Chapter 5

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"What was that today?"

Petir looked up from his book, a comic that he'd snatched from the nearest shelves. "What?"

"The gym. Why did the teacher scream at you?"

"No reason." Petir looked back down to his colourful pages, each page not more than ten words. "Just didn't want to play dodgeball."

"That's all?"

"Yep," he said, turning pages. Within seconds, he was done with the book and closed it. "Nothing else." He stood from his chair and brought his book with him, leaving to get another chapter of his mindless entertainment.

Tanah glanced at him, his silhouette disappearing into the nearest shelf of comic. He sighed, knowing well that it wasn't the full truth.

Still, it was the first time Tanah looked at him properly, and he noticed odd details. Petir was wearing clothes that seemed worn down, but if he looked closer, the brand was still visible. It was one of the famous, most expensive brands there were, where most students could only dream of wearing.

If it wasn't for them being faded and looked like it'd been repaired by amateur hands, it would have cost more than a year's worth of school fees.

When Petir got back, it was still silence. Granted, a library was never meant for conversation, but it was uncanny that they never exchanged a word.

"So," Tanah said, setting his pen down on his textbook, "have you heard of the rumour that we're having two new exchange students?"

Petir didn't look up. The pages were flipping endlessly in his hands, until they finally reached the end. "I don't care about rumours," he vamped.

"You're not shocked that there's new students at all?"

"It's a school. There's bound to be new students, no matter how shitty it is."

"Our school isn't bad, you know. It's just got a bad rep thanks to the old principal."

Petir finally looked up, but he looked at Tanah quizzically, as if he'd just grown a second head.

"You don't have to help me, you know," Petir said. "You have your own things to do. Don't waste them on someone like me."

"You're my best friend, remember?" Tanah pressed, unrelenting. "That's what friends do."

Best friend, huh?

Petir shrugged, resting his cheek on his palm as he stared off in a distance. His face revealed nothing, so Tanah couldn't help but wonder:

Did Petir even see him as a friend?

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