Chapter 11

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"Why are you afraid?"

"Who said I'm scared?" Hali remarked, snapping at his owner. "You're the one that's scared. Always on the bench when there's an akuma attack."

Petir didn't retort further on his accused cowardice, but rather, turning to the kwami. "You always go silent when there's heroes nearby. Are you jealous that they get action and you don't? I can feel you shivering in my bag, you know. Every single time."

If there was anyone nearby, they would have passed him off as deranged. Fortunately, no one was paying attention to him, like always.

"I don't care," Petir muttered, looking down to his textbook. It was clean, like a new book that was just fresh out of the bookstore.

He played with his pen, fumbling it as he looked up to the teacher. It was English class, where the teacher just plopped down questions on the whiteboard and told them to copy it down.

It was simple, relatively straightforward. What are the synonyms of hate? What's the antonym of life? No matter how he looked at it, they were downright depressing and insulting to one's intelligence.

Yet the people around him seemed to be struggling. They searched up answers using the phones they'd snuck in school, gave up and surrendered to the cold embrace of sleep, or just copied their friend's answers and prayed they won't get caught.

He closed his book. He couldn't be bothered to finish this simple task. It's been a while since he came here, hasn't it? He should be used to it by now.

But he's not.

If only I can go back...

Subconsciously, his eyes slid to his side, expecting a presence that no one would welcome. Indeed, there was a black bird perched on his table, yet it made no sound.

An akuma.

What did it want this time?

This unseen akumatization wasn't in secret. Tanah, the school prefect, had barged him and alerted everyone about the presence of the evil entity. While Petir was unharmed and saw no need for such, the class was sent into hysterics.

Amongst the chaos, Petir left. But somehow, someone still found him.

Terre. The Shield hero. The miraculous holder of the lion.

What made you cut off connection with Nightsong?

Hm, what was he supposed to say?

It's not like it's the first time.

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