head, barely having any energy to stand.

"Tiring yourself out isn't going to do any good," Angin pressed. "We'll head out, detransform and tidy up. The surgery's going to take a long time, and we'll need to make arrangements for his medical care."

"I-I can handle the bills." Through Cahaya's headache, he could vaguely remember that Petir's family was close to broke.

Angin shook his head. "That's not a problem." He swung Cahaya's arm over his shoulder. "You need some rest first. If anything happens, we'll have to be the ones to handle it."

There was no room for argument in his words. Unlike the uncertain teen before, his tone was firm and commanding like he was a born leader.

Cahaya nodded weakly and followed the Pegasus Miraculous user outside. They avoided public eye and ducked into a public restroom, which Angin made sure no one occupied.

"Taufan, down to ground."

"Solar, sunset."

The kwamis returned to their pockets and munching on the treats that their owners prepared after every transformation. Though, Solar was wise to pick off the gummy worms that were stained with blood and chomped on clean ones. Taufan finished a sugar cube in one bite.

Angin opened his stall, Taufan hiding in his pocket. Though, as he turned to Cahaya's stall, he could hear faint sobs and curses.

He knocked on the stall. "Cahaya, is it?" he asked. "I know it's hard, but I promise that I'll do whatever I can to help."

The door swung open with a flourish. Cahaya rushed to the sink and looked down to his clothes. They were clean, the blood before completely disappeared. He wasn't sure whether if it was the paradox's effect or the transformation, but he didn't care.

"I'm the worst hero ever," Cahaya muttered, turning on the tap. He washed his hands and wiped his face, though his eyes were bloodshot.

Angin put a hand on his shoulder. "It's not you," he said softly. "If anything, those two aren't even worthy to be called heroes. They tried to kill an innocent civilian-your friend."

"I had the power to stop them," Cahaya argued, though his voice was weak. "I could have saw this coming. I should never have told him about the akumas-"

"You can't change the past." Angin's grip on his shoulder tightened, giving encouragement. "As of now, you need rest. If anything, I came too late, but we're not to blame because of this."

Cahaya stared at his reflection in the mirror: tired, exhausted, and defeated. He looked like he could collapse at any moment.

His identity was at risk, Petir's life is at risk, and Minte and Pyra would try to come after Petir again and again. Everything he knew before was suddenly collapsing, the strong becoming weak and good becoming evil.

For now, he thought as the water still ran, there's nothing I can do.

Nothing indeed.

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