Chapter 28

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"I heard about the news," Cahaya panted, holding onto the wall for support. "I called Athena and Minte as soon as possible."

Petir nodded. He was unharmed, mostly, but he was worried about Tanah.

Or rather, wary of him.

"I know. I got out before they even came." Petir stretched his limbs. "You're slow for someone trying to beat my record."

The other glared at him but he said nothing more on the matter. Petir sighed, grateful that no one was hurt, and neither was he.

Then he felt a weight on him, a pair of arms wrapped around him.

Cahaya was trembling, his warm, flustered posture exposing his fear.

"I thought I lost you," he said through gritted teeth, burying his face into Petir's chest, "for good."

Petir was taken aback, but he put his hand on Cahaya's back. His clothes were most from sweat.

"I'm not that easy to kill," he promised.

"What did the villain want with you, anyway?" Cahaya pulled apart, but he was still holding Petir's upper arms. His grip was tight, but it wasn't painful. It was more desperate than anything. "Why you... of all the people-" He looked up, alarmed, and took his hands away. "Is it because of me? You had to wait for me and-"

Petir grabbed Cahaya's hands. "No!" he spluttered, cutting off Cahaya's rambling. "It's not you. Not your fault." His hands around his tightened. "I just happened to be at the wrong place and time."


"Listen to me." Petir said the same things to Tanah too. His words felt distant, far from him, like he was listening to someone else underwater. "You couldn't help it. I'm still here, and that's all that matters."

Cahaya stared at him, surprise still embedded in his expression. Though there was some doubt to it, he forced himself to nod, and hold Petir's hands just as tight as he held his.

"I have to go now," Cahaya said, letting go. "Daun's waiting for me. We have to get back to the hotel before they take away our dinners."

Petir nodded, sending him off with a faint smile.

As he watched Cahaya's silhouette, his smile faded.

For some reason, he couldn't feel Cahaya's body temperature.

As Cahaya left the streets, he quickly ducked into a vacant alleyway and held out a white gun. It was shaped like a handgun, but there was a holographic screen where the scope was supposed to be.

There was a message directed to him, and sent to him only minutes ago. It was Minte, who rarely sends any messages unless it was an emergency.

I couldn't find the akuma.

Cahaya covered his mouth with his hand. An akuma on the loose? Not a good thing. But if the akuma doesn't find a host, then Nightsong can't send out another. The Bird Miraculous can only send one akuma at a time.

If he could trap it, then they would have more time to find Nightsong.

Beep. Another message from Minte.

But I found a person that's been attracting them.


If it wasn't for him, we would have to deal with three times the villain per day.


And I think he should be in Prya's school.

Cahaya frowned. His fingers flew as he typed on the screen.

Who's Pyra?


The Monkey Miraculous holder. I appointed him last week.


He's studying in Rintis High.


I'll ask him to keep tabs on the person.


You okay with this?

The Monkey Miraculous?

Why would Minte give it to someone so suddenly? Cahaya knew Minte didn't question him when he appointed another holder, and vice versa. But to give someone a Miraculous without the obvious need for it, it was confusing.


The important thing right now is the akuma.

Cahaya messaged back:

Is it Terre?

Typing, then a beep.



If anything, I'll let you know.

Minte didn't say anything after that.

Cahaya closed the phone and pocketed it. This wasn't the time for questions. For now, he would put faith in Minte.

After all, they never let each other down.

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