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Swore I thought I'd never fall again, don't think I'm just talking

Rin lurched upwards and out of her restful slumber, and the recollection of her rather exciting dream had already begun to fade- leaving her with a seemingly unprovoked racing heart

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Rin lurched upwards and out of her restful slumber, and the recollection of her rather exciting dream had already begun to fade- leaving her with a seemingly unprovoked racing heart.

She let out a harsh breath of air, stabling herself in the world of the conscious before swinging her legs over the side of the bed she had cocooned herself in for at least a month, stumbling to her feet.

Rubbing her eyes, Rin paced towards the door, twisting it open as she released herself into the incredibly large house she occupied.

Wandering through the hallway, towards the living room, the girl halted in her tracks as a burst of memories darted through her mind- making her stomach twist viciously within her.


The young boy who's brain was smeared across Chenle's carpet, his arm bend backwards beneath him in an unnatural, almost inhuman way. The leader that had died right in front of her, yet she hadn't had the guts to see him, and she still didn't- fearing that his bloody, immobile corpse would be too much for her to handle.

The mere thought of him sent tremors of anxiety along her nerves, and her hands began to grow clammy, heart pounding in her ears.

Swallowing down a large, sticky lump that clung to the inside of her throat, Rin quickly wheeled around sped forwards without a moments hesitation- trying to approach her room.

However, before she could even get two steps closer to what she had designated as safety, her head crashed into a sturdy chest, making her stagger backwards.

Her vision trailed up the boy's body, only to be met with a blank, careless pair of tenebrous eyes peering down at her, devoid of any visible emotion.

Chenle hadn't even flinched when Rin ran into him whilst Rin was sent bouncing off of the boy, scurrying to regain proper balance.

His nonchalant stare flicked over her scrutinizingly, watching as her fingers fiddled together, chest rose and fell heavily, and her gaze ricocheted around in avoidance, and Chenle didn't need the ability to feel her emotions to know what she was attempting to run from.

A long breath from his lips, eyes narrowing as he gazed down at her, lips pursing together as he glanced towards the end of the hallway, knowing what laid at the end of it.

"He's not there," Chenle sighed lazily, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Rin's eyebrows scrunched together as her head tilted subtly, but the violent jerking of her intestines didn't cease, and Chenle noticed, eyes fixed on the much-shorter girl.

"Then where...?" She squeaked, voice higher than usual.

"We got rid of him," Chenle uttered carelessly, his voice monotone.

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