Chapter 37

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"I have to leave for now, but can I trust you to keep an eye on him?"

"Of course you can. I'll tell you if anything happens."

Api was quick to promise that, but he soon regretted it. What did Minte say? He's a threat to the future. One of Nightsong's plans. But through and through, he was only a human, a teen younger than him.

When Angin said he would be visiting a friend in the hospital, he'd tagged along. For one, he was always concerned for others' safety considering his younger brother and their unsightly past; but realizing who Angin meant sent him down a spiral of guilt.

"Hey, Petir," Angin called gently, opening the room door. The name alone sent an electric jolt down Api's spine. It was the teen that Minte had told him to trap, that he would kill before. Now he escaped and was under Angin's care. "You feeling better?"

There was no response from the teen. The dark-haired boy laid dejected on the hospital bed, eyes fixated on the bland, empty ceiling. He blinked occasionally, but he looked so close to death.

He was alive, sure, but he looked like he preferred the embrace of death over life.

Stiffly, Api entered the room with Angin and closed the door behind him. They didn't notice his awkwardness as Angin sat on the chair by Petir's bed.

"I brought you your homework from school," Angin said quickly, trying to lighten the mood. "It's pretty easy for your standards, so I wouldn't worry about it." He put the bag by Petir's pillow, where it would be easy for him to reach.

Angin's smile froze when Petir didn't even cast a glance at him. Api hadn't realized how wrong his actions were, to assist in murder. Even if the mastermind was Minte, it felt wrong, like he was ruining someone's life, not saving lives.

Angin rose from his chair, trying to sound light-hearted. "Are you thirsty? I'll get you some hot chocolate!" He walked of the door, leaving before Api could call out to him.

Api stood, tense. Even if his identity as a hero was hidden, the guilt still haunted him, the life he helped ruin was right by him.

"You shouldn't feel bad."

He turned to the patient.

Petir's eyes were trained on him. They were dark, menacing, but there was no anger.

"You were right to help Minte."

Api took a step back. Petir's expression was blank, but it was full of emotions, filled to the brim with wordless sentences.

Api choked, holding his arm up in defence. "How did you-"

Petir's eyes followed him, his empty gaze trailing over his body. They were suffocating, like vengeance tainting in his every step.

"If you can, kill me this instant." Petir was the one immobilized, but Api was the one terrified. "So you can report back to him."

"What-what are you saying?" Api defended himself. "I would never kill anyone!"

Petir turned his head back, but his gaze remained fixed on him.

"Of course you won't."

He turned to his side, adjusting so he won't irritate his wounds, and covered his head with the blanket.

Api swallowed. He felt slightly relieved, like a death choke was suddenly released. But at the same time, he was disturbed. Remorse churned in his mind, calling him a murderer.

No! he screamed to himself. I'm not a killer!

The voices in his head said otherwise.

You're a killer, and you'll always be one.

It's been years, so why can't he forget? The day where he and Air were taken and treated like objects. To survive, to take back their life and freedom, he would have to kill, and kill he did.

He swore he would never repeat the same mistake. But years later, that promise was broken.

All because the words came from a hero.


"Woah," Angin said dramatically, opening the door with a flourish. He held two paper cups of hot chocolate in each hand, giving one to Api. "Why don't you sit down? I'll be waiting for someone. You can leave first if you want."

Api shook his head. "No, no," he stammered, holding the cup with both hands. "I'm fine standing."

The only chairs were near the bed, and he didn't want to be near that boy.

"Suit yourself." Angin placed the hot chocolate on the table next to Petir's bed.

Api cast glances at the figure covered by a blanket, but the uneasiness didn't leave. He turned towards the door, ready to head back to the orphanage, but newcomer stopped his path.

"Oh, Api, you're here too?" Tanah craned his head inside and frowned lightly when he saw Petir ignoring reality. He turned back to Api, smiling. "You mind if you stepped outside for a bit? I need to talk to Angin and Petir privately."

Api nodded robotically. With a hot chocolate in hand and pushing the door open with another, he let the doors close behind him in a swing.

I can't stay here any longer.

He began to head back, but he was still unsettled. How could he face Air after this? His hands were dirty. He didn't deserve Air's love and trust. There was blood on his hands.

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