Chapter 33

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When Angin said he would do everything in his power to help him, he wasn't lying. He had one job and by god he's going to do it.

Cahaya wasn't sure how he managed to let him stay in the hospital's waiting room overnight, but Angin stayed by Cahaya's side as they waited in the small room. The only sound that hung in the air was the faint news broadcast, which Angin shut off with a press of a button.

"How are you?" Angin asked, turning to Cahaya.

Cahaya slumped on the couch, covering his eyes with the back of his palm. "I'm fine," he rasped. "You?"

"Fine." Angin set down the remote and sat on the chair next to Cahaya. "Do you need anything?"

Cahaya raised his hand, turning to the teen. "How did you convince them to let us stay here?" he asked, confused.

Angin shrugged. "My mother owns this hospital," he confessed, though he didn't seem too proud of it. "I spend a lot of nights here. My mom has a lot of patients to attend to twenty-four/seven."

He pointed at the corner of the room, where there was a small wooden cabinet. Angin's bag was leaning on it, and a silver key gleamed on the keychain on his zipper.

Cahaya blinked, haven't expected such an answer. This hospital was one of the largest hospitals in the country, and the owner was well-known for her intelligence and leadership. Angin shared some facial features with his mother, but the similarities ended there.

If Angin was from such a family, why wasn't he in Celestium Academy? Why was he in Rintis High, of all places?

"I didn't want to go to Celestium."

Cahaya turned to Angin, who'd answered his question before he even said it.

Angin smiled bitterly. "You were thinking about it, weren't you?" He turned to the front. "My mother wanted me to join Celestium too. I guess she's pretty disappointed in me."

Cahaya stared at him, but the teen won't look at him. He was sure he wasn't wearing any specific expression on his face, but Angin was capable of reading him like a book.

"But why Rintis High?" he asked. "There's plenty of schools."

Angin sighed. "You showed me your identity, so I'll tell you this secret," he agreed. "You heard of the last principal? Who was involved in child-trafficking?"

Cahaya nodded. He'd heard the story from Tanah.

Angin's eyes darkened. "That's my father." He graciously ignored Cahaya's soft gasp. "I thought he was a good man, and I wanted to be closer to him. That's why I'm in Rintis High. But after he was arrested, I home-schooled for a year or so, then I came back."

"Bullying?" Cahaya guessed.

Angin nodded.

Cahaya didn't know what to say. Like recent times, he was speechless, and it wasn't just because of his headache.

When he chose Angin to wield the Pegasus Miraculous, he'd trusted him because he was righteous and carefree in spite of his undisciplined acts. In fact, those were the traits that he was looking for, because winds and wings knew no bounds.

Cahaya never looked into his past. To him, the past did not matter, only the lessons they'd learned from their mistakes.

But to hear his story from his own mouth, it was more shocking than finding it himself.

"I'm sorry," was all he could think of.

Angin shook his head, leaning back on the chair. "Don't be." He looked up to a clock on the wall. "It's been seven hours. It's taking too long."

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