Chapter 30

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Cahaya came back to an empty class.

Granted it was recess, everyone might have left for lunch, but there wasn't a single soul here. It was like everyone left in a hurry; their belongings barely kept.

Oddly enough, it was only Petir's class. Every other class were still going about their business, and he recalled no special events for today.

I'll ask him to keep tabs on the person. Pyra. The new Monkey Miraculous user. A Miraculous that had the ability to create paradoxes. He was in this school, and Minte was right here too.

What did Minte meant when he said he would handle this?

Dread bubbled in his gut. He was sick to the stomach. His face paled, yet his priority was only on one thing: Petir's whereabouts.

Without hesitation, he walked into the classroom, and was greeted by a sight completely different from the serene, quiet class he saw outside.

The tables and chairs were overturned, and the whiteboard was on the ground. The furniture was thrown to the sides, making a clearing at the centre to the back. The windows were broken, but there was no glass on the floor. It must be broken from the inside.

For seconds, there was only silence. Perhaps even quieter than outside. He could hear nothing, not even the conversations from other classes, nor the shrieks from the gym downstairs.

It was too quiet.

Warily, he walked towards the window, and peeked out. That's when he saw the fight.

By the school walls, he saw three people. Two he recognized, the third he did not. From what he could see, it was two Miraculous holders against an unarmed person. Despite Pyra, who was wearing a red sleeveless shirt with an orange jacket draped over his shoulders, was standing on the side lines, merely watching the fight.

Minte was relentless in battle, even against weaker opponents. He stood rooted in a spot, and his strings would emerge from his wrists, his back, the ground, anywhere; and he did just that. All of his strings were there to kill, but Petir dodged each one with ease. Minte might be the one with powers, but Petir was training competitively.

Cahaya released a relieved sigh. If Petir wasn't reigning champion of various combat-styled competitions, he would have died to Minte already.

The priority wasn't Minte's reasoning. It was to save Petir and get him out of here.

"Solar, Sunrise!"

Nothing happened.

Shocked, he looked around his jacket, but Solar wasn't there. His kwami was absent. Cahaya cursed, recalling the Monkey's Miraculous ability. It had the power to create paradoxes using any form of entrance, and the user had full control of reality in this place.

Other Miraculous holders could enter, but they could not transform unless the user, Pyra allowed them to. And now, he allowed only Minte.

Damnit! He reached for the handgun, which seemed to be the only functioning object. It was created by the Miraculous to help untransformed users to defend themselves, but it was fairly weaker than its transformed version.

Still, it was enough, for now.

He straightened his arm and aimed the scope at Minte warily. It would not kill, only stun. He would be risking his identity, but there was no other choice. Minte would kill Petir, and that was a line he would never cross. Sooner or later, Petir will die.

As his fingers surrounded the trigger, pointing towards his partner, his arm was shaking.

He didn't want to pull that trigger. But why? It wasn't lethal. It would only sting for a few days, but he will very much be alive.

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