Chapter 13

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The shock stole air from his lungs, his kwami unable to follow instantly.

"Tanah!" Gempa cried, chasing after his owner.

The ground was close, and he knew it. It would only take one second for one to fall from one floor to another. However, before he could hit the ground, a figure leaped in and snatched him just as he was inches from it.

Winded, Tanah could barely look up to his saviour, but it was visible that it was neither Minte nor Athena. Instead, the hero donned a suit of greyish blue, and had the height of a ten-year-old. Tanah himself was bigger and taller than the one that saved him, yet the child carried him as if he were no heavier than a stuffed toy.

"Are you okay?" the figure asked him. His sapphire eyes were dull, though there was a crease between his eyebrows. Though looking like a young one, he acted nothing like it. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

Tanah blinked at him, and shook his head. "No..." He didn't know who this hero was. He'd never seen him before, even on the news. Miraculous Holders weren't to know each other's secret identity, but this child was definitely new to the job.

He could tell by how he handled his new form. The uneasiness that he carried when he held Tanah's weight with no hassle. The uncertainty when he glanced at the damage around him.

There was a violin strapped on his back, its bow hanging on his waist, hanging freely yet never hindering its owner's movements.

The hero let Tanah down, though a bit awkward and stiff, as if it's his first time holding someone larger in size.

"Get somewhere safe," the boy whispered, then took off into the heat of battle, leaving Tanah in the rubble, where the building stopped shaking.

Tanah stared at the small silhouette of the new hero, not saying a word even as his kwami came out of hiding, hovering by his side.

Why did Minte and Athena choose a child?

This day almost reminded him of the day he got his Miraculous.

"Tanah..." Gempa warned, lowering himself to Tanah's shoulder. "Maybe we shouldn't interfere."

Listlessly, Tanah nodded. "Yeah," he agreed with his kwami. "There must be a reason why he's given a Miraculous."

Maybe the monster was someone dear to the newbie, and Minte or Athena saw it.

Tanah would never know. He wasn't the main hero in this town. He was just another side hero beside Minte and Athena. He was happy with that, but sometimes, he was left in the dark, unaware of their plans.

Sometimes, it worried him.

Gempa dove back into his pockets, snuggling tight so he wouldn't be found.

Without another word, Tanah ran from the building after making sure there weren't any students left inside.

All but one.

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