Chapter 17

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Cahaya had been stumped.

For the first time in his life, he couldn't find what he was looking for.

And it haunted him even as he slept.

People always said he was a genius. That he could do the work that needed ten men. He was always put on a gold pedestal, and when time passed by, it got lonely.

The mountaintop always felt too quiet for him.

When he was enrolled in Celestium Academy, he was instantly a prodigy. No one was a match for him. This was true for a month there.

Until Petir transferred to his class.

The two were rivals the moment they met. While it was true they both thrived in academics, comparing tests to the bone of each mark, it was Cahaya who always won by a sliver. It was always that 0.1 that made the difference.

While Cahaya dominated academics, he could never beat Petir in athletics. The cocky, upstart brat had abnormal talent and stamina, up until not even the teachers were able to keep up with him.

They were the talk of school, and every tournament they participated together.

They'd known each other for years. Cahaya and Petir had parents that were never present in their lives. They depended on each other more than they needed to. Perhaps, he thought, they were inseparable. One wouldn't be able to live without the other.

And that was true.

At the beginning of last semester, Petir disappeared. Cahaya felt like a building had dropped on him.

There would be no one to compete against him, no one that would threaten his throne as number one.

But he'd also lost his best friend. And the only memory of him was a comic they exchanged for a book fair.

Yet, he saw him.

He saw Petir amongst the crowd.

Cahaya ran through the streets, pushing past people that were in his way. Speed was never a problem for him, and neither is stamina.

He would be devastated if his eyes were playing tricks on him, though they were getting blurry from his tears.

Please, he prayed, running past another block of restaurants. Please let this be true.

He took a sharp turn, and he put a hand on the teen's back.

Cahaya was panting, but it didn't matter. His heart stopped as the teen began to turn around, his face turning into view.

"Um," the stranger said, confused. "Can I help you?"

Cahaya blinked. Despite having the fastest mind around, he couldn't process his shock. After seconds, he released the stranger's shoulder, and shook his head.

"Sorry. Wrong person," he stammered.

The stranger nodded, though he was giving him a weird look. He left, and Cahaya was left without his answers, without the person he sought desperately to find.

Cahaya chuckled dryly to himself, not believing his rotten luck. Luck was only a factor in many equations, and it was time to exclude it.

He looked up, realizing that he was in an unfamiliar place, where he knew nothing of.

That's when the second wave hit him.

Standing in front of the electronic shop, staring at the news broadcast, was none other than Petir himself.

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