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If you knew the damage that I did

-If you knew the damage that I did-

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Although neither of them realized, the soulmates huffed in sync as Rin wearily glanced at the clock, and as Chenle tailed San secretly.

Chenle's eyes remained trained on the broad boy's back, and made sure he never lost him in a swarm of people, but made sure it wasn't obvious that he was following him. A definite perk of coming from China is that many people didn't recognize him, so he felt no need to hide or wear a mask as he paced behind San, and was about two yards behind him.

Chenle had been tailing San for the past three days, and he had worked hard and restlessly for the chance to end him here, and now. Chenle knew that everyday San turned into a dark, secluded alleyway on his way to his favorite snack store as a shortcut, which is where the assassination was planned to go down.

The two steadily approached the alley, and Chenle got slightly closer to San, but still kept his distance; San was part of a well-known mafia, after all, so Chenle had no room to be reckless.

San obliviously turned down the walkway, and Chenle immediately broke into a sprint, tackling the taller with as much force as he could.

Rin smiled thinly as she strutted out of the suffocating cafe she worked at, and began to happily skip down the sidewalk. Her family wasn't rich enough to own two cars, so she always walked wherever she went, no matter the location. She didn't mind it though; she considers her constant walks as workouts to stay in shape, so it was alright.

The moon hung overhead since she had covered for a coworker at the cafe, which resulted in her coming out from the workplace rather late. She huffed at the dark, endless sky as she made her way towards her home, where her family was undoubtedly still away from. Her father worked three shifts a day, so she didn't expect him home yet.

Her eyes dangled over the red string that held her pinky hostage, and she sheepishly grinned at it, since she was extremely excited about meeting the literal man of her dreams. As she watched it twirl in the night sky, it suddenly pulled sharply, and no longer became endless, dragging her along.

"Wha-" She breathed, and began to stumble after the string as it hauled her forwards.

She rounded a corner, and noticed that the string filtered into an alleyway. She squealed with enthusiasm as she darted towards it, and her heart beat thunderously in her chest.

Was HE there? In the alleyway?

...Why would he be in an alleyway?

Who gives a shit, I'm going in

Rin sprinted towards it, only for her eyes to be overwhelmed by the sight of a body, beaten and motionless, crumpled on the ground. She halted immediately as the putrid smell of blood infiltrated her nose, and she scrunched her nose at it, feeling sick. She almost vomited as her legs shook slightly, and she took a wary step forward, wondering if this severely wounded boy was her soulmate.

The boy had a gnarly, bleeding gash etched into his forehead, and her breath hitched as she looked at him, and she realized that he was completely motionless; his chest didn't even expand with his lungs. She began to panic, and considered rushing from the alley to get help, but she felt absolutely frozen in place as blood trickled down the stranger's face.

Before she could properly react, she felt something cold press into the back of her head, and she gasped worriedly, realizing the object was the barrel of a gun.

"Who are you?" A commanding voice interrogated, and she inhaled deeply.

"Y-Yang Rin," Rin whispered, and she was terrified to her wits end.

"Know him?" The voice urged, and Rin sucked in another shaky breath.

" N-not personally. My-my Uh-soulmate s-string d-dragged me o-over here," She admitted, and the boy behind her nudged her farther into the alleyway with his gun.

She staggered forward as his gun pressed against the back of her skull, and she obliged. His plan was to kill her since she had seen much too much, but he couldn't do it in the wide open, so he pushed farther and farther into the alley. Rin choked back a whimper as he shoved the gun against her head, and tried to stay strong, although her thoughts remained pessimistic.

"Turn around," He ordered, and she did so.

She saw a handsome, blank-haired boy staring back at her, and he couldn't of been much older than her. He had cold, hard eyes that were passive and disregarding, but they fixed on her with such an intensity that she shivered, but it was hard to tell, since was already shaking.

She was utterly petrified, and her mind flashed through the numerous memories of her life, and she knew that the gun he held could prevent her from making any more; reduce her to nothing but ash.

She swallowed a wet lump in her throat as she stared down the barrel of his silver handgun, and she could feel her tears welling up into her eyes.

"Any last words?" He asked nonchalantly, as if did this commonly- which he did.

"I-I u-uh-"

"Tick tock, I don't have all day," Chenle huffed, and she felt a tear slither down her cheek.

She tried to think of something, anything to get her out of this situation, but Rin's mind was blank as the gun clouded her vision, and she hiccuped back a sob. Rin didn't want to die, so she worriedly stared back at the impatient boy.

She hesitantly reopened her mouth, but hardly trusted her voice, but before she could speak, the red string that restrained her finger yanked her hand forwards- as did his. Their hands brushed over each other's, and Rin's eyes widened greatly as she gaped at the sudden contact that could only mean one thing.

She had met her soulmate.

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