Chapter 4

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Tanah wasn't someone for meaningless gossip, but the girls that surrounded him were totems of the topic. It's not just the girls, either. Lately, everyone's been chattering in the latest gossip, even in his group.

It's not difficult for him to know something. Whether if it's happened or not. News travels fast, but as do tabloids.

This day, everyone's talking about two things.

One, the heroes.

And the second, the two new exchange students.

He didn't know who they were, but apparently, they were big deals. At least to them, because they rarely get any exposure. This school was rated near the lowest of the country, because the last principal was involved in child trafficking. Now, that's changed, but the systems haven't updated. It would have to wait for the next thirty years for the next check.

For now, Rintis High would just have to endure this dark period.

Tanah saw Petir during PE. Physical Education was always a joint period, where classes would be pitted against each other. In the gymnasium, both teams screeched as their opponent pinned one of their own with a ball.

In short, it was dodgeball.

Tanah, of course, was on the main team. He'd singlehandedly bested the entire team on his own, and gained raucous cheers from his class.

He smiled and thanked them, but he couldn't enjoy it.

Because Petir sat in the corner, all alone.

After his match, Tanah slipped away from his team and began walking towards him, only to stop in his footsteps.

His conditions. Oh, right. He'd almost forgot it.

He smiled to himself, sighing. He would have to respect the lines he drew.



Tanah felt his body losing balance, and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground, the dull thuds of a ball making its final bounce rolling around him. He felt a throbbing sensation on the back of his head, but his vision recovered gradually.

"Tanah, you alright?" His classmate jogged up to him. She helped him to sit upright. "Are you hurt?"

Tanah blinked, rubbing his eyes. Did he just get hit with a ball? Fantastic.

"I'm fine, I'm fine."

It would take more than that just to injure him.

The next ten minutes was a blur. The person who threw the ball, unexpectedly, a girl with honed biceps, apologized profusely to him. He told her it was just an accident, but her face was still red and blotchy all over. She left with her group of friends comforting her.

When the chaos subsided, the games went on as usual. Tanah sat on the side bench, his mates around him, but his eyes couldn't help but drift towards the lonely boy in the corner.

He wasn't there.

Hm. Maybe he's gone to the toilet.

As far as he knows, he never saw Petir participate in PE before.

Minutes later, shouts attracted everyone's attention. The game stuttered to a halt, the ball bouncing aimlessly on the floor as they turned to the teacher, who was lording over someone none other than Petir.

"What we need are team players!" the teacher scolded, loud enough for everyone to hear. "If you're not here to participate, then get out of my gym!"

Everyone held their breaths. Their teacher was strict, no doubt, but for him to chase a student out? That's beyond expectation.

Besides, people began to chitter amongst themselves. Most of them were about poor kid, but what took the crown was the confusion of Petir's existence in general.

"I've never seen him before."

Tanah stood, body tensing. What was the teacher doing?

But as he watched, Petir didn't even cast a glance at anyone, then walked out on his own accord.

The doors closed behind him, and the room fell into an awkward silence.

"Who was that?" the classmate next to him whispered. "Is he from the other class?"

"Poor guy..."

"Yeah... wonder why the teacher went apeshit on 'em..."

"WHO TOLD YOU TO STOP?" the teacher's voice boomed, shocking everyone still.

No one dared defy the teacher's words. The players on the field resumed their game, quickly bouncing back to their original liveliness. The girls and boys around Tanah continued their chatter, as if what happened just now was nothing but an odd inconvenience.

Still, Tanah kept his eyes on the doors, hoping they would open, and the person would be the person he talked to.

But they never did.

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