Chapter 14

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"Transform already! You have to help!" Hali snapped, leaning close to Petir's face. The ruined class was overwhelmed with rubble, the lights sparking and glass scattered across the floor. The tables and chairs were destroyed, and bags were dropped, books and stationery spilling next to concrete.

Petir gripped the strap of his bag, glaring back at his kwami. "I risk my life to get you and this is how you act?" He swung his bag over his shoulder, pushing the kwami away. "Get in the bag. I'm getting out of here."

The kwami crossed his arms defiantly.

Petir gritted his teeth. "What now?"

"That akuma," Hali brought up, all hostility gone. "Why did it come?"

"Hell if I know." The irritated teen's glare did not waver, but the strength of his jaw loosened, as if he's taken aback by the question.

It was one question he did not want answered.

"Get in the bag." This time, there were no negotiations. If Hali said no, he would leave him behind. If Petir was any less impatient, Hali would risk being exposed to the world and be taken away for centuries.

Sulkily, the black kwami snuggled into the open zipper, and closed it.

He didn't make any sound since then.

Petir sighs out of relief, then turns to the remains of the window. The frame was nearly collapsing, the metal rim creaking under the weight of falling debris.

His lip quirked, approaching the window's edge. Looking down, he could see the outside world, the part of the city where the monster had yet to run rampant. The only thing that stopped him was the height of the building, the trees looking like overgrown bushes rather than trees. He was on the third floor, and other exits have been blocked.

It was no challenge.

Without hesitation, he hopped onto the windowsill, crouching to analyse whatever factor that would come handy in his stunt. Once he determined his path, he jumped from the window, hands tucked in his pockets.

He parkoured from the ledge of each window frame, never stopping to think further. Instead, even without the support of his arms, he leapt from the window frame and onto one of the trees, landing perfectly on one of the thicker branches.

The tree rustled, old leaves falling with its sudden disturbance. Some made way into his hair, and birds chirped in alarm as they were frightened.

He continued to jump through the branches, without losing his balance. Finally, as he reached the final one, he skipped down, barely winded.

Petir looked up to the window he'd jumped from. It was barely enough of a challenge.

Even so...

He looked away. He felt his fingernails digging into his skin.


He snapped his gaze upwards, surprised. He'd expected everyone around the area to be evacuated by now.

"Tanah?" he asked, more to himself rather than the prefect. "What are you doing here?"

"How did you... do whatever that was?"

He saw everything.

"Luck," Petir snapped, harsher than needed to. "It was luck. Adrenaline."

"But didn't you leave the building before?" Tanah demanded. "Did you go back to take your bag?"

"And aren't you supposed to be running?" Petir scowled. "There's two attacks in one day. Go somewhere far from this place."

It didn't feel like he was spitting rants at Tanah. Or rather, he was telling him to leave. If he stayed, he would get hurt.

Tanah looked like he didn't believe him, but he didn't say anything when Petir stormed past him, heading towards the busier parts of town.

Because, somehow, he knew Petir wasn't just a regular person. Even before he introduced himself the very first day they met.

In some odd way, he could see it in his eyes. The moment where Petir first step foot into Rintis High, the split second when their eyes matched as he passed by him.

At the time, Tanah had smiled at him. You new? He asked warmly. Petir had nodded briskly and disappeared inside.

The feeling never disappeared then, and it certainly hadn't now.

Petir, just who are you?

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