Chapter 16

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Daun knew there were better things to do, but honestly? Fighting something that just came out of a story book was not one of them.

"Where were you?" Daun demanded, glancing at his partner who'd only now showed up next to him. He'd been trying to handle the amok, but the fires have only burned his threads. He couldn't find where it was hidden, either.

Athena shrugged, perching on the skyscraper next to him. "I was looking for help."

The dragon's roar rumbled the city, and shrieks from the city erupted everywhere.

"My powers are useless against fire," Daun mourned. "And this thing is made of it. We need the Dolphin Miraculous. Do you have it?"

Athena shrugged. "I gave it to someone."


The wielder of the owl miraculous merely grinned at him, giving him a thumbs up as the building beneath them shook. Daun groaned, in disbelief of his partner's choices.

It wasn't the first time, but Daun would never see the humour in Athena's practical jokes, since it always happens in times like these.

"I swear-" Daun growled.

"Don't worry," Athena cut him off, looking rather interested in the amok's rampage. He tapped his lip listlessly as if waiting for something to happen.

The dragon roared now, louder than ever. Daun whipped his head back to the amok, and he realized now that it was unhinging its jaw, the insides glowing white.

"It can breathe fire?" Daun snapped, almost driving himself crazy. If they didn't stop this thing, it would destroy the whole city. Unlike akuma victims, amok victims did not seek for any Miraculous, only destruction until they are satisfied. "Why aren't you doing anything?"

Athena hummed. "Just you wait."

Daun whipped his head back to the dragon. It was easily the size of a skyscraper, which was worrying. Emotions reflect the intensity of power, and it made him feel bad for the victim. How many things has this person gone through? How many nights did they cry themself to sleep?

The fires were growing, flames now prickling from its jaw.

"Ah-the-na." Daun gritted his teeth, dragging out every syllable in his partner's name.

"Just keep waiting," Athena replied in a sing-song voice. He held out a hand on Daun's shoulder, to stop him from charging in.

Daun glared at him. The Dolphin Miraculous was one of the most powerful Miraculous, and for good reasons. For Athena to give it away so suddenly, at such an extreme time, it urged Daun to strangle the man.

A shadow loomed over them, like a huge, semi-transparent blanket had covered them.

Daun looked up, and a drop of water fell on his face, which he reached to touch. It was indeed water, he realized. A huge, blanket of water on the city, and there was a whirlpool, straight on top of the amok.

He could feel his jaw drop.


He turned to Athena, who was grinning ear-to-ear. "I told you, didn't I?" he asked, rather excited. "I told you to trust me. Only those who have the desire to protect can bring the Miraculous' true potential!"

As they watched, the blanket of water all poured down onto the monster, putting out its flames drowned out its screams.

Daun couldn't find the words, but Athena released a gasp, more shell-shocked than ecstatic. It was like he choked on his own breath, choking on his own tongue.

Minutes later, all that was left of the scene was a soaked boy, a new hero, and a broken earring.

"Are you okay?" the new hero asked, kneeling down to the disorientated victim.

The victim, a teen no older than 17, held his head as water dripped from his hair.

"Where am I-" He squinted his eyes at the hero, who looked to be too young in this business. "Who are you? A new hero?"

The young hero blinked, haven't expected such a question, but he managed a nod, as if he's trying to confirm this to himself rather than the teen.

"Yes," he agreed. "My name's Delphine."

Delphine left the scene. And whatever's left of the miniature, single bat wing was captured in a flower that grew from the roadside and turned pure white as the flower bloomed.

And when Daun turned around, Athena was gone, as if he was never there.

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