Chapter 29

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"So is your pain physical or psychological?" Cahaya frowned, glaring at his friend during class.

Petir didn't turn to him. His eyes were fixed at the front, but Cahaya doubted he was listening to the teacher's literature dramatics. They'd been repeating the same poem for almost half an hour now, and still no progress.

"Most likely psychological." Petir twirled a pencil in his hand. "It just feels real, that's all."

"And how come you have no trouble talking about it?"

He stopped playing with the pencil. "I don't know," he confessed. "It's completely random. Sometimes it's worse than other times."

Cahaya frowned. "But that makes no sense."

"Is it supposed to? God knows what my brain's up to these days."

Petir didn't say anything, but his behaviour worried Cahaya. He'd known him for a long time, and he could tell whenever he was lying about stuffing broccoli into his brownies. Cahaya could tell that Petir wasn't lying about his condition, but he was definitely lying about something.

Something that happened recently, perhaps. An incident that involved him specifically.

What did Tanah want from Petir? Cahaya wasn't the one that gave him the Miraculous in the first place. Matter of fact, Tanah's experience as a Miraculous holder was much older than everyone else. Terre was active before Cahaya knew what a kwami was.

Hm, Cahaya thought, resting his chin on his palm. It's only been a few days in Rintis High, and the attacks have been too frequent. It was troubling.

He should stay here longer. He wished that Daun didn't mind.

"I think I should tell you something."

Cahaya turned to Petir. "Tell me what?"

Petir sighed. "If an akuma ever comes near me," he said it like he was writing his will, a last note before death or disaster, "don't bother to make a scene."

Cahaya's fists tightened. He had a bad feeling about this. "... what?"

"It's something you have to know. Since the last time, it caused more panic than needed," Petir said. "I don't know why, but akumas are always coming to me and leave whenever I reject his offer. It's nothing serious, so don't worry about it."

But I found a person's that been attracting them.

Sweat trickled down Cahaya's face, his expression frozen.

Petir was the person that Minte was talking about?


Petir was so close to him, but how come he didn't notice?

"How long has it been happening?"

The teen shrugged, flipping pages on his textbook. "Before I met you, I guess? It's been happening ever since I got to elementary school, honestly."


Oh no.

This isn't good.

"But... why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"It wasn't important?"

How can-

"Not important? Haven't you read the news?" Cahaya demanded, volume rising. "Akumatized villains are dangerous! And you-"

Petir clamped his mouth shut, his hand covering his mouth. He shot him a glare, telling him to shut up.

Cahaya looked to the front, and he saw the entire class looking at them in curiosity.

The teacher sighed and told the class to resume their schedule. Cahaya felt Petir's hand come off his mouth, and he was as red as a tomato for his outburst.

Petir pretended to listen, but not to Cahaya. It was obvious that he wasn't going to pursue the topic further.

Cahaya felt sweat run down his back. This is his best friend they're talking about. Once upon a time, the heroes before them were forced to kill a villain because they were too far gone. If history were to repeat itself, the person that would end up dead is the person sitting next to him.

So, without anyone's notice, his hands slipped to his side, hiding from Petir's line of sight. He texted Minte only one sentence.

We have a problem.

He quickly pocketed the white gun, waiting for the reply. He then stared at the board, yet he couldn't sit still like he was sitting on pins and needles. He couldn't focus, mind racing through thoughts that he didn't even know existed.


The message popped up on his glasses, which only he can see. Like his message earlier, it was simple, and only consists of one sentence.

Meet me on Rintis High's roof.


Was Minte a student in Rintis High?

Nonetheless, Cahaya stood from his seat. "May I go to the bathroom?"

When Cahaya arrived on the roof, Minte was already waiting for him. The Cat Miraculous holder was perched on the highest one, looking around town for any trouble.

"So what's the issue?" Minte frowned, crossing his arms.

"I-" Cahaya's tongue ran dry. "About that person that's attracting akumas. I got more intel."

Minte nodded. "And? Do you think he's Nightsong?"

"No," Cahaya deadpanned. "I can confirm he's not."

Minte nodded again. "Then what about him?"

"You know the longer it takes for an akuma to akumatize someone, the stronger they get?" Cahaya could feel sweat on his palm. "Well, he's been targeted for years."

Minte's eyes narrowed. Cahaya could feel his expression shift to an alert one.

"And why do you only say this now?"

"Because I only just found out," Cahaya argued. "I contacted you as soon as I can."

The hero growled. "And what are we supposed to do? If one day he fails to resist, then we're doomed!" he spat, venom seeping into his voice. His mood darkened, and as did his expression. "When was the most recent akuma?"

"That's one thing I don't know."

Minte's eyes glinted with malicious thoughts. There was a gleam in them that Cahaya didn't like. He'd only seen him like this when he thought the villain had murdered someone, and the villain barely got out with his life.

For someone whose powers are purifying and restoration, his attributes were much deadlier than Cahaya's. If there was one person that he would call on for murder, it would be Minte.

"I'll handle this," Minte said in a low tone. He stood up and walked straight to the edge of the roof.

Cahaya frowned, crossing his arms. "How?"

Minte didn't answer. Instead, he stepped into air, and a thin piece of yarn served as his platform that carried him down.

When Cahaya went after him, looking down the roof, he was already gone. There were only students, who were out for their recess. Thankfully, they didn't notice him.

He sat on the edge of the roof and sighed.

He's supposed to know everything, but somehow, he's left in the dark.

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