Chapter 20

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"You need to calm down or you'll be akumatized!" Thorn squeaked, flying around her master frantically. Daun was at the edge of the school, where no one came by. "If you're akumatized, no one can purify the akuma!"

"I know!" Daun snapped. "But how can he just ditch me? He just left me the moment he found someone else! And they're dating!"

Thorn coughed. "Two boys together? Don't be ridiculous!" She hovered by her owner's face. "Maybe it's a misunderstanding! You can't just make assumptions based on unproved facts!"

"They were holding hands!"

"Maybe they're just really close friends."

"Only couples hold hands!"

"Maybe one of them is a crossdresser!"

"Now you're just trying to make me feel better!"

"What am I supposed to do? Fly over to them and break them up? Ask Solar to erase their memories? Tell Thunderstorm to electrocute their brains?"

"I don't even know who those kwamis are!"

Thorn groaned. "I'm sure Cahaya won't just leave you that easy. Maybe that's his old rival you're always talking about. He did say he left for no reason, right?"

"Even so..."

Thorn sighed. Of all of the Cat Miraculous users she'd ever met, Daun, by far, was easily one of the densest and the most thick-headed one. The users before him were steadfast, stubborn and swore off friendships completely. Daun was the only user-as of now-that relied heavily on friends.

It wasn't a good sign. It was never a good sign.

This generation of heroes could possibly be the end of it all. Villains were getting more dangerous by the degree, yet the heroes only seem to be breaking within themselves.

It would be easier if they knew where Nightsong, where the villains would be. But there were no villains, only broken civilians that were lured into the honey-coated trap.

Like everyone else, heroes were human, and they were never immune to the trap. It just took longer for them to finally shatter.

As Daun's kwami, the only thing that he could do is stop him from ever falling prey. It's his duty, but he didn't know how much he could help.

For now, all he could do is watch over him.

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